My documents show that is was around much longer than a week, hell it was around for a long time, and no this was a question not a suggestion, cause I was recently looking at old screen shots and saw that we had it as long as dual clienting if not longer. D:
Yeah, no assumptio, was just for Blessing and Agi Up so that people would stop begging priests like they do. Hell. When my ingame daughter was on her priest she got such disrespect. 'Hey priest, buff me.' and such. People suck. D:
It never replaced teams. Because you woulds still have to go to town every time buffs ran out, it just made it so those that could not get a priest could at least have basic buffs briefly (which helped out newer players get started if anything).
Not thaaaaaat old...well...older than you maybe... but you are a new gm in comparison, so yeah, not that old darn it. ;o