Matrim Cauthon Jr
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RE: Vote for Points rewards
I don't think making GM service a possible reward would hurt donating much OR affect the value at the Fairyland service.
Most people that donate would still donate, for OCAs & such.
Fairyland price may drop by 1m or so but wouldn't plummet.
05-29-2010, 11:06 AM |
Matrim Cauthon Jr
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RE: Vote for Points rewards
The server has quite a few zenny sinks already. As well as many things that fetch much higher prices at Fairy Auctions.
And I said it should take alot of voting points. At least 1 months worth.
05-29-2010, 05:18 PM |
Posts: 258
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RE: Vote for Points rewards
ok ive read it all. first of all voting for points is a bad idea it causes problems for every one in the end. you can tell because it seems to good to be true, just vote get stuff. i am for the gear of course especially the black glasses since i cant buy red ones and the black ones will be free with just voting and are supperior to reds. so like many i am for these awesome things. i saw a buff scroll idea (+1 to you your brain is working good job, luvs). and if you do make these vote for points to get awesome stuff, please set a voting point value for them so even if it takes people 3 months to get the points for it they can , not every one has access to vote every 12 hours. besides that will keep people voting over a stretch of time, so that there isnt a mass of votes one month then like none for a couple. a constant stream of votes each month is better than a bulk of votes. it will look like your server is constantly good, instead of have ing random good months then nothing for awile, i know that there will be some kind of unfair ity to this proccess and it will ruin or change the market in some manner.
i have found on the many servers of games ive played in the past that once you can get bonuses from voting or donating the game is over for most, in fact i actually found heRO because people didnt get anything for voting, the wings, and the donation system was fair and gave no one any real jump over the rest of the people, it was fair. but as time is progressing i see that it may just turn into one of those games where no-one with out real money has any chance. i know that as a gm and server admin. you are trying to get folks to join your game/community, and i would love to have many new folks join aswell since it keeps me busy, (some play to be awesome, some play to be pretty and social, i play because i have a need to help people and i have made a career out of helping new folks get started, its my purpose in this game.). i have no suggestions for what the points should or shouldnt go for.
i do think we need more mid head gear items, it is one thing i tell folks that we dont have enough of, and i vote every chance i get depending on my internet str. but i do it because its easy to do now and you have that link right to it, not because i think or know i am getting stuff from it. i know that the higher the server is on the list the more people will come to see why its so awesome. and people should just vote as a payment for the game since they pay nothing for it. i mean any consol game charges for the game and then for the expansions to that game, but this game is always upgrading and and stuff being added and the fact its free from the begining, i feal voting alone is the atleast i can do for the person whom this game isnt free for, the GM/Admin. that has to pay electric bills for the crap ton of machines running constantly, plus any money she has to pay to get those machines worked on and such, and i know she uses the donation money for such things but we are not expected to donate nor are we required to do so, and if no one donates for months or so she has to make the money somewhere else, but regardless the game stays up and running. that has to be worth voting, which is the only thing she ever asks us to do for all the work she does.
anyways i am done with this scattered ramblings of opinions and thoughts luvs
"Lady" Fabre, and the house of Luvs.
WS-96, LK-96, SL-97,
Wzd-89, Sge-93, HP-96,
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05-29-2010, 09:38 PM |
Ace Attorney
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RE:??Vote for Points rewards
GM-Pandora Wrote:Thanks for your input heroes, the vote for points rewards were added tonight, can't please everyone but I hope most of you will find something you like. These rewards are still subject to change of course, and it's likely that more will be added over time.
Awesome! These awards look great... but still balanced
Great job
I'm back?
Naruhodo, 99/70 Champ
Naruhodo Ryuuichi, 99/70 Whitesmith
Edgeworth, Sniper
Lawrence Moe Curls, Bard
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(This post was last modified: 06-03-2010, 09:53 PM by Naruhodo.)
06-03-2010, 09:52 PM |
Megaman, not Rockman!!!
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RE: Vote for Points rewards
Well, it reads IP too, i think. I tried once since i have a main and a sub account, it shows that the user of that IP has just voted so it's not possible to vote in a few accounts using 1 IP. Of course, i'd only tried it once, so correct me if i'm wrong.
I think I'm finally going "home", renewal is fun, but there is really nothing like "heRO"...
Kyarorain, Shield Crusader
Erizabeth, Battle Sage
Derpette, Int Brewer
Katerine, Battle Acolyte
06-04-2010, 05:26 AM |