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Server news
GM-Garr Offline
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Happy Chinese New Year 2016
[Image: lunar2016.jpg]
A happy year of the Monkey to all heroes! You can earn yourself a lovely pair of Yin Yang Earrings and a myriad of other rewards with our newest quest starting in Louyang. It will be available all year long, but complete it before March 1st to earn an extra OCA as a prize!
But that's not all, we have another new quest, a permanent one, the Helm of Hermes quest, which starts in Brasilis. Have fun!
02-07-2016, 08:18 PM
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GM-Garr Offline
Local friendly code monkey

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Happy Valentine's Day!
[Image: vday2016.jpg]
The holiday of love is back! A poor Orc needs your help to elope with his beloved, you'll find him in central Prontera.

That's not all, you'll see some new faces (NPC) around the Midcamp outpost and the cities of Splendide and Manuk. On top of that, the Sealed Shrine is available, visit St. Capitolina Abbey (prt_monk) if you think you've got what it takes to challenge the Great Demon Baphomet.
02-13-2016, 05:12 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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New Quests & Small Fixes to Bugs!
[Image: Golemancer_Quest_news_pic.png]
There's a few changes after the most recent reboot, heroes!

First of all, there's a new quests for the following headgears: Fairy Flower, Necktie, Hair Brush, Baby Angel Statue, Frog Hat, Loner Boxes, Peco Peco Headband, Goat Horns and Rideword Hat. There were also several changes to existing new world quests, and the addition of Manuk and Splendide quests. Even the Cat Hand feature received a revamp! As if that wasn't enough, one allegiance quest called "The Crimson Curse" was released. It begins in Amatsu! Last but not least, as the end of the "Judge, Jury, Executioner" RP storyline reaches its end, a quest is released. Help track down the Golemancer and figure out his destructive plans for the Dark Allegiance!
03-21-2016, 04:50 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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Happy Easter!
[Image: easter2016.jpg]
Easter's #1 fan Princess Annabelle is back (in central Prontera) and it would appear Easter Bunnies have invaded all towns as well as Endless Tower... check it out!
03-26-2016, 01:44 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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Spirits in Niflheim
Recently, Niflheim has seen an increase in the population of spirits. Experts cannot quite determine the cause for it. Some theorize it's a natural phenomenon, while others believe the balance of life and death in another realm has been disrupted, causing the land of the dead's flow of souls to increase. Regardless, travelers are urged to be extra careful when venturing into Niflheim. See forum under Chronicle of Heroes for more info!

Additionally, an update to the OCA and DCA list of cards have been made to include the new cards!
06-09-2016, 04:51 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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Welcome, Abathur!
[Image: Abathurintro.png]

The GM Team has a new member! Welcome, Intern-Abathur! He will not be around much in-game, as he'll work mostly with developing scripts and the like, but he'll be available via forum PM and support tickets! He's the creator in the above screenshot.
07-02-2016, 10:21 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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New content!
[Image: Dewatanews2.png]
There's some updates this last reboot! First off, the @restock command was added. You can add an item to a list and withdraw it from storage automatically when you walk near a Kafra. There is also a new NPC near the Prontera Tool Dealer, Namingway! He'll handle name change requests if you have a GM service ticket. Crazy Merchant is now an NPC, and can be disguised as any NPC or monster, so be on the lookout! Also, the Celebration Lady is in Brasilis for a limited time, near the Healer and Banker. Give her some fireworks to obtain some exp and summer suits! Last but not least, the town of Dewata, it's fields and dungeons are now accessible! Talk to a sailor in Alberta's docks to travel there!
07-03-2016, 12:50 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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Reboot done!
The reboot has finished! There's been new additions and fixes, mainly revamped warper and save NPCs, fixes to @restock and crazy merchant, and the addition of a new custom quest: Shavenz Quest! Help him prove that there's a big octopus lurking in the comodo sea!
07-15-2016, 09:47 AM
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GM-Rahice Offline
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Rahice's important notice
As a friendly reminder to all heROians,

GM's & Interns are only GM's/Interns when they are on their GM-esque/Intern-esque characters and should only be addressed as a such when they are on said character. Just as when they are on their legitimate characters, they should be addressed as regular players.

No current GM, save for Pandora, has chosen to let their legitimate characters or personal identity be publicly announced to the server population and made a public note of it. That being said, if any players make it a habit to mention GMs Legits, we will have to take the appropriate action against it.

Please respect the privacy of all of our GM's & Interns, as they want to enjoy the game just like everyone else. If for some reason you know who a GM/Intern's personal identity is or their legitimate characters, it is not something you should spread around or speak about openly.

There's a thread, probably long forgotten, with Pandora's comments on matters like this here.

Our team: GM-Pandora, GM-Garr, GM-Ciar, GM-Luna, Intern-Abathur and myself (GM-Rahice) love what we do and love this server.

Thank you for everything, heROes!
08-11-2016, 08:40 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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Pyramid Nightmare
[Image: Pyramidnews.png]

After an ancient artifact was stolen by Ostellos and Eudoxie, the magical energies of the Pyramid accumulate in the lower floors, causing the monsters to become more powerful from time to time. The Pyramid Nightmare can now be accessed! Just talk to the Agent at the south end of the Thief Guild Area to hunt certain mobs for exp and items! See here for more info.
09-07-2016, 11:14 AM
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