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Server news
GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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Birthday Approaching!
[Image: Chi8I5K.png]

As you know, HeRO turns 14 years old in October! In addition to the treats we have prepared for you, which will be announced soon, we would like to get a new RMS review daily for the whole month, as a sort of birthday present for the server!

Every day starting October and ending in November, we'll remind players about it on forum and discord, and we will pop up ingame and talk to players about reviewing if there's been no reviews that day. Keep in mind that reviews are fully optional and you won't receive anything for it, other than the joy of helping hero grow.

There's many other ways to help HeRO too. You can invite your friends to play, remind old guild mates about the server, or if you know of anyone looking for a pre-renewal low rate server, tell them about us!
09-23-2019, 07:29 AM
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GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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Joined: Apr 2015
Happy 14th Birthday, HeRO!
[Image: 2019_14thbday.jpg]

October is almost here, and with it comes HeRO's Anniversary! This year the server turns 14 years old! To start off the celebration, the birthday minigames are available in Fortuna town, where you can win one of four new backpacks once you play enough minigames!

Pandelina can also be found in Fortuna, offering the usual backpack lottery plus a choice to craft one of three high end backpacks.

Additionally, there are two halloween quests available this year, starting in Prontera! In one quest you help a very forgetful bathory with a potion recipe, and in the other find out who or what has been attacking the residents of Malangdo.

Stay tuned to forum and discord for updates on the different events happening throughout October, and a million thanks for you heroes' support over the years!
09-26-2019, 10:28 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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October is here!
Just a reminder: Starting today and ending on November 1, Pumpkinrings will spawn in Niflheim, use @mi 2509 for more info! Additionally, the double donation event has started, it ends on November as well. But that's not all! Only during this month, you will be able to purchase a Costume Drooping Panda and Costume Pandaring Hat for 75 Vote Points each, so don't forget to vote for points and to check out the V4P shop!
10-01-2019, 03:19 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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November approaching!
October is almost gone, and with it, go the rates and quests! Don't miss out on if you still haven't participated in any of them!
10-28-2019, 05:34 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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On Sunday November 10, 2019, sometime in the evening, there will be a maintenance to add or update a thing or two. Though it will take place after WoE, on that day all castles will be closed in preparation for the maintenance (AKA WoE is cancelled that day).

Thanks for your patience and understanding!
11-07-2019, 10:21 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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Thanksgiving Quest 2019
[Image: Turkey.jpg]

A class pet ate Eliza and Bune's magic academy project! Help the young siblings out and you'll be rewarded with a Pilgrim Hat and an Autumn Mouse pet! The quest starts in Prontera, have fun!
11-10-2019, 10:52 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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Happy Holidays, heroes!
[Image: xmas2015.jpg]

The Christmas 2019 quest is now available! The travelling orc couple, Roma and Jule, need your help! You can find Roma at Crystal Shore in the Lutia region. See the wiki for more info on Lutia. While there are no new headgears this year, the quest can reward up to 3 different past Christmas headgears at once depending on how you complete the quest and if you've helped Roma and Jule before. Happy Holidays!
12-10-2019, 06:53 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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Holiday Rates Increase!
Enjoy the holidays with a small rates increase! From now and ending on January 1st, the rates have been increased to 6x 6x 4x! Additionally, the wars of emperium happening on the 25th of December and 1st of January are cancelled due to the holidays.

Last but not least, throughout the end of the month we'll be having a few small events here and there, in addition to the larger-scale events that are part of "The Seer's Dilemma" chronicles storyline! Happy holidays!
12-21-2019, 08:54 AM
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GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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Happy 2020!
It was not long ago that HeRO celebrated its 14th anniversary, and now we're entering the year HeRO turns 15 years old. Throughout 2019 the server saw the release of the Bio Lab's 4th floor and Bifrost Tower, the full revamp of Muspelheim and the Reset Master, the return of Morroc's old fields, many retouches to the Battlegrounds, Bee Wings and Thanatos Tower, big updates to pets and WoE, and the revamp of the class training quests to help players just starting out in HeRO, new headgears and costumes for the hat lovers, and so many quality of life updates that we don't even know where to begin with.

As always, we're very grateful for your love and support throughout the year, and we will continue delivering the entertaining RO experience you stay here for. We have quite a bit of content and surprises planned for 2020, so don't miss out!

On behalf of the GM Team, we wish you a happy new year and an excellent new decade, full of prosperity and good health!
01-01-2020, 01:01 AM
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GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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Reminder regarding GM Impersonation
Recently we had a situation with a GM impersonator creating discord accounts, one of which was named "Sectaewt#9755". The impersonator copied GM-Ciar and GM-Ayu's profile pictures in order to attempt to have people download Teamviewer with the promise of turning them into GMs. They spectacularly failed in explaining the need for "secret" "interview" accounts that used the same visible name and avatar as GM's regular accounts, however. If you were messaged by this person we recommend reporting them to discord for spam.

The heRO GM team would like to remind players that GMs will NEVER ask you to download Teamviewer, and will NEVER ask for your account passwords or bank information. A real GM will be able to nuke you, spawn monsters, or speak on the #announcements channel in discord.
01-28-2020, 10:29 AM
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