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Server Changelog
GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Server Changelog
  • Bug Fixes
  • Fixed mistake where the Professor Celia MVP did not provide MVP loot or MVP exp.
10-04-2019, 05:56 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Server Changelog
  • Bug Fixes
  • Fixed Costume Assassin Mask looking like sunglasses when worn.
10-12-2019, 09:32 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Server Changelog
  • Bug Fixes and Various Other Updates
  • Civil Servant now eats catnip again, instead of monster's feed.
  • Civil Servant no longer drops Fish Tail at 3%, and now drops Miyabi Doll's pet equip, summer fan.
  • Aliot now eats Iron Ore instead of Monster's feed.
  • Wanderer now drops its own tames.
  • Dullahan now drops wanderer's food, spirit liquor, replacing Manteau [0].
  • Succubus and Incubus no longer provide pet equip effects as the equips caused sprite errors and crashes.
  • Fixed issue where Cruiser did not drop Golem's pet equip.
  • Stone Shooter now eats Green Herb instead of its original food item.
  • Marionette now drops its own tame and pet equip.
10-17-2019, 06:23 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Server Changelog
  • Item Updates
    Red Silk Seal
  • Has no level requirement.
  • Is now slotted.
  • Combo now provides 100% confusion resist instead of its original 95%.
  • Equipping the combo now doubles Phantom Spear's bonuses.

  • Now has a Lv 50 requirement down from Lv 75.
  • New effect: +3% resist to water and wind, +3% more physical and magical damage to water and wind property. This is intended to be part of a new series of accessories with similar effects for the other properties.

    Fae Specter Card
  • Redid the effect entirely as autobonuses don't work with continuous skills (Songs/Gospel). Now, if you have learned the Lullaby skill, there is a 10% chance to inflict the sleep status when receiving physical damage while singing/dancing.

    Green Applering
  • Critical rate increased changed from insect to plant.

    Telekinetic Orb
  • Lowered level requirement to Lv 60 down from 75.

    Renown Archer's Gloves
  • Lowered required level to 30, now in line with other clip-style items.
  • New Effect: Critical Damage +5%. This item was changed because it was just a crit ring with hit, which isn't a necessary stat on crit builds that wound up up being awkward, as other, more accessible items give hit and don't have high level requirements.
11-04-2019, 02:08 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Server Changelog
  • War of Emperium Updates

    Castle Changes
  • Weekend WoE has been moved to Saturdays at 11:00 AM EST, to accommodate for European and Asian timezones. Wednesday WoE times remain exactly the same.
  • Aldebaran Castles may now be used as regular WoE castles.
  • Aldebaran Castles now provide the regular amount of treasure chests. It was previously lower due to Retro WoE taking place in them.
  • Castle rotation will still take place every 3 months (4 times a year), but rotations have been reset completely. We will start with two "Castle 1", then rotate to the other two "Castle 1", then to "Castle 2" and so on.
  • Newer MVP cards were added to the list of items that cannot be used in GVG areas (BG, WoE, etc). Please let us know if we missed any cards, and please report any issues that may arise with this update, such as wrong card IDs added, etc. Caused issues during maintenance, reverted this change. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    WoE Points Shop
  • The WoE Shop has been revamped to function in a similar manner to the V4P Shop (uses a shop interface rather than a menu).
  • It is now possible to access the WoE Shop while WoE is ongoing.
  • Some items and prices have been changed, and new items have been added
    1. - "10 War White Potions" are now available in a box
      - "10 War Blue Potions" are now available in a box, and the price lowered from 5 to 3
      - "40 War Concentration Potions" are now available in a box
      - "30 War Awakening Potions" are now available in a box, price lowered from 6 to 3
      - "15 War Awakening Potions" are now available in a box, price lowered from 6 to 3
      - "10 War AD Bottles" now available in a box, and price lowered from 9 points to 8
      - "5 War Poison Bottles" changed to be one bottle for 4 points instead of five for 20 points.
      - Battleground Key price lowered from 30 points to 15.
      - Guild Megaphone price lowered from 15 points to 10.
      - Speed Potion 10 Box has been added, priced at 50 Points
  • War Gears have been discontinued from the WoE shop. Their intended use overlaps with BG gear, plus at Lv 85+ when you can start farming points in WoE you're already likely to have just as good gear or better ones, especially now that class combo gears etc. exists. Those who still own war gears can continue to use them, but these items may be patched to be transformed into other ones at any moment, for future releases.
  • Ghostring Scrolls have been removed from the WoE shop. There's been many complaints about it being overpowered over the years (mostly ingame or in tickets, but forum has a large accumulation of salt here and here) and we thought this would be the best time for this fix now that the new script allows for easier edits. For those that already own this item, you can obtain 30 WoE Points back by consuming it. This compensation is available until December 1st 2019.
  • Moved Elven Headgears from the WoE shop to the BG shop so that there is a clear distinction between the two, with WoE shop offering mostly resources and consumables, and BG shop offering gears. The headgears now cost 80 BG Points each.

    WoE Participation System
  • Players now obtain a fixed amount of experience inside castles during WoE. Before you would only obtain Base Exp between Lv 85 and 98, and Job exp if Lv 99 and below Job Lv 70 (or below Job Lv 99 if Super Novice). Now it's a fixed 50,000 base and job exp.
  • As a side effect of the changes in this post, the list of registered players for WoE is cleared on every WoE in addition to daily at midnight. In the future, if there are 2 different WoE per day, you must register before or during each one.

    Quality of Life & Other Updates
  • WoE Flags outside castles now allow warps to Guild Dungeons if you own the castle. The official guild dungeon switches have been removed to prevent fatal misclicks.
  • The Payon Castle 1 flag-in warp now takes you to payg_cas01 98 27 (Near the warp to the third room), instead of the original payg_cas01 212 108 which is somehow in the first room not far from the very entrance of the castle. This is a custom change made after discovering it while testing. In my opinion, the original one is probably the worst flag-in point of all castles.
  • WoE flags inside castles have been removed completely, to allow for better mobility and pathing within the castle, and not a dozen visual obstructions and misclicks.
  • The amount of WoE flags outside castles has been limited to one per castle entrance, to allow for better mobility and less visual obstructions. Their positioning has also been changed so that the owning guild's emblem is always visible on the default camera angle.
  • Moved the Aldebaran Town WoE flags farther south of the save area.
  • Attempting to enter a closed castle or talking to the flag outside it or its town one will now provide information on the open castles as well as the WoE times.
  • The WoE Agent can now change Star Gladiators' alignments and oppositions while WoE is ongoing. Previously it only changed these while WoE was off.
  • The "WoE Info" NPC which used to be located southeast of town near the refine building has been removed, as the the Warpers and WoE Agents now lists which castles are open as well as the WoE times. Trivia: For GMs Lv 99 (Pandora) it also served a double purpose, of changing WoE times, but could not be used properly because the War Points system and WoE announcements were hardcoded to work only at specific hours.
  • Pending a future revamp of the mining feature, there is no longer a chance to fail to refine orichalcum ores.


    Reset Master Update

    Item Requirement Changes
  • The reset master will no longer request pet eggs or emperiums, as these have many uses after the 2019 pet update.

  • Item Requirements are now more varied. From Lv 50 and up until Lv 70, you can bring any one of the following for a reset:
    1. - Amulet (Munak/Bongun/Hyegun)
      - Hinalle (Rocker, White Plant, Rafflesia)
      - Small Snow Flower (Snowring/Ijsbal/Santa Snowring)
  • To reset at Lv 70 to 85, you can bring any of the following:
    1. - Memory Bookmark (Rideword)
      - Necklace of Wisdom (Marse)
      - Necklace of Oblivion (Rybio, Jakk)
  • From Lv 85 and above you can bring one of the following to the reset master:
    1. - Torn Scroll (Elder, Leak)
      - Chivalry Emblem (Khalitzburg, Raydric)
      - Hand of God (Deviruchi, Eye of Surtur, Mini Demon)
  • Price Changes
  • Resets are now free until Lv 50 up from Lv 40, matching the Healer's free service policy.
  • For higher leveled characters, the reset price will no longer increase with every reset. Transcendent classes over Lv 85 now have a fixed price increase of 250,000 compared to a non-trans character of the same level.
  • A 20% discount is now available if your allegiance has won the last ToH.

    Quality of Life Changes
  • Added a quick option to end the conversation so you don't have to wait until the part where you can choose what to reset to be able to cancel the dialogue.
  • A new NPC inside the reset building can reset Star Gladiators' alignments and oppositions for 300,000 zeny. The Reset Master will continue to reset this along with the skill reset option however.
  • To alleviate the pains of accidentally messing up your stat or skill build, you may reset for free within 3 minutes of your last reset.
  • Last but not least, Reset Coupons are now available, which allow for free resets. The Star Gladiator reseter also accepts them. These coupons will be obtainable from the Job Changer if you complete the job change quest, and will also drop from poring smash monsters, which previously dropped torn scrolls and memory bookmark. They may also be rewarded in GM events.


    Bee Wings Update

    Quest Changes
  • The Queen Bee now requires 600 Bear Footskins instead of 666.
  • You can now talk to the bees in Mt. Mjolnir any order.

    Bee Wing Farming Item Updates
  • The following items have been added as possible farming items:
    1. - Red Herb
      - Yellow Herb
      - White Herb
      - Blue Herb
      - Scorpion's Tail
      - Snail's Shell
      - Horn
      - Rainbow Shell
      - Poison Spore
      - Cactus Needles
      - Fabric
      - Zenorc's Fang
  • The following items have been removed from Bee Wings for balance purposes (read here):
    1. - Blue Gemstone
      - Red Gemstone
      - Yellow Gemstone
      - Oridecon Hammer
      - Rune of Darkness
      - Star Crumb
      - Cheese
  • Some drop rates on existing items may have changed and will be updated on the wiki at a later date.
  • Old items set to be farmed will be automatically changed upon logging in, equipping the wings, etc.

    Quality of Life Updates
  • The Mt. Mjolnir Bee NPCs and the Queen Bee will now list which of the other bees you've got to talk to or help out.
  • A new bee NPC outside Coal mine (mjolnir_02 146 348) can now change your bee wing items, so that you don't have to travel all the way to the Queen Bee.
  • Upon equipping Bee Wings or logging on while they are equipped, you will receive a message indicating the item set to be farmed.

    If your Bee Wings were set to an item that no longer existed in the Bee Wings list, be sure to rely on the on-equip/log-in message to see what items are set for you, and change it accordingly.


    Observation Wings Update
  • The wings' effect has been revamped entirely. Instead of offering a very low drop rate for gold which many players complained was nearly nonexistent, it now provides def/mdef piercing depending on refine and allegiance points.
  • The Observation Wing quest's dialogues and item requirements have also been retouched slightly. The NPC now requires 50 White Angel Feather instead of 99, 30 Soft Feather instead of 33, and 5 Blue Feather instead of 9.

    Info on the Observation Wings are now in the wiki:


    Costume Crafter Additions
  • Added new costumes to both the Faeheim and Lutia Costume Crafters. There's about 60 new costumes overall!

    1. Lutia Costume Crafter Additions
      - Bell Ribbon
      - Brown Bear Cap
      - Charming Ribbon
      - First Moon Hair Pin
      - Drooping Bacsojin
      - Flying Angel
      - Incubus Horn
      - Magician Hat
      - Mother's Kindness
      - Small Ribbons
      - Panda Cap
      - Polar Bear Cap
      - Drooping Amistr
      - Holly Pin
      - Riot Chip
      - Poporing Santa Hat
      - Santa Marin Hat
      - Sprout Hat
      - Lollipop
      - Dark Randgris Helm
      - Helm Of Darkness
      - Demon Mask
      - Goblin Leader Mask
      - Solo Play Box 1
      - Brown Winter Scarf
      - Green Winter Scarf
      - Red Winter Scarf
      - Purple Winter Scarf
      - Yellow Winter Scarf
      - Dragon Backpack
      - Foxring Backpack
      - Applering Backpack
      - Orcring Backpack
      - Teddyring Backpack

      Faeheim Costume Crafter Additions
      - Headset
      - Mr Smile
      - Coppola
      - Cowboy Hat
      - Drooping Tanee
      - Fallen Leaves
      - Flower Hairband
      - Flying Angel
      - Geographer Band
      - Heart Hair Pin
      - Kettle Hat
      - Lazy Raccoon
      - Mini Propeller
      - Red Bonnet
      - RJC Katusa
      - Vane Hairpin
      - Yellow Ribbon
      - Aster Hairpin
      - Dark Randgris Helm
      - Luxury Sunglasses
      - Leaf Headgear
      - 4 Leaf Clover In Mouth
      - Mouthful Of Watermelon
      - Horn Of Succubus
      - Blue Side Ribbon
      - Green Side Ribbon
      - Purple Side Ribbon
      - Red Side Ribbon
      - Yellow Side Ribbon
      - Drooping Pixie
      - Applering Backpack
      - Dragon Backpack
      - Foxring Backpack
      - Orcring Backpack
      - Teddyring Backpack

Any overlaps between the two list are fully intentional.

  • Thanksgiving 2019 Quest
  • The Thanksgiving Quest can now be started in Prontera! Help two mischievous fairies with a runaway turkey issue! It'll be available until November 30, so don't miss out!

    Octopus Cave Instance
  • Lowered the quest cooldown from 3 hours to 2 hours.
  • To make the quest more accessible to low level players as originally intended, Octopus Leg's Waterball was lowered from Lv 3 to Lv 1. As compensation, its cast time went down from 1s to 0.5s and its delay was lowered from 8s to 5s, and it can now target a random player in range instead of the target it's attacking.
  • Octopus Leg's Heaven's Drive cast time was increased from 0.5s to 0.75s.
  • Octopus Leg's Storm Kick cast time was increased from 0.5s to 0.75s.

    Quality of Life Changes & Other Updates
  • The "Guardian" sub-race which Mi Gao/Increase Soil Card protects from now includes BG Guardians and unimplemented WoE SE Guardians.
  • Removed Warzone mobs modeled after players that are now banned.
  • Updated the Save Girl Quest dialogues to mention newer features and content for new players.
  • Added warps to connect the training grounds tutorial area with the monster area. Now you have the choice to just ignore dialogues and go straight to fighting monsters.
  • Smash Bomb Poring now drops reset coupons, first aid kits and gift boxes instead of its previous 3 reset ingredient drops.
  • Smash Mooring now drops reset coupons and gift boxes instead of its previous 2 reset ingredient drops.
  • Smash Teddyring now drops Old Purple Box instead of its old reset item.

    Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a minor mistake in the Training Grounds script.
  • Malangdo Tool Dealer now sells magnifiers.
  • The Poring City Archangeling NPC has been moved to the south of town. By mistake, it used to occupy the same cell as a Sapling NPC.

    Technical Notes
    These are behind-the-scenes technical updates that generally do not affect players, but I am noting here regardless for future GM reference of changes, and when they happened, etc.
  • Moved some GM-exclusive NPCs to a single map instead of having them scattered around several maps.
  • Added a GM NPC to the "heROGM" map that can change WoE times and open and close castles. Only Lv 60 GMs and above can change these settings.
  • The WoE Shop NPC now has a GM menu to set what days it'll allow registration.
  • Moved warzone spawns to its own file rather than within the one named "seasonal".

Please remember to report any bug, glitch, issue, etc you encounter. If you're not sure something is intended to behave a certain way, then report it anyway just to be sure!
11-10-2019, 08:12 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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RE: Server Changelog
Addendum to yesterday's WoE Changes
  • Guardian Changes
  • Hercules Pre-Re database lists/listed Soldier Guardian as Small, Earth and Insect. This has been corrected on HeRO to be the same as the other WoE guardians.
  • Instead of using Charge Arrow/Arrow Repel Lv 1 which does not knock back and has no substantial damage increase, Archer Guardian uses Arrow Shower Lv 10 in order to attack several targets at once.

    WoE Potions
  • War White, Blue, Concentration, Awakening, and Berserk Potions can now be used in PVP and Light vs Dark flagged areas. War Consumables that are consumed by skills still retain their original limitation due to technical limitations.
11-11-2019, 10:22 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Server Changelog
  • Fixed issue where Royal Jelly drop rate from Bee Wings was higher than intended.

Reminder: Failure to report bugs or abuse is considered a violation of the Server Rules.
11-15-2019, 08:06 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Server Changelog
  • Reverted MVP card drop rates back to 3x, woops! Thanks to the player that reported it!
11-26-2019, 01:53 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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RE: Server Changelog
  • Bug Fixes
  • Cat Hood now decreases after-cast delay as intended.
  • Costume Fox Ears Drop Ribbon is now stored in the armor tab, as it should be.
12-01-2019, 12:17 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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RE: Server Changelog
  • Costume Hylozoist Doll now has its correct sprite instead of Sting Hat.
  • Ur's Seal now shows the "Aura Blade" skill-cast effect when it activates.
12-09-2019, 04:20 PM
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