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Server Changelog
GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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RE: Server Changelog
  • The Kafra Employee near the Prontera Training Dummies (Old Swordsman Association, Current Dark Allegiance Headquarters) now provides the regular Kafra services on top of being part of the merchant job change quest. If you encounter any issues with it, please report it.
01-18-2020, 06:04 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Server Changelog
  • Costume Small Ribbons now take the middle headgear slot.
01-18-2020, 10:31 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Server Changelog
  • Homunculi Updates
    In 2014, an update fixed all Homunculi skill cooldown being removed by vaporizing and resummoning the homunculi. This was an official fix that even official servers had implemented ages ago. These updates also fixed similar issues with player-usable skills. However, this bug was long used as an actual feature by players, as it improved upon some homunculi's playability drastically. While heRO will not reverse this fix, we have decided to compensate for the change by editing the skills, something heRO not often does!

  • Lif's Urgent/Emergency Escape cooldown has been changed in compensation for the fixes explained above. The delay was changed from its original 35 seconds in which it was unable to use any other skill, to the following skill cooldown based on level.

    Level 1~3 - 5 Second Delay
    Level 4 - 20 Second Delay
    Level 5 - 25 Second Delay

    Note: The speed increase at Levels 1~3 are lower than "increase agility" and do not stack with it. Level 4 is about the same speed as a peco rider with adventurer hat, and Level 5 is about the same speed as a peco rider, or faster.

    Note 2: As usual, the lif cannot use any other skill during this period, but you may simply use mental change before in order to still be able to deal damage.

  • The Mental Change skill cooldown has been reduced from 10~20 minutes to 3 seconds. Since no other skills can be used during cooldowns, Lif would previously use this skill to bring their damage to acceptable levels, but then be crippled by 20 minutes of complete inability to do anything else.

  • The cooldown of Amistr's Castling skill was reduced from 1~2.15 minutes to 30 seconds, in hopes it improves upon the playability of Amistr and Amistrodon homunculi.

  • Filir's Fleet Move and Over Speed skill cooldown was reduced from 60~120 seconds to 55~70 seconds. (55+5*Skill Lv seconds).

    We hope this helps even out the playing field in terms of Homunculi diversity! If you previously deleted and replaced any Level 99 homunculus that received updates today and you would like it back, please send a Support Ticket containing a screenshot of your Homunculus. We will provide you with a new one of the same level, plus 3 stat re-rolls. However, we unfortunately will not be able to increase its intimacy, so that part is up to you.

    You have until March 1, 2020 to submit a ticket. And remember, you MUST include a screenshot of your Lv 99 homunculus that you deleted in favor of a different one.
01-23-2020, 01:30 AM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Server Changelog
  • Costume Gothic Heart Wing Ribbon now has its correct sprite.
02-01-2020, 06:16 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Server Changelog
  • Minor Changes
  • The reminder players receive upon logging in to the game to report GM impersonation attempts is now a cream color (Kind of like the server's mascot, drops).

    Malangdo Updates
  • The Malangdo Culvert Instance Dungeon is now available! Help Missu clean up the culvert and win coins! You can access the instance from the 2nd "paw island" in town. That's the island right next to the Malangdo Dungeon entrance.
  • The Warpers now offer warps to Malangdo Culvert.
  • Mayomayo can now be found in town, at around 210 165. He enchant certain weapons in exchange for Malangdo Coins.
  • Mia at Malangdo 138 180 now trades costumes in exchange for Malangdo Coins. Currently only four are available: Malangdo Hat, Sleeping Kitty Cat, White Kitten Ears and Cat Muffler.
  • Upon clearing the Octopus Cave Instance by defeating the Giant Octopus, all party members will now obtain 1 Shabby Coin Bag.
02-08-2020, 09:22 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Server Changelog
  • Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a random minor issue where Saplings stopped spawning
  • Coelacanth kills now properly count toward your quest completion
02-08-2020, 10:39 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Server Changelog
  • Fixed minor mistake where the the Violent Coelacanth MVP gave no MVP loot.
02-10-2020, 08:54 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Server Changelog
  • Malangdo Coins can now be dropped and placed into guild storage, etc.
02-13-2020, 08:24 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Server Changelog
  • PVM Skill Mechanics Update Part 1

    Many of these updates have little to no impact on gameplay currently, as most monsters don't use these skills in the ways listed below, and those that received minor changes that are listed below. These changes simply allow for the possibility of greater PVM variety in future releases.

    Arrow Shower
    From Lv 11 to Lv 13, the area range of the skill has increased.
  • Lvl 11 - Hits all targets in a 7x7 area
  • Lvl 12 - Hits all targets in a 9x9 area
  • Lvl 13+ - Hits all targets in an 11x11 area

    Fire Pillar
    Beyond the normally-usable player levels, the skill will now place multiple pillar units.
  • Lvl 11 - 9 Fire Pillars placed in a 3x3 square
  • Lvl 12 - 25 Fire Pillars placed in a 5x5 square
  • Lvl 13 - 49 Fire Pillars placed in a 7x7 square
  • Lvl 14 - 81 Fire Pillars placed in a 9x9 square
  • Lvl 15 - 121 Fire Pillars placed in an 11x11 square, lag-bombing the heck out of everyone on screen upon exploding.

    Comparison Image

    Storm Gust
    At Lvl 11 and beyond, the skill behaves slightly different. Please note that damage also increases per level, as this part is hardcoded.

  • Lv 11 Storm Gust now has an increased freeze duration of 20 seconds up from the usual 12 seconds.
  • Lvl 12 has twice the normal area range (though the visual effect remains the same).
  • Lvl 13 has an increased freeze duration of 20 seconds, and twice the normal range.
  • Lvl 14 will not freeze the target (0s freeze duration), allowing for the skill to deal all hits.
  • Lvl 15 will not freeze the target, and has twice the normal area range.

    Comparison of increased range

    Area of Effect increases beyond Lv. 5, and the latter levels have varying durations. Please note that stat reductions also increase per level, as it is hardcoded.

  • Lvl 6 - Covers a 7x7 area
  • Lvl 7 - Covers a 9x9 area
  • Lvl 8 - Covers an 11x11 area
  • Lvl 9 - Covers an 11x11 area and lasts only 1.8 seconds, serving as a wide area speed buff remover.
  • Lvl 10 - Covers an 11x11 area and lasts 60 seconds instead of the usual maximum of 25 seconds.

    Comparison Image

    Hunter Traps, Ground Drift, Thorn Trap and Hell's Plant
  • At Level 6, hunter traps (with the exception of Talkie Box), and thorn trap, now show 9 trap units around a 3x3 area. However, this only counts as one large trap and activating or using spring trap on any of the 9 ones "remove" the rest, contrary to the changes to fire pillar listed above. Strangely enough, using "remove trap" will disable a single trap unit but not the rest.
  • At Level 11, Ground Drift covers a 3x3 area and behaves as described above.
  • For every level past Lv 5, Hell's Plant's area increases by 1 but behaves the same as other traps described above.

    Comparison Image

    Venom Dust
    This is so far the only change that required tweaking on the actual player-usable levels, but it's ultimately a negligible one. This skill will now cover a 3x3 area instead of a "cross" (like Flip Tatami and Gospel), allowing us to increase its range for higher, player-unusable levels.

  • Lvl 11 - Covers a 5x5 area
  • Lvl 12 - Covers a 7x7 area
  • Lvl 13 - Covers a 9x9 area
  • Lvl 14 - Covers an 11x11 area
  • Lvl 15 - Covers an 14x14 area but the "dust" units disappear quickly (0.1s after casting), functionally serving as a "Wide Poison" skill.

    Comparison Image

    Deluge, Volcano and Tornado
  • Lvl 6 - Covers a 9x9 area
  • Lvl 7 - Covers an 11x11 area

    Comparison Image

    Magic Rod
    Higher levels of the skill now last longer, allowing for the possibility of future monsters to become immune to single target spells

  • Lv 6 has a 2.5s duration
  • Lv 7 has a 5s duration
  • Lv 8 has a 7.5s duration
  • Lv 9 has a 10s duration
  • Lv 10 has a 30s duration

    Bard & Dancer Songs
  • Lvl 6 Dissonance and Ugly Dance cover a 9x9 area.
  • Lvl 7 Dissonance and Ugly Dance cover an 11x11 area.
  • Lvl 11 individual songs (Bragi, Service, Apples, Idun, etc.) cover a 9x9 range.
  • Lvl 12 individual songs cover an 11x11 range.
  • Lvl 2 Ensemble Songs with a player-usable Max Level of 1 (Eternal Chaos, Loki's Veil, Etc) now cover an 11x11 range.
  • Lvl 6 Ensemble Songs with a player-usable Max Level of 5 (Siegfried, Battle Drums, Etc) now cover an 11x11 range.
  • Lvl 6 Wand of Hermode covers a 9x9 area.
  • Lvl 7 Wand of Hermode covers a 11x11 area.

    Dissonance / Ugly Dance Comparison Image
    Regular Song Comparison
    Ensemble Song Comparison

    For each level after Lvl 5, additional basilica area created around the skill "epicenter", granting protection around a wider area, and possibly causing the IRL blind status.

  • Lvl 6 - Covers a 7x7 area
  • Lvl 7 - Covers a 9x9 area
  • Lvl 8 - Covers an 11x11 area
  • Lvl 9 - Covers an 13x15 area
  • Lvl 10 - Covers an 15x15 area

    Comparison Image

    Warmth of the Sun, Moon and Stars
    Each skill level after Lvl 3 increases its range. Note that monsters using this skill only drain SP with no visual indication, so this skill mostly serves as a more intense version of Ugly Dance.

  • Lvl 2 - 5x5 Area
  • Lvl 3 - 7x7 Area
  • Lvl 4 - 9x9 Area
  • Lvl 5 - 11x11 Area
  • Lvl 6 - 13x13 Area
  • Lvl 7 - 15x15 Area
  • Lvl 8 - 17x17 Area
  • Lvl 9 - 19x19 Area
  • Lvl 10 - 21x21 Area

    Gravitation Field
    Higher levels past the player-usable ones increases the area of effect. Please note that damage also increases by 200 per level, as this part is hardcoded.

  • Lvl 6 - 7x7 Area, 5s Duration
  • Lvl 7 - 7x7 Area, 9s Duration
  • Lvl 8 - 9x9 Area, 5s Duration
  • Lvl 9 - 9x9 Area, 9s Duration
  • Lvl 10 - 11x11 Area, 5s Duration
  • Lvl 11 - 11x11 Area, 9s Duration

    Comparison Image

    Crimson Fire Formation

  • Lvl 11 - 7x7 Area, 30s Duration
  • Lvl 12 - 9x9 Area, 30s Duration
  • Lvl 13 - 11x11 Area, 30s Duration
  • Lvl 14 - 11x11 Area, 40s Duration

    Comparison Image

    Water Escape Technique
  • Level 11 and beyond now cover an 11x11 Area.

    Comparison Image

    Evil Land
  • The range remains the same, but the evil land units are now placed in a higher area then the usual 3x3 to help make higher levels easier to tell apart from the lower ones. As usual, however, the actual AoE extends well beyond the evil land units/visual effect.

    Change Undead
  • Lvl 1 has a 30s duration
  • Lvl 2 has a 20s duration
  • Lvl 3 and beyond has a 10s duration

  • Lvl 6 - 11x11 Area
  • Lvl 7 - 13x13 Area
  • Lvl 8 - 15x15 Area
  • Lvl 9 - 17x17 Area
  • Lvl 10 - 19x19 Area
  • Lvl 11 - 21x21 Area

    Earth Strain
    The skill now covers a lesser area in order to cause less lag. The interval between hits has been increased as well so that the skill is brought to normal damage levels.

  • Lvl 1~5 - 5x5 Area
  • Lvl 6 - 7x7 Area

    Comparison Image

  • The skill now has a duration of 5s per skill level.

    Neutral Barrier & Stealth Field

  • Lvl 2 - 5x5 Area
  • Lvl 3 - 7x7 Area
  • Lvl 4 - 9x9 Area
  • Lvl 5 - 11x11 Area

    Comparison Image

    Dimension Door & Maelstrom
  • Lvl 4 - 3x3 Area
  • Lvl 5 - 5x5 Area
  • Lvl 6 - 7x7 Area
  • Lvl 7 - 9x9 Area
  • Lvl 8 - 11x11 Area

    Comparison Image

    Severe Rainstorm
  • Hits are now dealt every 0.5 seconds
  • Level 6 now covers a 13x13 area
  • Level 7 now covers a 15x15 area

    Song of Despair, Fire Walk, Electric Walk
  • Lvl 2 - 3x3 Area
  • Lvl 3 - 5x5 Area
  • Lvl 4 - 7x7 Area
  • Lvl 5 - 9x9 Area
  • Lvl 6 - 11x11 Area

    Song of Despair comparison
    Fire and Electric Walk Comparison

    Psychic Wave, Cloud Kill, Diamond Dust & Poison Mist
  • Now hits every second instead of every 0.5s. Please note that in the case of poison mist, the skill itself has a strange interaction in which refreshing screen (moving away and returning) makes the effect very bright, but does not affect actual damage, etc.
  • Diamond Dust's crystallization status only lasts 1s per skill level, in order to ease some of its annoyance.

    Vacuum Extreme
  • Lvl 6 - 5x5 Area, 9 Tornado Units
  • Lvl 7 - 7x7 Area, 25 Tornado Units
  • Lvl 8 - 13x13 Area, 49 Tornado Units
  • Lvl 9 - 13x13 Area, 81 Tornado Units
  • Lvl 10 - 13x13 Area, 121 blinding Tornado Units

    Wall of Thorns
    This skill no longer creates a wall centered around the target. Instead, it places a thorn wall on a selected area.

  • Lvl 1 - Covers a 3x3 Area
  • Lvl 2 - Covers a 5x5 area
  • Lvl 3 - Covers a 7x7 area
  • Lvl 4 - Covers a 9x9 area
  • Lvl 5 - Covers an 11x11 area
  • Lvl 6 - Covers a 3x3 Area, Lasts 30s
  • Lvl 7 - Covers a 5x5 area, Lasts 30s
  • Lvl 8 - Covers a 7x7 area, Lasts 30s
  • Lvl 9 - Covers a 9x9 area, Lasts 30s
  • Lvl 10 - Covers an 11x11 area, Lasts 30s

    Comparison Image

    Cast Ninja Spell
  • For every level past Lvl 1, the skill's area increases by 1 cell.

    Lava Slide
  • The skill now deals damage second instead of every 2 seconds.
  • Odd numbered skill levels have a 5 second duration, while even numbered skill levels last 10 seconds.
  • Lvl 1~2 - 3x3 area
  • Lvl 3~4 - 5x5 area
  • Lvl 5~6 - 7x7 area
  • Lvl 7~8 - 9x9 area
  • Lvl 9~10 - 11x11 area

    Comparison Image

    Monster Skill Changes
    These updates are in response to the changes listed above, to maintain the existing gameplay status-quo.

  • Niddhoggur's Shadow now uses Lv 5 Volcano instead of Lv 10.
  • Phylla uses Lv 10 Arrow Shower instead of Lv 15.
  • Nightmarish Amon Ra no longer uses Fire Pillar, and uses Lv 25 Gravitation Field instead of Lv 20.
  • Skoll Pup, Orcus, Amon Ra, High Wizard Kathrynne, and Gloom Under Night now use Lv 10 Fire Pillar instead of Lv 11.
02-17-2020, 02:19 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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RE: Server Changelog
  • PVM Skill Mechanics Update Part 2

    In 2014, a change to mob configuration was added following official updates, where monsters may consider themselves as "friend"/"ally", and therefore can target themselves when their skills list those as targets.

    This changed several monsters' behavior, such as Geographers being able to heal themselves, and Ghost Incarnations casting assumptio on themselves.

    However, as mentioned just now, this update was following officials, which at the time was quite a few years into renewal, and limits the little freedom and variety heRO has in making mobs, in addition to severely hindering Geographer leveling, DG ghost farming, etc.

    This change has been reverted to its original version, monsters with skills targeting friend/ally will not target themselves. Below you can find a list of mobs affected by this change, plus changes to them in the case of custom monsters, if applicable.

    The following mobs will no longer cast these skills on themselves.

  • Rata - Heal
  • Aqua Elemental - Heal
  • Duneyrr - Heal
  • Draco - Recovery
  • Phylla - Assumptio
  • Dark Pinguicula - Heal, Recovery
  • Ancient Tree - Assumptio, Recovery
  • Rhyncho - Increase Agility, Assumtio
  • Hanz Von Abendroth's Servants - Heal
  • Ghost Incarnation of Morroc - Assumptio
  • Miming - Impositio Manus
  • Aquaring - Pot Pitcher
  • Eimyrja - Recovery
  • Fallen Druid - Recovery
  • Dryad - Heal
  • Geographer - Heal
  • Chepet - Recovery
  • Lady Tanee - Potion Pitcher
  • Aliza - Heal
  • Valkyrie (Miniboss) - Heal
  • Muscipular - Heal
  • Mavka - Heal

    These mobs no longer cast the listed skills on themselves, but still had a self-targeting version of it, therefore maintaining a similar behavior.

  • Cornus keeps its regular self-heal with a 20s delay instead of a self-friendly heal with 10s delay
  • Aqua Elemental blesses itself below 50% HP instead of a self-friendly blessing below 90% HP
  • Ancient Tree keeps its regular 0s cast time self-heal every 2 seconds
  • Queen Scaraba still targets itself with heals while below 30% HP, instead of a self-friendly heal below 50% HP.
  • Autumn Leafcat only self-heals at 30% HP as usual
  • Pandaring continues heals itself below 60% HP
  • TOH Bacsojin still self-heals when below 80% HP
  • Snow Lude continues its self-heal when below 30% HP
  • Creamy Queen no longer uses Highness Heal on herself, but continues to cast Lv 11 heal on itself every 10 seconds
  • Winter Leaf Cat still casts heal on itself when below 30% HP
  • Kalpea Henki continues to cast heal on itself when below 50% HP, instead of a self-friendly heal below 60% HP
  • Alnoldi still heals itself when below 30% HP, instead of its self-friendly heal below 50% HP
  • Angeling, Chepet, Permeter, Errende, Wicked Nymph still heals itself when below 30% HP, instead of its self-friendly heal below 60% HP.
  • Margaretha Sorin no longer casts assumptio on itself when its HP is below 100%, but continues to do so when below 90% HP.
  • Ghost Incarnation of Morroc does not heal itself just below 99% HP, but will continue to do so when below 70% HP while attacking or below 45% HP while idle.
  • Thorn of Recovery no longer heals itself just below 99% HP, but will continue to do so at 70% HP while idle.

    These mobs have been updated to compensate for the changes.

  • Anastasia does not cast heal or impositio on itself as a friend anymore, but now heals itself when below 75% HP, essentially maintaining its original behavior.
  • Kalpea Henki only used recovery on friends affected by certain statuses, but will now cast on itself as well, essentially maintaining its original behavior.
02-17-2020, 02:35 PM
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