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Server Changelog
GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Server Changelog
Server Changelog
  • Battleground Keys can be consumed as a consumable item to automatically refund you for WoE Points
  • Fixed an issue where Nobility Costumer didn't charge the right amount of zeny tax the rich
  • Removed Battleground Keys from V4P Shop
  • Fixed a performance issue related to the GM Assistant NPC

New May V4P hat for 2021 is also (finally) released! Bite your hankies!
05-19-2021, 04:12 AM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Server Changelog
Server changelog:
- Sasquatch panda hat drop rate changed from 0.03 to 0.3
- Nightmare Terror infiltrator drop rate changed from 0.03 to 0.45
- Nightmare Terror Rosary[1] drop rate changed from 0.03 to 0.45
05-24-2021, 05:15 PM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Server Changelog
  • Acid Demonstration Box should give proper amount of materials
  • Nab set Stalker bonus should give the 20 ATK if the Stalker is equipping a bow
05-29-2021, 02:17 AM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Server Changelog
Server Changelog

All of these changes may look unrelated, but it's all caused by the ripple effect of BG Keys being removed, and WoE Shop updated.

  • Bee Wings Update

    On one hand, it became even more glaringly obvious that Condensed White Potion is the only Alchemist item that cannot be brewed with the assistance of Bee Wings. On the other hand, AD is now more than abundant from WoE Shop, so we will do a minor scale back on 2 AD components from Bee Wings. Overall, it's still a huge boon to guilds and Creators though.

    New Item:
  • Witched Starsand, at rate of "200"

  • Immortal Hearts lowered from "250" to "200"
  • Fabric rate lowered from "250" to "200"
  • Royal Jelly mildly increased from "48" to "50"

    Nobility Bugfixes
  • Fixed an issue where nobles cannot promote to the next rank after Baroncy

    Nobility Changes
    Nobility monthly rewards have been updated to 2021 standard, such that they are less laughably irrelevant. Below are the new monthly rewards for each rank, effective starting tomorrow (June 1)

    Regular Noble
  • 1 Event Bag
  • 1 Haircut Coupon
  • 3 Poring Box

    Chance to get 1 of the following
  • 30% Bloody Branch
  • 20% Poring Card
  • 50% Rough Enriched Ore


  • 1 Event Bag
  • 1 Haircut Coupon
  • 5 Poring Box
  • 1 Rough Enriched Ore
  • 1 Poring Card

    Chance to get 1 of the following
  • 30% Bloody Branch
  • 20% Damp Card Album
  • 10% Heroic Armor Chest
  • 10% Heroic Shield Chest
  • 10% Heroic Garment Chest
  • 10% Heroic Footwear Chest
  • 10% Jewelry Box


  • 1 Event Bag
  • 1 Haircut Coupon
  • 2 Rough Enriched Ore
  • 1 Poring Card
  • 1 Bloody Branch

    Chance to get 1 of the following
  • 10% Ice Scale
  • 10% Pumpkin Mojo
  • 10% Seafoam
  • 20% Damp Card Album
  • 10% Heroic Armor Chest
  • 10% Heroic Shield Chest
  • 10% Heroic Garment Chest
  • 10% Heroic Footwear Chest
  • 10% Jewelry Box


  • 1 Event Bag
  • 1 Haircut Coupon
  • 3 Rough Enriched Ore
  • 2 Poring Card
  • 1 Bloody Branch

    Chance to get 1 of the following
  • 10% Ice Scale
  • 10% Pumpkin Mojo
  • 10% Seafoam
  • 10% Rough Enriched Ore
  • 10% Old Card Album
  • 10% Heroic Armor Chest
  • 10% Heroic Shield Chest
  • 10% Heroic Garment Chest
  • 10% Heroic Footwear Chest
  • 10% Jewelry Box


  • 1 Event Bag
  • 2 Haircut Coupon
  • 4 Rough Enriched Ore
  • 3 Poring Card
  • 1 Bloody Branch
  • 1 Ice Scale
  • 1 Pumpkin Mojo
  • 1 Seafoam

    Chance to get 1 of the following
  • 10% Rough Enriched Ore
  • 20% 2 Poring Cards
  • 20% Old Card Album
  • 10% Heroic Armor Chest
  • 10% Heroic Shield Chest
  • 10% Heroic Garment Chest
  • 10% Heroic Footwear Chest
  • 10% Jewelry Box


  • 1 Event Bag
  • 2 Haircut Coupon
  • 5 Rough Enriched Ore
  • 1 Old Red Box
  • 1 Old Card Album
  • 1 Bloody Branch
  • 1 Ice Scale
  • 1 Pumpkin Mojo
  • 1 Seafoam

    Chance to get 1 of the following
  • 20% Heroic Armor Chest
  • 20% Heroic Shield Chest
  • 20% Heroic Garment Chest
  • 20% Heroic Footwear Chest
  • 20% Jewelry Box

    Guild Quest Update
    This is another infamous quest that has a very low draw to why a guild may want to complete this quest. The rewards have been drastically updated to match 2021 standards for such a long, lengthy quest that requires the combined effort of an entire guild to complete.

    Each individual step has been updated to give the following for each participating guild member:
  • magma dungeon: 3 light blue pot box, 10 light white pot box
  • turtle dungeon: 2 bloody branch, royal gold bullion
  • clock tower: 3 old green box, Rough enriched ore
  • odin temple: prize medal x 50, Rough enriched ore
  • abyss lake: jewelry box, Rough enriched ore
  • kiel dun: heroic garment chest, Rough enriched ore
  • jupe core: heroic footwear chest, Rough enriched ore
  • rachel sanct: heroic armor chest, Rough enriched ore
  • thanatos tower: heroic shield chest, Rough enriched ore
  • nydd dungeon: OCA, enriched oridecon
  • thor: old red box, enriched elunium
  • biolab: enriched oridecon, enriched elunium, guild recruitment hat, Rococo Mask

    Guild Reward:
  • Guild recruitment hat and Rococo Mask removed
  • 50m guild exp instead of 30m
05-30-2021, 07:54 AM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Server Changelog
Apologies to all players who rushed for nobility or completed the earlier steps of the guild quest due to mistaking "enriched ore" is a complete Enriched Oridecon or Enriched Elunium. That is not the intention: currently we have no plans for nobility to give out any completed Enriched Elunium or Enriched Oridecon, and only the last few steps of the guild quest are intended to give those out. However, I can safely assure everyone that the nobility/guild quest changes are an increase and not a decrease in reward for known cases possible.

We will provide a refund for all players who'll like to revert back to their May 29th state for nobility, so long as you do not put in any further Royal Gold Bullion on May 31st and further. Please send us a support ticket asap if you wish for any nobility refund+rollback, and do not put in any extra bullions.

This offer will only last for the week of May 30th to June 5th.
05-30-2021, 10:30 PM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Server Changelog
Steal Mechanics Change

TLDR: your steal will be slightly more random than before

The long version:

After much more investigation, steal order is NOT randomized and still goes from top to bottom according to @mi. However, it may give the illusion of being random because it was skipping items that show up as 100%. As it turns out, steal checks drop rates using 1x item rate only. So some items that appear to be 100%, is not a 100% drop to steal, so the steal mechanics "fall through" to the next item in the list from top to bottom anyway. Thus why it went through our T&D team thinking that our changes went through successfully.

As we are focusing on the host change and other priorities, we do not have time to revisit Steal mechanics change again to fix this properly to have fully random steal. However, we will change the drop rate of all 100% items instead. Any monsters with custom drops, will have any items that are at a 100% drop rate (at x3 item rate) to be listed as 34% drop rate in the server database. This will still make these items to have a 100% drop rate when the monster is killed normally, so that will not affect most players. However, to players using Steal, this will affect your likelihood to steal items that are not listed as 100%. This is both a buff and a nerf, depending on the item that you are stealing. However in general, this will make the steals more randomized, and your chances to steal rarer items will increase.

Monster Changes
  • Bapho Jr drops Evil Horns at 15%, down from 100% (back to official pre-re server rate instead of custom rate)
  • Blue Lichtern now drops the proper elemental items for its element (water)
  • Any monsters with customized drop has their 100% drop rate items changed to be "34%" in the database, such that after regular server x3 rate, these items are still at 100% drop rate.
06-15-2021, 02:33 AM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Server Changelog
  • BugFix
  • Angeling properly drop its card at 0.05% (Non-MVP card rate) instead of 0.03% (MVP card rate)
  • Deviling properly drop its card at 0.05% (Non-MVP card rate) instead of 0.03% (MVP card rate)
  • Ghostring properly drop its card at 0.05% (Non-MVP card rate) instead of 0.03% (MVP card rate)
  • Maya Purple properly drop its card at 0.05% (Non-MVP card rate) instead of 0.03% (MVP card rate)

    WoE Changes
  • 4 future MVP cards have been preemptively banned

06-17-2021, 03:09 AM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Server Changelog
Reminder of Nerf Incoming

June 28th is when Mavka boosts end. We will also change the sale price of "Crystal Mirror" when Mavka's boost ends. GM team will reserve the right to end the boost and also perform the intended nerf on "Crystal Mirror" any time after June 28th. We strongly suggest you to sell all Crystal Mirrors ASAP.

Inns Changes

All inns will provide the 15 min Small Life Potion as a permanent effect.

Item Balance Changes

Bloody Branch Changes
  • Deviruchiring replaced by Muspelite Tree
  • Rainbowring replaced by Muspelite Aranae
  • Arc Angeling replaced by Grayphon
  • Mysteltainn added
  • Tirfing added
  • Executioner added
  • Nightmarish Amon Ra added
  • Tendrilrion added
  • Hardrock Mammoth added
  • Leak added
  • Hollow Poring added

Some previously excluded MVPs are added as power creep in the server has made once "too good to allow players to fight without exp penalty" MVPs to be only on par, or below the "best" possible MVP spawn from the list, Gloom Under Night.

3 undesirable minibosses got upgraded to better minibosses with more favored loot/card, and the pool expansion should be a net positive for new loot variety. Statistically, the chance of getting an OCA via Bloody Branches is a net increase since there are now 2 more MVPs who can drop OCA, despite the 3 doomed swords being added. This is considered a buff in almost all cases, so I did not "warn" anyone with a prior announcement.

Wrapped Mask Changes

New Crow Tengu Mask has been added to the Wrapped Mask list.

Bombardier Set Mini-Rework (Gunslinger Class Set)

Since the GS rework will be miles away than original plan as we want to focus on host server change, we'll need a "WIP" effect now as the original effect is full of bugs, as shown by many players submitting tickets about it. The new "WIP" effect focuses more on def piercing raw damage for now instead of status of the bombs which would be much more interesting... so effect now is much more boring, but at least it'll be functional.

Note: you must unequip and re-equip all set pieces for new effect to take place

Bombardier Set Equipment Changes
  • Bombardier's Boots: Flee + 5 => +10
  • Bombardier's Trickcoin: now has a bonus Dex + 2 effect
  • Bombardier's Bombcase: old effect removed. New effect: If Grenade Launcher is equipped, pierces 20% of the target's DEF

Bombardier Set Bonuses
  • No after-cast delay increase penalty
  • Add a 25% resistance against Stun
  • Pierces 15% of the target's DEF => 20% (total 40% with the bombcase)
  • Lv 99 bonus: further pierces by 10% => 20%, for a total of 25% => 60% (including the bombcase), and another 25% resistance against Stun

Since it's buffs in every way possible, no refunds will be provided.

Frozen Set Mini-Rework (Wizard Class Set)

Deluge (and waterball) was originally casted because that is one way to slow targets down to increase the defensive prowess for Wizards. Now we have a much better and fitting status worked out, so new tech allow us to stick to the theme while being less clunky to hope for getting hit to pull off a gimmick spell that is not related to the theme. New effects focus on survival and slowing/freezing the targets in short/melee range.

Note: you must unequip and re-equip all set pieces for new effect to take place

Frozen Set Equipment Changes
  • Frozen Staff's def/mdef boost is changed to standard 5% activation rate, which is the standard activation rate for all spellcasting autobonus effects
  • Frozen Staff no longer has skill delay reduction, as this is an unintuitive derived stat in pre-renewal mechanics
  • Frozen Orb adds a 5% chance to inflict Frost status when physically attacked

Frozen Set Combo Effects

Old effects are completely removed for the following:
  • Add a 50% resistance against Freeze
  • When physically attacked, add a 10% chance to cause Frost effect on the enemy. (for a total of 15% when Frozen Orb is included)
  • For every level of Ice Wall mastered, reduce all short range damage taken by 4% and increase Max HP by 100.
  • For High Wizard: Further add a 50% resistance against Freeze.
  • For High Wizard: When casting Frost Nova, cast Level 3 Heal on the user.

Players have until July 31st to submit requests for GM to safely remove all cards from any Frozen equipment set pieces due to this change. You will get to keep both the gear and the removed cards.

Fruit Basket Changes

Fruit Basket will be customized to have the following rates:
  • Apple 8.77%
  • Banana 8.77%
  • Grape 8.77%
  • Mastela Fruit 5.26%
  • Pumpkin 8.77%
  • Lemon 7.02%
  • Prickly Fruit 5.26%
  • Strawberry 7.02%
  • Orange 7.02%
  • Red Prickly Fruit 5.26%
  • Yggdrasil Berry 1.75%
  • Yggdrasil Seed 3.51%
  • Solid Peach 8.77%
  • Cacao 8.77%
  • Mora Mandarin 5.26%

TLDR: Yggdrasil Seed rate went up, no change to Yggdrasil Berry, overall buff but Mora Mandarin got rarer indirectly

Other Item Balance Changes
  • Dreamstone Axe now uses Blood Sucking instead of Energy Drain
  • Dreamstone Axe now uses Level 2 Vampire Gift instead of Level 1 Vampire Gift when it is refined to level 7 or higher
  • Blood Sucker no longer has a 5% chance to drain 5% of damage dealt (this original effect effectively makes a 3k damage AOE attack against 20 mobs to heal 150 on average. That's effectively useless.)
  • Blood Sucker has a 5% chance to cast Level 1 Blood Sucking when physically attacking

Warzone Changes

As some players chose to retire their warzone mobs and refunded them for points, please see the wiki entry here to see who are the lists of warzone monster mobs.

Dead Branch Changes
  • Current warzone mobs added to the list

This is GM following up on a previously broken promise that the GM team owed to all Warzone mob creators. On behalf of the GM team, I apologize again to all Warzone mob creators that this was not implemented sooner.

Monster Balance Changes
  • Hollow Poring INT increased from 91 to 121
  • Gioia INT increased from 120 to 150
  • Gioia attack animation sped up from 2.59 sec to 1.59 sec. Finally, it attacks faster than a poring.
  • Scaraba Queen now uses Level 11 Heal instead of Level 10 Heal to follow standard MVP healing abilities, and can heal herself to full instead of only up to 30%
  • Nightmarish Amon Ra now drops Yggdrasil Berry at 100% instead of Oridecon 100% as its MVP drop (It already drops Oridecon as a regular loot)
  • Nightmarish Amon Ra now drops Hat of the Sun God[0] at 0.3% as a new loot
  • Nightmarish Amon Ra now drops Sage's Diary at 12%, up from 6%
  • Skoll drops Hat of the Sun God[0] at 0.18% instead of Emblem of the Sun God, which is a god item ingredient (but can also be used to make Hat of the Sun God)

Item Description Changes

Reminder that these are item description changes, and no actual functionality has changed.
  • Cooking ingredients are now identified and color coded in item description
  • Forging ingredients are now identified and color coded in item description
  • Samurai Mask no longer states that it has 2 MDEF that it never provided
  • Valorous Battle Strategy Book states that it is piercing the mdef of demihuman enemies, not add 20% extra resistance against demihuman enemies
  • Brave Battle Strategy Book states that it is piercing the mdef of demihuman enemies, not add 20% extra resistance against demihuman enemies
  • Wizard Medal of Honor states that its Stone Curse effect occurs when attacked, not when attacking
  • All Medal of Honor states that it is a nonboss + boss % damage increase, not ATK % increase
  • Glorious Shoes no longer states its Inc Agi skill that it never provided
  • Glorious Suit combo states that it is a nonboss + boss % damage increase, not ATK % increase
  • Glorious Suit combo states that it boosts incoming healing by the skill Heal, Sanctuary or Potion Pitcher, instead of boosting the healing effect of those 3 skills casted by the user
  • Glorious Suit states that it adds 100% resistance to Freeze status, instead of Immunity to Freeze status
  • Nab set combo states that the 20 ATK only applies when Stalker has a bow equipped
  • Gigantic Majestic Goat states how much ATK is granted by job level
  • Fixed the costume version of the green Wandering Minstrel Hat to properly have its full name, instead of "Costume Minstrel Hat" (which is duplicate of another hat)
  • Hibram card text states that it is Magic damage, not any damage
  • Concentration Potion, Awakening Potion and Berserk Potion now clarifies what classes can use each potion by listing out exactly which classes cannot use it, to avoid any possible misinterpretation
  • Decorative Geographer no longer has random "..." in its description
  • Pupa Card states that it is a hatter card
  • Some other grammar/spelling mistake fixes

  • Lost Dragon card properly activates against magic attacks
  • Costume Odin Mask should have the proper appearance
  • Ninja consumable boxes should cost the right amount and give an equal amount
  • Poporing Island is no longer accessible via Poring City
06-24-2021, 09:20 PM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Server Changelog
Quickfix of Issues from New Patch
  • Fixed issues with Frozen set and Bombardier set where their changes didn't load for some reason
  • Fixed issue where Nightmarish Amon Ra was missing its card and only got 9 items instead of 10 (the card)
  • Hardrock Mammoth adjusted to lv 99. Its dex is increased appropriately to compensate for level lost.
06-24-2021, 10:09 PM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Server Changelog
Mavka Boost has ended

It's been a good 6 months, and all "good" things need to come to an end.

Crystal Mirror Nerf

Crystal Mirror will reduce its sale price dropped from 15000z to 12000z (before overcharge).

The following monsters will have its drops changed. All numbers are assuming normal item rate of 3x, not the current rate of 4x.
  • Dark Frame: crystal mirror 0.45% => 0.6%
  • Dark Frame: star crumb 2.4% => 3%
  • Dark Frame: brigan 100% (46.56 at 1x) => 100% (34% at 1x)
  • Owl Duke: crystal mirror 0.75% => 1.5%
  • Owl Duke: tattered clothes 100% (44.13% at 1x) => 100% (34% at 1x)
  • Iara: crystal mirror 0.9% => 1.14%

This is a net buff to zeny earned for all 3 other monsters who drop crystal mirror.

Nightmare Pyramid

Temporarily removed due to human errors Icon_sad will be back next reboot (which we need to do soon for a server computer update, so hopefully this is some time within a week.)

Heroic Event Box
Now does nothing (as we have warned at the event.)
06-29-2021, 03:33 AM
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