The forums will be temporarily out of order on Saturday September 7th, 2024 while we work on upgrading it. The wiki should still be available at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Meanwhile, if you have some time, why not leave your honest review of the server on RMS? Thank you for your continued support, heroes!
HeRO is one of the oldest running servers, if not the oldest, and on October 15 2024, the server will turn 19 years old! Always stable, never any wipes! To celebrate in style, we have quite a bit in the works for all of you, our wonderful players! Click here for more information!
There's only 1 week left until Halloween! Be sure to claim your Halloween costumes in Niflheim as the costumes will be off their discount by Nov 1! Boo will also periodically go trick or treating with all non-vending players. Be sure to have some treats with you or you'll be in for a trick!
Although the Birthday celebrations have ended and heRO returns to regular exp/item drop rate, the new Thanksgiving Quest is now available, starting in Prontera. Pair up with your friends and catch the super turkey! Refer to our wiki to see detailed changelog (will be available on Nov 27th)
Christmas Quest for 2024 is now available, starting in the desert east of Morroc where... Santa Morroc awaits you!? For detailed changes on this update, please see HeRO Wiki for more information!
Happy New Year to all heRO players! It's bit of a rocky 2024 as we look back and got the major new client update, but then real life struck and the GM team could not really keep up the momentum. Hopefully we can change things around a bit and look forward to the new year!
The Christmas quest will last until end of January 11th. After the 11th, we'll take down the Christmas quest whenever the GMs are available, so be sure to complete the quest and get your costumes by then!