a couple updates need to be added, only because new episodes have been released since this guide was made.
first off, SuNos (supernovices) now get use of the Angelic Set, so that is a nicer bonus than having to wear crappity armor. there is also the hypnotist's staff for magey types as well. secondly, with the introduction of soul linkers, SuNos now have access to level 4 weapons, instead of just level 1 and 2, though i don't think they can access level 3 weapons with the link. this allows for use of weapons like Dagger of Counter, and Ice Pick with SuNos.
one other thing, the job level bonuses. by job level 70 (most likely jlevel 50) you should have +5 to all stats in job bonuses, and if you haven't died, you will have +10 added on to that for a total of +15.
granted this is old information by now, but should anyone not know, or have never played RO before, at least now the information is there