problem is the amount of zeny you hold, gains no grounds with the script though, other than you could buy a ticket everyday versus someone else. What I mean by that is that the script only allows each player to purchase ONE ticket per day.
So let's say the tickets are 5,000 zeny
With the 4 match prize being 500k zeny
and the 6 match prize being 2.5m zeny
You could spend about a mil before you even get the 4 match prize. Then you really haven't gained much other than the joy of gambling. Or there could be a newcomer that comes in and wins the 2.5 mil on the first attempt, again it's all a matter of the risk of gambling. Items aren't the prize of the script, zeny is the prize. Of course it wouldn't be hard to mod it to include items but I see no problem in leaving it as a zeny / zeny type thing. Besides bloody is more of a "stock market" npc type than a lottery type