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Trials of Heroes!
Snapplewee Offline

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RE: Trials of Heroes!
Has there been any discussion as to whether or not some things should be modified to accommodate large populations of players and take less time?
05-04-2008, 08:51 AM
GM-Pandora Offline
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RE: Trials of Heroes!
Yeah a few modifications are under discussion in the GM section, we haven't reached a consensus yet.

Ideas that were put forth:

- Have the PVP trial first, allow late joining until it's completed.

- Have the trials in this order: monster, item, pvp. Which will allow me to make the lineup while the players are in the item trial.

- Simply stop accepting late entries, once the registry time is up, no more joining.

In addition we're modifying one of the PVP rule, the one regarding hiding. Hiding/Cloaking/Stalk are now fully allowed for any duration. The only skill still restricted is the stalker skill Chase Walk, which is still limited to 10 consecutive seconds. Players who wish to PVP should bring along item to unhide players if they don't have a natural skill for it.
05-04-2008, 09:28 AM
Aaronock Offline
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RE: Trials of Heroes!
What about the discussion of the skill Intimidate? There was something I remember about no teleporting but the skill teleports you? I was wondering if that was being restricted for use within the trials. :x

I am assuming it will be yes, it is forbidden, but I am still kinda curious about it.

One other question for rogues, are they allowed to enter the trials with a copied skill that they took from someone else or is that forbidden? What if they took one from pvp trials and used it in another event?

*Shushes before asking too many silly questions*
[Image: OHeya.gif]

*Aaronock ~ *Ezekiel Stalker ~ *Maxwell Maximillion ~ *Fazil Reis ~ *Cecil Vega

(This post was last modified: 05-04-2008, 10:40 PM by Aaronock.)
05-04-2008, 02:57 PM
Yumera Offline
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RE: Trials of Heroes!
I personally would enjoy the second option mainly cuz I'm not a pvper jet but, big but will be that after monster and item trial are done which is the majority of the contestants do partake in, people will simply leave and not join mass pvp. But yes, it would be nice to have something happening with the time to cut down pvp in it self. May i suggest, that since Monster trial is at least an hour long, that late entries would be accepted maybe for 30 min after it starts and thats it? it would allow at least 30min-1hour to make up the time line.

Also I noticed that item trial has been getting to packed and sometimes the items asked for drop from monsters that aren't that many of or at a low drop rate (or in some case both). So maybe a higher monster rate there would be good or a little bit bigger of a map with more monsters too. or maybe even extend the time by 5-10 min.When i first started toh like 5months ago the map was fine, but now there are at least 2x many people for the same sized map and ksing has been a bigger issue! (Sorry i do it way to often with out wanting to) Anyways just a thought!
05-05-2008, 05:15 AM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Trials of Heroes!
Usually there's just 1 GM hosting though we try to have 2 now. In the case that there's only 1 GM hosting, that person hosting the monster trial won't have the time to start making the line-up already.

Last ToH did have 70 participants, which broke all records in terms of the number of people joining ToH. As for the items themselves, if it's the rare Singing Plant x 4 that caused a lot of grief like the case for most other players, you are missing out on "how it was meant to be" Icon_twisted
05-05-2008, 05:32 AM
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GM-Pandora Offline
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RE: Trials of Heroes!
We've got a setting in the map that prevents teleporting, thus the skill intimidate should always fail (not fully tested but I'm assuming the mapflag is working).

Copycat Rogue/Stalker are allowed to enter the trial with a copied skill. However @duel is forbidden during the ToH, so the skill must be obtained before the event. If their skill get changed during PVP they will have to keep that one. If they prefer their previous skill and lose it during a pvp match they are a participant in GM will not change it. However, if the rogue loses their skill while being a spectator GM can give it back to them. Stalkers should use preserve to avoid any unwanted skill loss.

If we keep the same order (monster-pvp-item), even if we allow only 30 minutes for late entries, the GM will not have time to make up the line-up while hosting monster trial. Monster trial requires GM input frequently, as opposed to item trial which pretty much runs on its own.

I think item trial is fine as it is, considering that monster respawn is instant, even with more players it should be doable.

Next ToH: Sunday May 25th at 5 PM (1 hour after woe). Not sure yet which GM will host it, if none of the others can make it, I will be hosting.
05-05-2008, 10:03 AM
GM-Pandora Offline
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RE: Trials of Heroes!
Ok, we decided on 2 changes:

Heroes have to show up on time!

There will be no more "late registration" allowed. Registration will usually close at most 15 minutes after the announced time. The hosting GM has to open registration at least 30 minutes in advance, and he/she can decide to close registration before the 15 minutes is over, as long as the ToH announced time has passed.

And the order of trial has been changed to Monster, Item, PVP, Trivia and Mass Battle.
05-07-2008, 01:41 PM
Fruityla Offline
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RE: Trials of Heroes!
I approve of the changes =3 Should move things along much quicker (So we hope)

>_>; Even if I won't be doing ToH this month because I'm pushing to trans a certain monk
I don't use @main. Do not ask for me there

"Lady" Linnea: 99/69 Spirit

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05-07-2008, 02:40 PM
Snapplewee Offline

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RE: Trials of Heroes!
Oh fun, I should be able to make it to this one (no school after the 23rd)
05-16-2008, 02:46 PM
Avalon_Fates Offline
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RE: Trials of Heroes!
Im gonna be there with a Aura >.<!!!!! Even if it kills me.
[Image: 330g3na.gif]
"A utopia without love is just an illusion"
Angel Fates /99-68/1 agi 190aspd Lord Knight.
Magia Erebea Elysia /83-49/ Battle Alchemist
Magia Elysia/94-50/Magic Bullet Monk <-Needs work.
05-20-2008, 09:26 PM

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