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Server Progress Update
GM-Pandora Offline
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Server Progress Update
Decided to make a new "server progress thread" as the other one is quite outdated, and perhaps a little scary with its 23 pages Icon_biggrin

The old topic is there if you're bored:

Please understand that myself and other GMs have a LOT of things to do, some related to heRO and some real life stuff as well. The updates and progress doesn't always go as fast as we would like to deliver them to you guys. Thank you for your patience, and remember, you can do your part to help the server progress faster.

- Simply by following server rules ^_^
- By Voting or writing us a review
- By applying to be part of the "Test & Development section" where you can help us test new features/quests or create new content, just send me a PM to apply.

Here's a random mismatch of the upcoming stuff in heRO:

~ Hatter V3 Lots of new hats, new cards maybe new riddles and items too. [20% done]

~ New PVP rooms including a no-healing one. [25% done]

~ Lumian? What's that? [15% done]

~ Pledge/Reset Allegiance Quest As you may have notice, the npc to reset one's allegiance was taken away, she will eventually be replaced by an in-depth quest that will make you prove your honest willingness to change your allegiance. The way to join an allegiance will also be improved. [About 10% done]

~ Elections Yes we can! [65% done]

~ Zodiac V2 A small revamp of this quest and introducing the Zodiac sisters! [About 10% done]

~ Woe 2 ~ heRO Style We are juggling with a few ideas to incorporate the second edition of Wars of Emperium to heRO. [About 5% done]

~ Poring Soccer An event where you get to play soccer with a poring ball! Cute and fun ^_^ [About 60% done]

~ Battle Royale Event Been working on this for a little while, a semi-automated event of survival with novices. Based on the movie by the same name. [About 20% done]

~ Minefield Event Another semi-automated novice event, battle in a giant arena full of Marine Sphere, push them on others to kill them and do your best to survive! [About 5% done]

~ Housing System (for heroes only) Just an idea for now, haven't started developing this but it should be fun if we eventually add it. [About 5% done]

~ Challenge of the Trinity Knights a quest to earn Allegiance Points and other rewards, done in teams of 3 heroes of the same side against the mysterious 3 knights. [About 25% done]

~ Baby Wars a monthly event where only baby classes battle. [About 10% done]

~ More Light/Dark Quest to earn Allegiance points, I'm working on a few at the same time, including one that it repeatable every month. Most likely new explorers will be added also, furthermore in the future you might earn points if you have unlocked all towns and dungeons, so start exploring the wonderful world of RO ^_^ [About 45% done]

~ OBB/OPB quest are pretty much ready but I'm not sure I will add them, with the Easter hat, the fishing and the events, there might be enough of those circulating already. [About 90% done, halted]

~ Bunny Slipper Quest suggested by a player [Used to be done by GM-Hermes -> taken on by GM-Law -> Someone in the T&D -> No one swt] [About 15% done]

~ New quest for gears other helms/gears with their own original quests.. fear our "mean" item list lol

~ Bee Wings Quest the queen bee needs some help, who knows maybe you can earn some bee wings in the process! [About 70% done]

~ Silk Wings Quest beautiful silky wings made with a hard quest for heroes, comes in a white and black version. [About 95% done]

~ Zen Helm[1] This is an item specifically for those who do not wish to join an allegiance and prefer to remain neutral in the conflict opposing Light and Dark. The Quest can only be started if the player is not sided with an Allegiance and bonus of the helm will only be added if the player is still neutral upon equipping. [About 15% done]

~ New Wedding places 1-2 new places to get married. Possibly Allegiance related, Dark one might be in Glastheim.[About 10% done]

~ Biolab level 3-2 a new level to the bio laboratory, the map is the same as bio 3-1 (regular 3rd level of biolab), but it contains custom monsters that are the trans from the 2-2 classes as well as super novice, gunslinger, soul linker, etc. [About 5% done]

~ HERO V.I.P Club Will require a certain (high) amount of Allegiance Points to enter, followed by a fee to apply for membership as well as a quest. What do you gain when you're a member? Well, that's classified information, members only! [About 20% done]

~ Pandora's Box A truly unique quest, for our unique server! A lost city? A golden treasure? A Mysterious Box? Probably the longest and most intricate quest we have attempted thus far. Over 30 NPCs, 2 custom MVPs, 8 new gears, 5 alternate endings, randomization to increase replay value, and much more! Will involve teamwork, wits, strength and speed, be ready for a true challenge. [About 40% done]

~ Numismatist npc who's he? [About 85% done]

~ Revamped Fishing & Mining Self-explanatory. [About 75% done]

~ Dance Competition A map with 8 dance pads, a player activated event, once it starts follow the moves, you get eliminated if you miss a step until there is only 1 dancer left. [About 5% done]

~ Server Wide Quest A quest that is done by everyone together rather than everyone for themselves, a new concept we want to explore. Still in the idea process for now. [About 10% done]

~ Tailoring You can fish, mine, cook, why not sew? Learn to craft clothing items! [About 10% done]

~ Custom Class Really a long term and very blurry project for now, but I got a few ideas in store, making them come true is another story. [About 1% done]

~ Other surprises that I'll keep secret for now ~_^

And below, just some of the new stuff that has been announced and done in the past, some projects may take long or be halted, but we keep working on them and eventually they are ready.

~ New SVN it's that time again, a few people are asking when we'll be upgrading our eAthena (RO emulator) subversion (svn), to the newest one. It has now been completed!

~ Sailor Hat Willy's quest.

~ New DB rooms The ones we use are getting old, not to mention they are used for the race tracks, which we might want to add someday. So new rooms have been added.

~ Leviathan? What's that? It's the new boss of Bylan dungeon, later renamed to Levia Lusca to better fit him.

~ Styla V4 New hairstyles and new hair colors. Happily released.

~ Bulletin Board Looking for an item but no one is selling? Pay someone to gather it for you! Enter the item, price, quantity and anyone is free to fulfil the mission, they get paid instantly and you can pick up the item at the npc next time you are on. Currently limited to 100k, we'll add more once we are confident that the script is perfect.

~ Hardware & Connection upgrade planning to purchase a new computer for the server soon, still browsing at the moment. Once we have the new computer set up I'll also consider a faster connection at a private professional hosting company. Done! New computer is ready and now hosted at iWeb.

~ Xmas 2008 One old quest returned, a new one also available with new monsters including a Santa Girl MVP!

~ Muspel Monday This is gonna be an automated recurring .. thing, something between an event and a quest happening 4-5 times a month (every monday) without any gm input. A portal will open for 5 minutes, and then through various elimination process players will get to test their skills/rapidity until a select few emerge victorious (or until all fail XD)

~ Halloween Quest A special quest that will be introduced for Halloween, but will be kept all year long. Wandering Spirit Quest.

~ heRO 2008 Birthday Bash! An eventful week for the server's birthday with a special quest of course.

~ Infinity Tower ~ heRO style Our own version of the tower that never ends, well it has 25 rooms actually, but getting to the top will be pretty hard. Currently can be opened by a GM only, later on will be opened by players.

~ Poring Island A field map labeled as such, but with new monsters, the whole family, including the distant cousins Sapling, Aquaring and the mysterious God Poring!

~ Moscovia New town, new monsters with fields and dungeon and a 3 headed dragon MVP!
Moscovia is open now and has some npc, warpers, healer, kafra and banker.

~ Resetter V2 upgrade to the reset npc, prices better suited to the levels, lower cost for low level players & higher cost for high level players.

~ Styla V3 new palettes, new hairstyles including some cross gender ones.

~ Control Panel should be back up and running soon, we found what was wrong with it and now only need some minor setup to do.

~ SVN update Last time SVN was updated: June 11th 2008.

~ Hatter v3 A big update to the hatter: new cards, new items, new trivia and of course new hats!

~ Advanced Fishing Spot A new fishing place, harder than the basic spot near Prontera. At this spot there is no guppy at all and you stand better chance to catch good fishy, there is also 1 new kind: the mutant fish. Expect this place to be hidden, harder (aggro monsters), but this difficulty will allow you to learn more about fishing (more fishing points) and you might also come upon an item for a quest!

~ Tag PVP Tournament Made by GM-Auron.

~ Mr. Hatter complete his quest and he'll reward you with 1 of his many hat! (A way to obtain several of Gravity's hat that do not have a quest + some new custom headgears).
*Added bonus: He is also working on a dyestuff project, soon he might be able to recolor some specific hats.

~ Tower Quest a man near Geffen Tower needs your help to regain his honor, and in the end you may end up with a heroic gear ^_^

~ Auto-Patcher This feature is not in-game but it would be a nice addition to make the update easier.

~ Thanatos Tower Quest A new quest that will take place entirely in the Tower of the mighty Thanatos.

~ Pixie, the Queen of Fairies she might need your help soon, you'll be informed of why and how when the time comes. Update: she is asking your monetary help there in the monthly auction.

~ New Generation Wings there will be 5 generation in total, 4th generation is out, so 1 more to come! EDIT: all 5 generations are out now.

~ Baby Wings for HARDCORE novices, can only be made in the training grounds!!! Even if the quest is done with a fresh novice, expect it to be challenging and hard! EDIT: Released.

~ Nobility System where commoner can become noble!
07-07-2008, 11:43 AM
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GM-Pandora Offline
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RE: Server Progress Update
2008/09/19 Updated.
09-19-2008, 04:13 PM
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Avalon_Fates Offline
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RE: Server Progress Update
Um, only 25 floors T_T, what about the other 75+ and what about Violet Fear and Naege Sager and such.

Why cant we use the full Endless Tower????
[Image: 330g3na.gif]
"A utopia without love is just an illusion"
Angel Fates /99-68/1 agi 190aspd Lord Knight.
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10-01-2008, 02:40 AM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE:??Server Progress Update
Avalon_Fates Wrote:what about Violet Fear and Naege Sager and such.

Why cant we use the full Endless Tower????

Mostly because Entweiden and Naght Seiger currently got the stats of a red plant (try looking them up in RMS) and also suffer overlapping ID problems with customs. Their items don't have their effect (like all other 12.1 related things) at this moment anyway. Next SvN will finally complete their DB entry, but still nothing on Endless Tower that you can just "use" from SvN (you have to code the entire tower yourself.)

Most servers with "Complete Endless Tower" took a stab in the dark and just made their own guessimates at what is endless tower. There's a few very "funny" youtube video of "complete" endless tower that has multiple entweidens on the wrong floors, monsters with wrongs stats and inconsistent method to the tower (some servers you just have to run to the next floor as the warp is always open to the next floor, instead of kill all monster first and etc.)

"Condensed Tower" has a lot of technical problems not related to coding, but rather 'wondering' on how the Tower is suppose to work. As much as video clips of the tower is easy to find, it's always only the top 2 floors where Entweiden and Naght Seiger are at, while the info that servers need the most is floor 0 and floor 1, and especially how save point/dark ash will work.

K I'll stop going into technical junk.

Either way... handle the Condensed Tower first, and if you survive that then worry about what's life like with extra 76 floors to it.
10-01-2008, 02:52 AM
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teOx Offline
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RE:??Server Progress Update
Avalon_Fates Wrote:Um, only 25 floors T_T, what about the other 75+ and what about Violet Fear and Naege Sager and such.

Why cant we use the full Endless Tower????

no one on hero will be able to handle it anyway. dont act like youd make it to the top. ever. Icon_razz
(This post was last modified: 10-01-2008, 02:56 AM by teOx.)
10-01-2008, 02:54 AM
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Frogboy Offline
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RE: Server Progress Update far as the server wide quest goes, as long as participation is not mandatory at the time of the quest starting, or for those that miss the start time if they so choose not to participate, then there would be no penalty for that. i mean obviously you'd want a large group of people helping out with the quest, and all in the group would be rewarded for it, but it is sort of difficult to have the entire server participate in the quest, especially if they don't wish to, or are unable to because of time or whatever, just so long as the quest could be completed without full participation of the server, but at least a vast majority signed up for it (meaning more than 20 people, or whatever the party limit is, though at least 20 or more would be nice for such a quest).

also, though in the not-so-near future, i would be willing to be a part of the test/development team though i need to focus on my studies at school, and get myself on my feet, which i hope will not be too much longer (by the new year would be nice). until then i'll help out if i can, though i would imagine i'd only be used as a last resort.
10-01-2008, 04:03 AM
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GM-Pandora Offline
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RE: Server Progress Update
For Infinity Tower, we're going with 25 rooms for now, which are custom to heRO, if we see a need for it nothing stops us from changing the code to make it 50 floors, 75 or even 100 later on, along with adding Naght Seiger and Entweiden when they're ready.

The "Server Wide Quest" is still in the idea process, it's gonna be something about solving a murder mystery, which is why it's server wide and not individual where 1 person completes it and spoils the ending for everyone. Some steps will require the combined work of numerous players while other steps everyone will get 1 chance to solve it until finally 1 players does. Each step will be unique and require something different to move forward to the next. Everyone will be able to read the whole story, missing some chapters because they were offline or didn't feel like participating at that time will be inevitable.

Currently all projects are pretty much haltered, at least those that depend on me to script them, since I'm concentrating on the birthday + halloween stuff atm.

@Frogboy send me a pm if you want me to add you to the t&d now.
10-01-2008, 09:50 AM
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GM-Pandora Offline
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RE: Server Progress Update
2008/11/05 Updated some more. With the birthday and halloween behind us, we can finally get back to working on ongoing projects ^_^
11-05-2008, 12:50 PM
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Jasper Offline
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RE: Server Progress Update
Leviathan? lol isn't that the super leet snake mvp that if you kill it you can us it as a WoE guardian?
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11-05-2008, 03:22 PM
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Aaronock Offline
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RE: Server Progress Update
Quote:~ Lumian? What's that? [10% done]

~ Leviathan? What's that? [10% done]

Pand, you are a cruel mistress for giving us NO ideas on what these are at all, not even a spoiler hint =(
[Image: OHeya.gif]

*Aaronock ~ *Ezekiel Stalker ~ *Maxwell Maximillion ~ *Fazil Reis ~ *Cecil Vega

11-05-2008, 03:25 PM
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