Even so Fates, as a LK I face the same stymie with where to throw job points, 20 more isn't much when you're looking at Aura Blade (5) concentration (5) Frenzy (1) Parry (10) , well that's already over 20, i haven't put squat into auto counter, but as you can see i'm not an avid swordy and i don't have the adequate timing to work counter.
Of course I'm generalizing, but my LK build is not much different from my Knight build, Heck as a knight all i did was brandish and had more focus on agility swording, soo if anything it would've been harder, but I taught myself a lesson lawl.
Sadly you will/might have to reset many many times, I'm fortunate I stumbled upon what works for me with minimum resets. And though I have a few regrets, we all have em, we make do
Just don't run yourself too far without being able to rescue yourself.