I met Krispy (My name for Whispers.??You see, his name is Kris.??I started calling him Krispers when I saw the Whispers name, but Krispy is funnier
) on Yahoo chess back in the day when he was still playing.??He was always talking about RO and every now and again he had to leave a game because of some appointment on there.
I grew curious to say the least.??Been stuck ever since.??Though I don't have you kids' free time.??
I've only played two places.??XeRO and heRO.??Krispy was on XeRO when I met him.??After XeRO went south I didn't want to look for another server.??I felt my time was done.??Then when Krispy found a new server he enjoyed I gave it a try because he would shut up about this one even less than he would sthu about XeRO!??
He also has fine RO tastes.??I trusted his judgement especially since he said he was looking for so long.??
*edit - Yes, Panda.??Very addictive.??