My first ever character was on *censored*RO, and was an alchemist named Takhara. I was only able to play at my friend's house, since I didnt have a computer back then- and I would stay up like four hours after he'd pass out, playing it. I was a noob, I had a tsurugi (Took me forever to get though, and I was proud of it) and some decent other newbie gears. I remember, some nice girl from korea I would talk to was really rich (Maybe not all that rich, but she seemed zomgeffinghaxor at the time) and gave me some cool stuff at some point. Pretty much just hand-me-downs, like a damascus, and some leather armor- but I was really happy over it as it was a lot better than what I had. Though, some time in the future I realized it wasn't going anywhere- and decided to make a swordsman, which I eventually turned into a crusader. He was difficult to use, and a lot different than what I was used to (Partying in niflheim and grand-crossing mobs like crazy/heal supporting friends o.o) but I got him to 99, and made him my first transcendent character. Sadly, my alchemist on that server is still level 66- but I plan on remaking him here on heRO eventually, and transing him. I kind of feel like I owe it to my first character, rather than just abandon and forget him forever :3
The Legendary Joe Wrote:I sorta miss that feeling of the first couple weeks when you don't know crap about anything in the game.
This^ So much :\