Yep, just did a disguise event where people were transformed into monsters, then turned on PVP in izlude for people to fight! It was fun to see OYJ disguised as a Kafra, asura'ing everyone. :P
Also, tomorrow (Sunday October 11th 2015), I will be hosting a Trivia at around 9:00 PM server time! Make sure to join!
The rules are simple:
- I will ask a RO/heRO-related question through broadcast.
- Players must answer through #Main.
- The first person to answer correctly wins a prize.
- Abbreviations and the like count as a wrong answer.
(Example: What MVP is found in Glast Heim?
Person A: DL! - Wrong Answer
Person B: Dark lord - Correct answer)
- Do not spam. Also, if a question contains several answers, please answer it all in one line, do not spam the main chat with an answer divided in several lines of text.
I look forward to seeing everyone join!