I want to say thanks to whoever's given me free junk from my start at hero up to now.
Also most of the hero community has my props for being such a tolerant bunch,
I want to thank whoever has the Forum Account Okayaki for making another Oka to throw others off my tail,
I want to thank Peeka for inviting me to LW and all the veteran LW people who have put up with whatever crap (if any) I've done since I've joined.
Juggernaut you finnaly made it to LK, not sure if you still play anymore, but congratz anyway.
Thanking the GM team too
GM Pandora, After all the crap we give you about updates and scripting and yada yada, (even if the lazy part is true sometimes) I've got a lot of respect for you since you're handling all that responsibility. We know you're working hard
GM Aki Thanks for trying to help get my SG unstuck even if Panda was the one who succeeded
GM Mystra, thanks for the suicidal Town invasions and PVM events. Might not let everyone join, but it just goes to show how much stronger we need to get, *gets squashed like a pancake beneath Thanatos Summon*
GM Auron, Thanks for quoting me in you sig
Also ToH NPC, ur hawt lol but not as hawt as Kathryne Keyron