I....I don't think I have a giveaway yet
But I think you can tell that I'm on my alternate account by the really, REALLY weird names. I doubt there are many on this server with a name like Tiv Pifilloffolus
But on the netspeak note, I too try to (and usually succeed) in refraining from using stuff like "lolomfgwtflmfaobbq!!!1!1" Honestly, it just looks stupid. I have nothing wrong with abbreviations of aspects of a game (woe, aco, fw, etc. etc. yadda yadda) as it helps to communicate better considering the very short character limit in most RPGs' text boxes, RO especially. But crap like "do u no wehre i cn get hlz plz thnx" or "r ur lvls relly hi?" makes grammar nazis like me laugh, cry, and twitch in agony all at once. Yes, I admit it. I was raised by, and as such have joined the ranks of, grammar nazis. I'm getting better, though! I've gone entire weeks on RO now without correcting anyone!
So I say, continue on with your Shakespearian drama! The verbal battles of such persons as those who continue to use words in a regal manner are too often tossed away from the public eye because of the confusion they cause to the ever-shortening attention span of the human race!
...I really need to stop reading old books.