Guys, Pandora does go to work (how else do you think server is paid for)

;;; Especially now that the machine isn't right by her bed side anymore, it's probably not like the past where she just press a few buttons and server is back up as easily as it was.
Let Pandora go to work. No worries, I'm sure she panics about this even more than you do XD;
Do more riddles. Watch Clannad, then watch Clannad Afterstory (24 ep + 13 ep, so that's a good 10+ hours there for all of your daily leisure while heRO is temporaily down.) If you've watched it already, there's always Kanon 2006 too.
*note: I'm not responsible if you ran out of handkerchiefs at home if you try to watch Kanon + Clannad all in a row.