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RE:??Changes to WoE
Aaronock Wrote:Add battlegrounds.
I'm serious, we need to put adding some form of battlegrounds as a high priority on here.??Gathering the battleground weps, armors, and etc yield great bonuses (marc like effects, the mage set even adds chance for GR effect temporarily) for anyone who kills demi human monsters, and in some cases the weapons are so dang good they get used all the time nearly by certain classes.
Plus BG adds a lot of fun, lets you work on teamwork, and is basically a mini woe.??
Some people even prefer BG to WoE
01-27-2010, 10:14 PM |
One Dogma: THROW AD!
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RE: Changes to WoE
I'm resurrecting this thread.
If you want to get an idea of where the basis for the arguments I'm about to make are coming from you'll have to read the first post (and possibly skim the pages that follow) because I'm not going to sum everything up.
Lots of people think WoE on heRO is boring.??Let's assume that the player base or the GMs or whoever are 100% against opening more castles (the original suggestion I made was at least one castle per realm open and only allow city-appropriate chest to spawn in each city, thereby de-randomizing chests).??Even if that's true, I think that we should implement the de-randomizing of chests.??Here's a few reasons why:
Random chests are bad for WoE.??Why???Because it promotes turting inside a castle to protect economy.??WoE is about rewards - without rewards it's basically PvP.??People who really want to PvP do that, because they're not as nerfed there.??So, again, we come back to WoE being about rewards.??They are the essential thing that makes item consumption during WoE worth it (well, that and having fun - but this is a game so I am assuming that everything you do here is for fun).??
With random chests, all a guild needs to do is sit on a high eco castle for long enough and they'll make a god item.??There is literally no incentive to move out of the castle other than to try to hold two simultaneously.??Were chests to be de-randomized (even just within the two castles we have now), there would be a reason to prefer one castle to the other based on which god item you're trying to make.??Maybe allow on Prontera/Alde chests in Prontera castle and Geffen/Payon chests in Geffen.??That way, if you only need one or two items for a god item and they're spawned by the other castle's chests you have a choice.??Keep the high eco castle safely with the majority of your guild and put off making the god item (or at least seriously trying for it) or move and defend the new castle - which involves attacking.
It would give the big guilds (regardless of who they are at the time) a motivation to get out and attack.??It would make changing castles a potential profit, rather than just a drop in eco.??
Furthermore, random chests are frustrating because that, combined with the removal of the god item quest, completely takes making a god item out of the players' hands.??What is supposed to be a major accomplishment is now achieved through luck, time, and a GM's assistance.??It's frustrating.??It also prevents enemy guilds from strategically holding a castle against another guild just to keep them from the god item components.??To illustrate: guild A hear's that guild B only needs one more component to make a Megingjard.??All of a sudden, regardless of which castle guild A holds they have a reason to keep guild B from whichever castle spawns the relevant component chest.??
TL;DR Version
Random chests are bad for WoE.??Even if we keep only two castles, please de-randomize them if you want to see WoE get more active/strategic/interesting regardless of the number of guilds involved.??
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(This post was last modified: 02-26-2010, 04:00 PM by azurerogue.)
02-26-2010, 03:59 PM |