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Trials of Heroes!
GM-Pandora Offline
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RE: Trials of Heroes!
11-29-2008, 11:46 PM
mahawirasd Offline
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RE: Trials of Heroes!
don't worry J J J, i'm sure you'll manage to do better and get the wings someday!

maybe you should try str-dex-agi and try item collection...
i'm sure with the wings and equips you have you could do pretty well here...

hope me and my GF can join next month!
(kinda sad coz i think me and my GF is really much better geared for ToH compared to last month)

12-01-2008, 02:52 AM
Avalon_Fates Offline
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RE: Trials of Heroes!
Now JJJ as soon as you not fail as much you will get wings. Come on ive seen you do waaaaaay better then that in previous ToH's. Your way better then that, must have not been on your game. Tho losing Play Dead might have something too do with it.

On a completely new note.

Light sucks so much it makes me want to headbutt a brick wall, which I promptly did after ToH out of frustration.

This is ridiculous. We outnumbered Dark, easily had gears equal to them and got our asses kicked. Know why? Cause no one could follow a simple command and we have the team work of 4th grade soccer players...

Its shameful when Me, Kohaku and Minato are trying to set up a plan. Not I hard one, it was stick together head west, aim for the priests first and the Sins and Wiz were the secondary targets. The match starts and half of us go west, the other half go north...towards the center of the map. Which JJJ said to avoid. So of course after out own wiz bombed us too hell and half our force running around like headless chickens we promptly got our asses kicked. Fair enough first round they got the stupid out of em, we switched the Wiz to our team so the melle wasn't in danger. Again, this time we say Stay Together!! We will play defense just slowly move west and kill them as they come. What happened. Everyone scattered again. Again Dark *who were impressively staying and working as a team* ripped through us like we were cardboard.

Now fair enough if nobody wants to listen to me, id gladly shut up and let someone else give out the orders heck i'm probably not even the best person for the job, but every ToH its the same crushing defeat. Before I could blame it on them having superior gears or numbers. But this time around we had equal gears at the very least and greater numbers. Simply put they have better quality players. So what can I say now. Its all about Dark having more people. Nope its not. Is it about them having better geared up players. Well as far as I could tell they had only 2 people with Greater Gears and we had a few people on our side that matched the gear quality so again, nope its not that too. So now the only thing that I can blame is our selves.

So until light gains some better coordination and team work, we will just keep losing to dark. No matter how better our gears are or how badly we outnumber them. So as sad as it is to admit this if you want the added 10 points in ToH at the moment join dark. Atleast they know what their doing.

*Rant Mode off*

Fates out.
[Image: 330g3na.gif]
"A utopia without love is just an illusion"
Angel Fates /99-68/1 agi 190aspd Lord Knight.
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Magia Elysia/94-50/Magic Bullet Monk <-Needs work.
(This post was last modified: 12-01-2008, 10:48 AM by Avalon_Fates.)
12-01-2008, 10:30 AM
GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Trials of Heroes!
Solution: have guilds/friends go to places other than anubis and moscovia. As much as they're great places to train solo, their drops are limiting and yeah, bad things do happen if you lack party experiences at the higher level dungeons. Nameless, thor, abyss and others come to mind. Even if it's not "best exp possible" it's still a refreshing change to visit places out of the norm once in a while, no?
12-01-2008, 11:51 AM
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Aaronock Offline
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RE: Trials of Heroes!
Heh, its a bit hard to train light side players in DD when most of them are dark >_>

Fates and I are weirdos in the group along with Holy Krap <_<
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12-01-2008, 11:56 AM
KohakuSan Offline
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RE:??Trials of Heroes!
GM-Ayu Wrote:Solution: have guilds/friends go to places other than anubis and moscovia. As much as they're great places to train solo, their drops are limiting and yeah, bad things do happen if you lack party experiences at the higher level dungeons. Nameless, thor, abyss and others come to mind. Even if it's not "best exp possible" it's still a refreshing change to visit places out of the norm once in a while, no?

The problem is we don't know most people there, lots of those are from other guilds/not our friends. This is not a possible solution.
Unless we start having more Light vs Dark Mass PvP events, those will never learn how to do it since the only time they can is once a month on ToH.

Team work, like the name suggests, is developed under team training which some of those people surely don't know anything about or even care. I don't think it's just that since I'm sure there were dark side people that didn't know each other either but from what I saw, they could do it.
So how did they do it and we didn't? That's something pretty hard to explain but I vote on those, even though I'm sure there are more I don't mention:
-Newer people/guilds, which can be easily fixed just with time/experience unless you're a complete noob;
-No leader. I know this is a problem for both sides but light seems to be lacking this much more than dark;
-Organization, wtf, half the group say: "GO WEST" then like 1/3 of everyone goes north! This is ridiculous, and like a complement for the previous topic. Leadership brings organization.
-Lots of people don't care about the others and stay alone or "go with the flow", the problem is when they go with the wrong flow...
Even worse, I'm sure some think they can go and "be the hero and save the day" alone against the other side doing whatever they want.

Btw, congrats dark siders, you really deserved it. Great work.
12-01-2008, 01:24 PM
Avalon_Fates Offline
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RE: Trials of Heroes!
Hmm maybe a third of light was botting thats why they were so dumb to mistake west for north and stick together for run around like idiots.

*Requests random bot checks on light side players in ToH*
[Image: 330g3na.gif]
"A utopia without love is just an illusion"
Angel Fates /99-68/1 agi 190aspd Lord Knight.
Magia Erebea Elysia /83-49/ Battle Alchemist
Magia Elysia/94-50/Magic Bullet Monk <-Needs work.
12-01-2008, 01:28 PM
JJJ Offline

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RE: Trials of Heroes!
xD honestly the one thing i love about that one map, is my ability to run around the out side of it and snipe off anyone in the center <3

anyway, in the mass pvp trial i always just cloak and run to the far corner of the dark side just cause im no use anyway XD

but ya, its funny to watch people just go randomly off to where ever land and die x3
i guess its their loss? >.<

i doubt theres much you can do about it.....

as for next time! i might quit ToH =P
as fun as it was to dodge meteor assault (which was really fun), and to run for my life from all those priests, and knights, and everyone else, i think its pretty clear im failing badly at this? XD
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12-01-2008, 08:19 PM
Fruityla Offline
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RE: Trials of Heroes!
Solution: Make a real character Laugh

As for me, it's down to not making small/stupid mistakes in the monster round now @_@

@Mass PvP topic: It seems the light side is full of new, fairly weak, and not well-equipped players. Whereas dark has a bunch of really strong and well-equipped vets...that know what they're doing for the most part.

Perhaps we should find a way to band together and better prepare ourselves? =p Not that I'm super passionate about who wins the light/dark wars, would just be nice to see light win for once XD
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(This post was last modified: 12-01-2008, 08:34 PM by Fruityla.)
12-01-2008, 08:21 PM
GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Trials of Heroes!
Things like what's the 4 directions, general things such as don't walk first when you're a sage... you really don't need to have partied with that exact same team to know what is that supposed to mean.

Dark side got just the same problem in theory since it's a composite of even antagonist guilds and various other random guild members. You don't see them having problem of never partying with each other before according to that logic. So why blame it on that?

As for no leader... I'll be quiet and won't comment Evil
12-01-2008, 09:40 PM
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