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Trials of Heroes!
GM-Aki Offline
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RE:??Trials of Heroes!
azurerogue Wrote:I believe refunds, in the past, were only given to people who left before the monster trial started.??That's just what I remember, though.??


Before anything started.
03-28-2009, 11:38 PM
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mahawirasd Offline
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RE: Trials of Heroes!
i must say the monster choices were good. challenging yet still doable. A bit more friendly for monks too IMHO... (except for the dimiks, loads died there, good choice)...

and really the last round was perfect! it was genius... and i should have been able to kill it if only i didn't lag, i got my hp and sp back to full and was recasting spirits when he came trotting by suddenly killing me... (that dark cross hurts like hell Cry)

and i must agree with Panda regarding the no bonus for the trivia trial because the questions are tricky enough but not impossible to know. Ok

GJ Panda and Ayu No1
thanks for holding it...


PS: thanks also goes to players for less KS on items trial (still experienced 1 or 2, but i somehow felt that items were a bit less chaotic this time around...)
funny thing is everyone seem to be doing the same phase at the same progressions... in the beginning all turtle gens were dead but no one touched ifrit and thana. After a few minutes there was a turtle population boom whilst thanas disappeared. Then ppl started killing ifrit and bapho and the thanas grew again... no one really touched bacsojin and garm it seems (give them some love ppl xP)
03-29-2009, 12:56 AM
Sepharius Offline

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RE:??Trials of Heroes!
mahawirasd Wrote:PS: thanks also goes to players for less KS on items trial (still experienced 1 or 2, but i somehow felt that items were a bit less chaotic this time around...)

If you KS, the devil will eat you. Icon_twisted
03-29-2009, 01:59 AM
Guillermo Offline
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RE: Trials of Heroes!
I'd say this monster run was really easy =3. I hurt myself more with sacrifice then the monsters did =P. I had fun this ToH and it was shorter than expected which is good also I suppose. I am looking forward to the new map though ^-^
03-29-2009, 03:16 AM
Yumera Offline
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RE: Trials of Heroes!
The main challenge of the last monster was its HP and killing it in time. I am liking it that there are a lot more monsters that are priest friendly as well as some things more friendlier for wizzies. The things are getting more balanced in my opinion.
03-29-2009, 01:45 PM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Trials of Heroes!
Instead I'll rather say this:

"Define 'balance' for ToH Monster trial."

Ranged combat is generally preferred due to RO game mechanics and setup in PvM. Ideally, RO is set that so the front line tanks, some classes do support, and then classes like Hunters, SinX (who is exceptional as SinX can be both front row and back row effectively), and Wizards are the damage dealers. Put in a 1 on 1 situation, the front line still have to take the brute of the attacks but their damage output isn't that great. Support classes are now forced to deal damage which is even more of an uphill climb. Wizards always are very strong in damage output but now got a lot to worry about due to lack of meat shields. There's just sniper who can rely on flee and still deal out massive damage. (As for sinx, it depends on the build in terms of which category falls in) Look at most of the non-custom MvPs and almost all but Amon Ra wants you to use range as your major damage dealer.

Monsters made by gravity are naturally suited for this cause. They deal heavy melee damage to try to break down the meatshields of LKs and Paladins, and if they have any special defenses, it's usually directed at magic so the mobbing Storm Gust is less painful/avoidable.

To choose monsters so that all classes have an "equal" chance to deal with it fairly in a 1vs1 situation, is honestly not an easy task at all... Some classes simply meant to excel in PvM than others, just like how some excel in PvP than others. We can try our best, but really monster choices is more limiting than you think...

That's why I do NOT support the earlier discussion to add point penalty/more benefits against certain classes like Sniper. They do well in Monster Trial because their class is designed to do so. If we punish Sniper for that... what, are we suppose to penalize any SinX who join PvP or something?

Just choose trials most suitable to the type of situation that your class supports. Sadly ToH is very biased against normally considered the support classes and a few others who aren't by design meant to solo very well (which we're open to suggestions for if you got new ideas how to overcome this), but I don't think penalizing what a class is meant to do is a good approach compare letting a class do what they are supposed to do.
03-29-2009, 05:03 PM
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Yumera Offline
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RE: Trials of Heroes!
:3 i still say homu res should be allowed in pvp cuz its a class skill. But any who, some people may also go about it differently as well. I found it amazing that Yukimi, a HP, went into item trial instead of the 'usual' PvP, not only that she got her next set of wings. Even if she isn't a 'farmer' character she went forth and did it and I have to say I was rather impressed :D

Also people who complain about Snipers, make one for toh if you think they have an advantage in it. I made one for that purpose, you don't even need to be a sniper, lvl 85+ hunter with mediocre gear works. >.> I still use a Hunter bow for TOH and have been since I hit hunter over a year ago.
03-29-2009, 06:40 PM
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azurerogue Offline
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RE: Trials of Heroes!
Agreed with Yumera. I made a Hunter (lvl 95 now) with only the Archer Set in +4 gears specifically for ToH. I've never gotten less than 100 points with him.
- Albus Dumbledore 99/70 Professor - Albus DumbIedore 92/59 Professor
- AIbus Dumbledore 93/50 Wizard - AIbus DumbIedore 1/1 Novice
- Astaroth 99/70 Creator - Dawkins 99/70 Creator
- Exemplar 98/69 Paladin - Equitas 80/47 Paladin
- Mephistopheles 95/65 Lord Knight - Shogo Kawada 97/67 Stalker
03-29-2009, 11:07 PM
mahawirasd Offline
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RE: Trials of Heroes!
less mobs more hp more def (like more than 70 DEF and 70 vit) /slur;
heh i wish... xP

well it's hard that way since i played my GF's hunter a bit and yeah pvm is way nicer and easier with it...

darn i should've known it was logi and not fire imps... soloing in thors i know that when imps start their cast circle it's time to bwing, so i cancelled rushing to asura when i saw 2 cast circles last TOH... Cry

03-30-2009, 07:32 AM
GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Trials of Heroes!
You can tell by the HP how it's a lot lower than Imp ^_^; It's similar to the "camouflage trick" we used before with Soldier Guardian but named Sword Master XD; (That was funny, it scared at least half of all the people to run to the end without even trying)
03-30-2009, 12:47 PM
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