I can't play RO right now, so mayhap I can live it vicariously through you guys.??=p
There's also other micro-blogging apps out there.??I wonder if anyone would be interested in a HeRO micro-blog.??Just sitting there fishing or mining being bored, why not throw it in a HeRO Tweet???That'd be awesome.??Looking for a partner???Tweet tweet.??This could be different from @main as it would be viewable by those not ingame.??That's a neat idea.??Let's watch it never be implemented.??^_^
i just made my fisher merchant and am currently fishing. my name is Kelta's Fishies. feel free to pm me to chat. i love to chat :3
Character: Kelta 8x fs high priest
message me if you wanna party
there is no quitting ragnarok. some day you will be back. back until the day that the game simply no longer exists. and then you will create your own version of ragnarok. because it lives in your blood.