Kari Nogashi
Forum Dweller
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RE: Vote for Points rewards
alright i just had a brilliant idea for incentive to vote. and this is intended as a joke so please theres no reason for it to turn into a friggin pok'emon battle plus 1 alright. if you win there will be no gym badge. i think a good incentive to vote would be the big "w" if the community doesent vote enough to fill a quota then boom insta lost everything. not bad right.( becuse im not ingame it wouldent affect my stats to badly.)
05-11-2010, 10:33 AM |
Kari Nogashi
Forum Dweller
Posts: 541
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Joined: Dec 2009
RE: Vote for Points rewards
well acount bound items would make it more of a reward for the player that voted instead of somthing you can just sell for a ton of zeny.
05-11-2010, 10:11 PM |
Posts: 143
Threads: 17
Joined: Nov 2009
RE: Vote for Points rewards
I am frowning upon the whole vote for points system in a whole, as this is just bribing players to do something they naturaly wont (ok not all players wont vote ofcourse)
On an important note: I have played on another server that got banned from the voting list of a topX RO list couse they where doing something similar, so please make shure this is legal. But leaving that matter aside.
Having this much expencive items will crash the market price on similar/worse items witch are alike, regardless wether they are account bound or not. Ok this is not entirely right to say, as the points required have not yet been announced. On the other side I understand that items not interesting enough will not make players vote anymore.
To prevent market crashing, doing items witch are not seen a lot (and have no item with alike effect) might work.
-Say satfoods: this can of course be done in different levels, food for all stats, lower lvl stats, higher level stats, the +30 hit food etc. Multiple could be added with different point cost.
-Defense/Attack potions could also be an option.
-Buffscrolls could also be nice say cast lvl 5 blessing upon yourself. Or possibaly even a soullink.
Im refering to usable things here as thay can always repeable be needed. There is no moment you can say, I got the best item, now I dont need anymore.
If it is insisted to stick with the gears maybe adding a zenny/itemprice aside the points would work, say an item would be ~10m on market, you can buy it for 5m and X points, or some items witch youll have to hunt. This can at least keep the market price above 5m making it not drop too drasticly so players hunting or having a similar item are not totaly ripped off its worth.
05-12-2010, 06:12 AM |