Natural Selection
Posts: 444
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Joined: May 2009
RE: Light Side 1 - Dark Side 0
Yes. Being on this particular server is a CHOICE. Based on personal preference. The people who are on this server are here because they want to be. For whatever reason, despite all of the things you seem to dislike about the server, you are still choosing to be here. Which is not to say that no one should ever complain about anything or suggest things to be improved, but there are civil, polite ways to go about that sort of thing that don't include talking smack about an entire allegiance and its players, telling people that the way they like to play isn't the "right" way, or accusing the GMs of bias (and so forth). The way you've been shooting down everyone that tries to disagree with you is rubbing me the wrong way, which is the only reason I'm responding to it at all. All I'm looking for is some clarification, because you seem to be negating your own points as you try to make them, and it's gotten really confusing. For example, you talk about the Light side being a bunch of "cherry pickers" and then say that Dark ends up using their PvM characters for ToH because it's easier, and that's the reason why we lose. Fact: if you're using your PvM characters because it's easier, you're being a "cherry picker" too! So how is that a valid argument against what the Light side is doing? I don't get it.
Anyway, getting back to your question... The GMs do what they can to accommodate folks in other time zones, but it's really not fair to expect them to disrupt their own lives to stay up until all odd hours of the day/night in their own time zones. The players in other time zones obviously like the server enough to stick around despite those sorts of complications, so, again, yes - personal preference. Farming for resources and hours of grinding - CHOICES. You've said yourself that those things require effort. If people don't want to put in the effort, that's their choice. It doesn't make them lesser players. It means they play differently.
As for me being an exception as far as the gears go - so that means I shouldn't have the gear that I like, because it's not the gear that you like? 'Fraid not. By all means, keep petitioning for a set of transparent wings for the Dark side. But I figure the reason we don't have one yet is probably because it's not as in-demand as other things that are taking up the GMs' time and attention.
09-15-2012, 02:15 AM |
Troll Prince
Posts: 591
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Joined: Feb 2011
RE: Light Side 1 - Dark Side 0
Event starts in 1h30, (11am EST).
1. I don't care about the transparent wing either;
2. Cherry picker in terms of they only reach 70 points+ by leeching from the ToH mass battle;
3. Are you trying to say PvPers should be no lifers? Seriously, I'm a PvP oriented person, but I play lazy as hell! Farmers does the farming, I just buy the materiels off them. I saved up and used my stuff only when it truly matters - opportunistic, not personal preference;
4. And your last resort, when you run out of arguments, are either a)choose between the GM's way or the highway; b) GTFO if you don't like it.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to North Korea!
Gangnam (North Korean) Style [for the LOLs]:
09-15-2012, 09:37 AM |
Posts: 96
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Joined: Jul 2012
RE: Light Side 1 - Dark Side 0
The event was fun!
What i liked best is that my party members supported me, even though i was close to useless. If i can, i'll do these events again.
European-friendly time was perfect for me, but i still have a suggestion:
It was kinda hard sitting in pron for 45mins+, just waiting. Next time you could go for fixed start times, like: "Light starts at 11, Dark starts at 12".
The event would probably get longer this way, but it would be easier to fit it into rl.
For example, i wanted to do several things today, but didn't know for sure when it would be my turn (dark party), so i ended up sitting in front of the computer grinding my teeth, while my parents complained and the sun slowly started setting and nothing happened ingame.
It would have been easy to do those things before the event, had i known it was our turn at 11:45.
Anyway, nice event.
09-15-2012, 01:04 PM |
Natural Selection
Posts: 444
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Joined: May 2009
RE: Light Side 1 - Dark Side 0
I'm with you, Nachi! Had a lot of fun. I was feeling pretty useless, too, but my party didn't leave me dead on the floor, and people finally figured out that the reason my skills weren't working was because of /noshift, so that was great. \o/ The more times we do the event, the better we'll get at it.  I was pretty much flying blind; didn't even realize we were in the emp room until we wiped.
As far as the time goes, setting them an hour apart could work, IMO. If we keep doing these and discover that the average time it takes to get through the castle starts increasing/decreasing, the timing could be adjusted accordingly. This was only the third run, so I don't know if the time will stay the same or not. Only took about 20 minutes each the first time the event happened. Not sure about Thursday's. Then 45-ish each today. But having a set time WOULD be convenient, for sure.
09-15-2012, 01:30 PM |