While it would be nice to be able to vend things on any class, I still feel it'd take away what little the Merchant class has left in it's job description.??Overcharge/Discount can be achieved through cards and ToH wings, increase weight limit.... how many of those backpacks do we have nowadays? Identify? We have magnifiers for that. Mammonite? Myst case hat. The only skills the merchant has that hasn't been??made accessible to other classes are the ones requiring carts (not counting platinum skills,??but you could argue that the officials made Greed accessible with the poring tower, but that's custom here). Albeit all of these options are less effective than when it's mastered on a merchant or Supernovice (unless you count rogue's Haggling skill lolz).??
You'd think they'd be giving out??the swordsmans skills out now, sword mastery is awesome! Put it on a chemist or a Double dagger sin. How about increase HP recovery? we could always use more effective potions. But then again, we got usable items to get endure and provoke, and gears to get bash and magnum break.
Acolyte--- letseee, we got gears/cards for heal, we get autocast pneuma from errend, teleport from creamy, autocast signum crucis from ancient mummy and the Nemesis mace. got gears out there that allow use of angelus. Agi, de-agi and bless are also in autocast gears...just missing passives and warp portal.
Thief--- You got gears for steal, Envenom and double attack. unless you count passives and platinums, they don't really have much left to their name.
Mages have the most skills out there, but that just means they have the most equips out there giving their skills out to noobs. Stone curse? Seeker card pls. Fire Bolt? Cold Bolt? Fireblend and ice falchion are the first things to come to mind. lightning bolt? Swordies can get a Schweizersabel or something to autocast that. Soul strike can be cast with a multitude of things, but one of the custom halloween gears comes to mind. Spider web wings and witch hat/purple bat doll will enable lvl 3, and a Brionac would autocast it as well. Frost driver is garm baby card, fire ball is mutant dragonoid card or kasa cards. Thunderstorm is autocast by zephyrus.??I don't remember if anything enables or autocasts firewall though,??but there are consumable spell scrolls??for that anyway.??Only spells left over are Safety wall and napalm beat.
Out of all of the other classes, I think archer has the most skills unique to it's class (mainly because of the weapon requirement). the only skill that others could use is Improve concentration, and what do ya know, Boxes of gloom give brewers that all the time, but I bet they wish they had that owls eye.
Some classes got ripped off more than others, but for each base class, they have at least one skill unique to them. For the merchants, it's their cart skills and vending, and I'd vote to keep it unique to them.
KaminoKaoru Wrote:GM-Radiance Wrote:For the record, vending on any map that contain mobs (aggro or passive) is illegal and is a ban-able offense.
You know as they say, everything is permitted as long as you don't get caught. 
There are lots of ban-able offenses yet people still commit them. Sure the GMs can simply ban them but we all know that can't completely stop people from doing so. I simply think this would give them more options on how to get banned. 
EDIT: Oh, and that rule appears to be violated most of the times. Why aren't we sending all merchants in Prontera to jail anyway? 
On that note, the rules do state that it's the players job to report those issues when??people see those ban-able offenses. By that logic, I'd think over 99.5% of the server are rule breakers, since we tend to use either ignorance of the rules or we turn a blind eye to those offenses unless they hinder them directly, or??are just too lazy to go through the hassle of reporting those peoples.
Then there are the people out there (again lazy IMO) who go something like this. "Oh that dude's being an ass again, he's gonna get so banned, other people have probably reported him already."