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"General" PvP Rules Agreement
Kadar Offline
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RE: "General" PvP Rules Agreement
Why would you limit converters at all? If someone is using ele wings I would want to be able to swap to the most effective element as the situation dictates.

Green Pots and Panacea shouldn't be limited. Priests are faster than most classes due to agi up so they can just kite and Divina until you use those limited # of pots up. Then you come to the same problem as when you aren't allowed Green Pots or Panacea. So you should really just have unlimited Green Potions and Panacea.

Also why would you limit aspd pots? You wouldn't waste the time to dispel on one single aspd pot would you? I personally don't use aspd pots in pvp but I don't use fish or pots in pvp either. So while I personally don't see limited aspd pots as a big loss I don't really see any real reason they should be limited either. It seems kind of unnecessary to limit the potential options the player has.

I think what we really need to avoid is unnecessary restrictions just because it's an option. PVP fights should feel like natural PvP/WoE situations and you really shouldn't have so many rules to watch out for. One of the things I hated so much about ToH pvp was the 10 second cloak time limit. It's distracting to have to count out how long I'm cloaked/hidden/grimming for when I just want to have a good fight and kill them before the time runs out. I certainly don't want to worry about using too many greens/panacea/aspd/converters/ele res pots while I'm fighting. I want to concentrate on pvp not item management.
[Image: combinedoodlesigiq6.gif][Image: siromafinished1ln0.png]
09-07-2008, 01:47 AM
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teOx Offline
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RE: "General" PvP Rules Agreement
why on earth limit converters? changing element isnt anything broken, hence doesnt need to be limited in any way. that goes for aspd pots too, like kadar said.

if it aint broke dont fix it -_-.

unnecessary restrictions suck i still say only limit healing items. less annoying just let people fight how they want with a few ground rules, no?
(This post was last modified: 09-07-2008, 04:59 AM by teOx.)
09-07-2008, 04:55 AM
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Neuneck Offline
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RE: "General" PvP Rules Agreement
I agree with te0x on that one... the least limitations make it the most convenient...
Why limit Aspd potions? They weight a lot and unless you get dispelled, you won't need a second one, so why limit, when it's rather senseless to even bring a second one?
No Potions goes for all Jobs, for Chemists as well.
I don't really know on Greens/Panceas, as I haven't done enough pvp to build an opinon on those.
Converters: none or unlimited. Except for Casters, most ppl will rely on race-dependent attacks anyway. If Casters are broken when they changed your element is another thing i can't judge (yet). [just a little question: If you get converted and you switch to an element armor, do you have the converted or the armor element?]
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(This post was last modified: 09-07-2008, 07:26 AM by Neuneck.)
09-07-2008, 07:23 AM
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GM-Pandora Offline
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RE: "General" PvP Rules Agreement
I say 3 minutes, otherwise your event is gonna be painfully long.

Allow condensed red pots for lif <3 and other items needed for homun to cast their skills.

I would be against buffing food personally, use your natural stats and gears, not +stat food.

Perhaps allow white/blue pots for alchemist (50 white/5 blue), but not creator?

I would allow green, panacea, speed pots and converters, unlimited.

I say keep restrictions to a minimum as well, not just for the player that has to remember it, but for the GM that has to be checking the fight and monitoring 2 players at once.
09-07-2008, 11:29 AM
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Kadar Offline
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RE: "General" PvP Rules Agreement
If +stat food is a part of someone's build why would you restrict it? Some people build around the fact they will always have +stat food around. If it's only used during a prebuffing phase and not allowed during the actual fight then I see no reason to not allow it.

Is there a reason to give alchemists pots at all? They still have a homunc to attack with and now you give them the ability to keep themselves and the homunc alive forever. Just because they don't have AD doesn't mean they should suddenly be allowed to use pots. It's not an equal exchange at all. I guess allowing cond reds as a catalyst should be fine. I'm not sure how much lifs heal for but with the delay it shouldn't be any worse than a FS HP. So long as the cond reds aren't eaten or thrown there shouldn't be any problems.
[Image: combinedoodlesigiq6.gif][Image: siromafinished1ln0.png]
09-07-2008, 01:13 PM
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Général_Argos Offline
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RE: "General" PvP Rules Agreement
This thread is filled of sinx, but I see no creators in here. Lets wait for one of them to voice their opinion?
IGN: 9000KRIM Alts:  Morradin, KRIMSTEAL
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09-07-2008, 01:25 PM
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teOx Offline
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RE:??"General" PvP Rules Agreement
Kadar Wrote:If +stat food is a part of someone's build why would you restrict it???Some people build around the fact they will always have +stat food around.??If it's only used during a prebuffing phase and not allowed during the actual fight then I see no reason to not allow it.

^ yep lots of players me included build our stats around stat food. taking them away gives us an *unnatural* disadvantage. if we take the time to farm food, we should be able to use it. not like its cheap.
(This post was last modified: 09-07-2008, 05:06 PM by teOx.)
09-07-2008, 05:05 PM
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Kadar Offline
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RE:??"General" PvP Rules Agreement
G?n?ral_Argos Wrote:This thread is filled of sinx, but I see no creators in here.??Lets wait for one of them to voice their opinion?

Regardless of what class someone plays this thread is about PVP.??We should be welcoming the opinions of ANYONE WITH A LOT OF PVP EXPERIENCE not just people who play the class we're talking about at that moment. Let's not turn this into a such and such class vs such and such class thread. So keep class bias out of it.
[Image: combinedoodlesigiq6.gif][Image: siromafinished1ln0.png]
(This post was last modified: 09-07-2008, 05:23 PM by Kadar.)
09-07-2008, 05:20 PM
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Bloody Offline
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RE: "General" PvP Rules Agreement
By disabling Alchies / Creators from using White/Blue pots to heal with Potion Pitcher, you are disabling one of their skills. The skill requires items to work, just like how EDP requires PB, or Stone Curse uses a Gemstone...etc. What's next? Disable WS buffs because they use zeny? Maybe remove AD because it uses items as well? I don't see any skill limitations in the whole thread, why disable Potion Pitcher? PP can heal a 60-70 vit Creator for about 1,200~1,400. Any EDP'ed Sonic Blow from a good Sinx can deal anything between 12 to 16k.. What seems more broken now?
09-07-2008, 05:35 PM
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Général_Argos Offline
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RE: ??"General" PvP Rules Agreement
Kadar Wrote:So keep class bias out of it.

Your biased against creators and alchs and trying to help sinx.


Your asking for unlimited poison bottles for sinx's enchant deadly poison skill??while asking for NONE potions for creator's potion pitcher skill.??
IGN: 9000KRIM Alts:  Morradin, KRIMSTEAL
Banned: Krimlin, Krimlogas, Lord_Krimlogas, General_Argos
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(This post was last modified: 09-07-2008, 06:19 PM by Général_Argos.)
09-07-2008, 06:15 PM
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