Glad to be coming back, but ive deleted everything once before and reinstalled everything. But im currently downloading the FULL hero installer in hopes that it will fix everything..if not then well..i can fix it with my trusty ball point hammer =3
You probably have a data folder, which you shouldn't, that's why you get this error, rename it and try again.
And you really ought to have a number in neoncube.file (not neoncube.ini), something between 0 and 62, if you don't then re-install the heRO small installer over what you got.
i deleted the data folder.
now i would love to post my RO folder but when i try to save the paint file my computer tells me i dont have enough memory to preform such an action
Reboot your computer, then you show have enough memory to take a screenshot and post it.
It's very odd that you don't have a data.ini, that file is installed by the heRO installer, is that the latest thing you installed? If it's not than install it over what you got then repatch hero with the hero patcher.