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Auction: Sunday, June 24th at 1:30AM
Former-GM-Radiance Offline
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Auction: Sunday, June 24th at 1:30AM
[Image: FAgears.png]
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Date: June 24rd, Sunday at 1:30AM

Fairies' Might: Red Fairy Wings. Lower headgear + armor, +6 def, +30 ATK, required level 60, all classes.

Fairies' Magic: Blue Fairy Wings. Lower headgear + armor, +6 def, +8% MATK, required level 60, all classes.

Drooping Pixie: Upper headgear, +5 Hit, +5 Mdef, 5 def, Decreases after-cast delay by 5%, required level:65, all classes. Comboes with Red Fairy Wings for 5% attack speed or with Blue Fairy Wings for 12% decrease of cast time.

Pixie's Letter: Grants free and unlimited access to Fairy Dungeon, just talk to the NPC with it on your inventory.

GM Service: GMs will do a donation service equivalent of costing 5 dollars for you. Same restrictions apply as normal donation service. You must use up your GM Donation service before the next month's fairy auction or your GM Service will be voided.

HeRO Helper Hat Selection: Winner's choice of any one of the currently released or past HeRO Helper Hat's.

Father's Day: Necktie headgear, High Orc Pet Egg, 10 whole roast (+7 str food)
[Image: necktie.jpg]?[Image: orcoolala.jpg]

Summer Solstice: Enjoy the summer with the following items: Super Summer Suit, Blazer Pet, 10x Gift Box (Red), Book of Blazing Sun [3], and Sunglasses[1] carded with leib card
[Image: blazer.jpg]??

Vacation Pack: Having fun in the summer with the following items: Summer hat[1] (special stats), 10 Vermilion on the Beach, and beach sandal (manteau combo), Shellfish Pet Egg*
[Image: summerhat.jpg] [Image: dinner.jpg]

Lucky Refine: Lucky roll of the dice to determine what gear receives a +1 perfect refine.
1. Upper Headgear
2. Armor (including wings that fit the other requirements below)
3. Shield
4. Garnment
5. Boots
6. Player's Pick

Item must not be slotted.
Item must be refinable.
Item cannot be higher than +7.

Heal & Attack Potions: 100 light white potion, 20 light blue potion, 10 poison bottle, 20 acid bottle, 20 bottle grenade, 15 Big Defense Potion, 15 Big Magic Defense Potion, 20 Small Defense Potion, 5 large life potion, 5 status resist potion, 5 SP Consumption Reduction Potion

* No specified length on exclusivity.
06-11-2012, 12:56 AM
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mahawirasd Offline
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RE: Auction: Sunday, June 24th at 1:30AM
ohax leib card sunnies... do want...

06-11-2012, 09:20 AM
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tan313008 Offline

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RE: Auction: Sunday, June 24th at 1:30AM
How do we put blind bids? Thinking
IshidaUryuu 97/66 Sniper
Fist of Fury 9x/6x Champion
Kuchiki Byakuya 96/47 Alchemist
06-11-2012, 01:23 PM
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Former-GM-Circe Offline
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RE: Auction: Sunday, June 24th at 1:30AM

Here ya go. Icon_smile
First bold, purple heading.
Gone! Thanks for the memories.

06-11-2012, 01:37 PM
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Former-GM-Circe Offline
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RE: Auction: Sunday, June 24th at 1:30AM
Updated the Refine pack with a bit of additional info, due to questions.

It's a +1 refine. No chance of failure.
Wings are included under armor, as long as they fit the other rquirements.

Gone! Thanks for the memories.

06-11-2012, 04:40 PM
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Former-GM-Circe Offline
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RE: Auction: Sunday, June 24th at 1:30AM

Pics added of headgears/pets.

The Blazer has such a badass face.
Gone! Thanks for the memories.

06-11-2012, 06:21 PM
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Adrillf Offline
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RE: Auction: Sunday, June 24th at 1:30AM
06-11-2012, 07:29 PM
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Former-GM-Circe Offline
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RE: Auction: Sunday, June 24th at 1:30AM
[Image: kisses.png]
After spending several happy, hospitable months with a local tribe of Orcs, it has come to my attention that High Orcs are far more well thought of and striven for than those low, measly, grungy Orc Warriors.
The Orc Ladies all assured me that with my face, I could easily trick a High Orc into elopement! They also gave me a fabulous recipe for roasted Pulae'uuh, whatever that is!

Sadly, it worked too well, and now I need to get rid of an extra follower.

My misery is your good luck! For the low, low price of potentially all your zeny, Pixie has offered to act as a matchmaker for His Orcship.
He also matches smashingly with a handy, doorknob friendly tie!



TLDR: Swapped out Orc Warrior for High Orc, because who wants to bid on an Orc Warrior?

Q-Q-QUADRA post!

Edit: @nuke Adrillf
Gone! Thanks for the memories.

06-11-2012, 07:36 PM
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Former-GM-Circe Offline
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RE: Auction: Sunday, June 24th at 1:30AM
Bump! Auction is next weekend!
Gone! Thanks for the memories.

06-16-2012, 10:02 PM
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Former-GM-Circe Offline
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RE: Auction: Sunday, June 24th at 1:30AM
[Image: dinner.jpg]

While a trip to the beach is fun and all, it's not truly complete without a companion to share the fun with.
Well, fun for the rest of us that get to watch them constantly knock down your sand castles, ruin your tan, and splash salt laden water all over your hairdo and new hat.

With that in mind, we have added the perfect companion to the Vacation Pack!

And hey, if worse comes to worse, he'll always make a delicious meal.
Gone! Thanks for the memories.

06-21-2012, 02:57 AM
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