Celine Kimi Hunt

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Celine Kimi Hunt


Recommended for MVP



Santamarinhat.png Santa Marin Hat

Reputation Rewards:

100 Lutia reputation points

Quest Start Location: Santa's Assistant at xmas_dun01 132 123 (Near entry to F2)

1. In the center of the Lutie Toy Factory, atop a mountain of presents, speak to Santa's Assistant.

2. He will tell you that lately the toys upstairs have been moving around on their own at night and spirits have taken up residence in the factory. He suspects the spirit Celine Kimi might be behind the haunting and is looking for brave adventurers to investigate.

3. Agree to look around and he'll warp you upstairs to the haunted floor. Here you'll find all manner of haunted toys and somewhere Celine Kimi will be wandering the grounds.

4. Defeat Celine Kimi and you'll instantly obtain 100 Lutia reputation points. Afterward, return to Santa's Assistant downstairs.

5. Santa's Assistant will thank you for your help and reward you with a Santa Marin Hat. You may speak to him anytime afterward to visit the haunted floor again.

Xm celine kimi.gif
Celine Kimi