Chinese New Year Quest - 2016

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This seasonal quest is currently unavailable on heRO.
When it becomes available again, this notice will be removed.

Chinese New Year Quest - 2016

Base Level:


Job Class:


Items (Consumed):

2 Medicine Bowl
50 Sticky Mucus
150 Sticky Poison
100 Cloud Crumbs
2 Black Dyestuffs

100 Witched Starsands
200 Powder of Butterfly
1 Ancient Magic [2]
6 Blank Scrolls
2 Pellets
50 mushroom spores
1 Illusion Flower or Valhalla's Flower


Base Experience:

Varies based on level

Job Experience:

Varies based on level


  • Yin Yang Earrings -OR- Yang Headress -OR- Yin Headress
  • 12 Dead Branch 25 box
  • 20 Firecrackers
  • 1 of the following pet eggs: Dancing Dragon, Gajomart, Gemini, Zipper Bear, or Zombie Master
  • 2 Red Envelope
  • 10 Rough Enriched Ore
  • 2 White Potions
  • 1 Wrapped Mask
  • 1 Old Card Album4

1Only if you complete the quest by March 1, 2016.
You can also choose between the previous Chinese New Year Quest items Yin Headress" (female) or "Yang Headdress" (male).

Happy Chinese/Lunar New Year. The mysterious Xun Yang in Louyang is asking for your help. Complete the quest to earn the Yin Yang Earrings and other rewards! The quest will be available all year. Those who completed the quest before March 1st earned an Old Card Album as an additional prize.




1) In order to start the Quest you'll need to talk to Xun Yang, who stands north of the Louyang warp NPCs and Kafra. Agree to help him and he will give you the first list of items:

  • 2 Medicine Bowl
  • 50 Sticky Mucus
  • 150 Sticky Poison
  • 100 Cloud Crumbs
  • 2 Black Dyestuffs.


2) When you have collected the items Xun Yang asked for, talk to him again. He then requests the additional following items:

  • 2 Pellets
  • 50 mushroom spores
  • 1 Illusion Flower OR Valhalla's Flower.

3) Bring the items to Xun Yang. He tells you that you saved his life and wants to celebrate with a good bottle of wine. You can't resist and drain it down in one gulp!! Everything gets dark...
You spawn inside a dungeon. After some dialogue, a monkey named 'Victim' spawns next to you. Kill it...
You see a fire place. Move as close to it as you can and a new dialogue tells you about a monster, you think this is the end... when suddenly a monkey comes to your rescue. You get warped back to Louyang.

4) Go back to where Xun Yang was and speak to the monkey. He explains that you were marked as prey of a monster by traitorous Xun Yang. And the only way to escape your new fate is to seal the monster. He will get help from the Zodiac world, while you prepare components for the spell that is needed...

  • 100 Witched starsands
  • 200 Powders of Butterfly
  • 1 Ancient Magic [2]
  • 6 Blank Scrolls.


5) Give the items to the monkey. Talk to him again and when you're ready, you will be spawned within a dungeon. Once there, you have to run past a bunch of monsters, varying from Diabolics to Whispers. You are free to fight or run from the monsters however you please.

Eventually at the end of the path, some further dialog appears, destroying any monsters left on the map. A new creature spawns nearby.

You can choose to fight this monster, but is recommended that you run from him instead. You can do so very easily by using Agility Up, Authoritative Badge, or Speed Potion.

After approximately 3 minutes, the monkey appears again at the end of the path. He will cast a spell that will seal the monster back into the crystal. Talk to the monkey once more to leave the dungeon.

6) Back in Louyang, talk to the monkey again. The monkey will show his gratitude for helping him, by giving you one of the Zodiac headgears. You can choose between earrings or a hat.

Note: that if you abandon this quest before finishing, you randomly get attacked by monsters named 'Killer'.


See Seasonal Gears for information on the earrings and headdresses.


  • 1 Yin Yang Earrings

or 1 Yin Headdress OR 1 Yang Headdress (depending on your account's gender)

  • Base and Job exp (Varies based on level)
  • 12 Dead Branch 25 box
  • 20 Firecrackers
  • 1 of the following Pet Eggs: Dancing Dragon, Gajomart, Gemini, Zipper Bear, or Zombie Master
  • 2 Red Envelope
  • 10 Rough Enriched Ore
  • 2 White Potions
  • 1 Wrapped Mask

An extra reward of 1 Old Card Album was given if the quest was completed before March 1, 2016.