List of Available Dungeons
The following is a list of accessible Dungeons in heRO.
[hide]- 1 Warper Accessed Dungeons
- 1.1 Abyss Lake
- 1.2 Amatsu Dungeon
- 1.3 Ant Hell
- 1.4 Ayothaya Dungeon
- 1.5 Bifrost Tower
- 1.6 Bio Laboratory
- 1.7 Brasilis Dungeon
- 1.8 Byalan Island
- 1.9 Clock Tower
- 1.10 Coal Mine
- 1.11 Einbech Dungeon
- 1.12 Ferre's Playground (Jitterbug's Nightmare)
- 1.13 Geffen Dungeon
- 1.14 Glast Heim
- 1.15 Gonryun Shrine
- 1.16 Hazy Maze Forest
- 1.17 Hidden Dungeon
- 1.18 Juperos Ruins
- 1.19 Kaldheim Arena Instance
- 1.20 Kiel Robot Factory
- 1.21 Krakatau Volcano
- 1.22 Louyang Royal Tomb
- 1.23 Lutia Mine
- 1.24 Magma Dungeon // Nogg Road
- 1.25 Malangdo Culvert Instance
- 1.26 Malangdo Dungeon
- 1.27 Moscovia Forest
- 1.28 Muspelhiem
- 1.29 Nameless Island
- 1.30 Neko Island
- 1.31 Nyddhoggur's Dungeon // Yggdrasil Root
- 1.32 Odin Temple
- 1.33 Orc Dungeon
- 1.34 Payon Cave
- 1.35 Pingvi Haven
- 1.36 Poring Island
- 1.37 New Poring Island
- 1.38 Prisma Cave
- 1.39 Prontera Culvert
- 1.40 Pyramids
- 1.41 Rachel Sanctuary
- 1.42 Scaraba Hole
- 1.43 Sealed Shrine
- 1.44 Sphinx
- 1.45 Sunken Ship
- 1.46 Thanatos Tower
- 1.47 Thor Volcano
- 1.48 Tina Grace Cave
- 1.49 Toy Factory
- 1.50 Turtle Dungeon
- 1.51 Umbala Dungeon
- 1.52 Warzone
- 2 Other Dungeons
Warper Accessed Dungeons
Abyss Lake
Start in Hugel. Make sure you have the following items. 1x – Dragon Canine, 1x – Dragon Scale, 1x- Dragon Tail.
Exit south, then one map west. On the northwest side of the lake there is an NPC. Choose the option to INSERT the dragon body parts. You will be allowed in and given access to floor one of the dungeon. The warp duo is waiting as soon as you enter.
Amatsu Dungeon
Start in Amatsu.
Follow the steps found here -
This is a walk quest. Walk around and talk to the NPC’s in the right order, and you’ll get access. Extra bonus that it includes base and job exp as part of the quest.
Ant Hell
Start in Morroc.
Exit South. In the northwest corner of the map is an NPC named Serutero. Choose the option “I’m going there!” He will warp you one map west. From that entrance point, walk north.
Just north of the ramp in to the map, is a hole in the ground with a bunch of spikes surrounding it. Walk down into the hole and into the pit. Welcome to Ant Hell.
Ayothaya Dungeon
Start in Ayothaya. Follow this quest.
Bifrost Tower
Exit the town of Mora and head north.
Bio Laboratory
Start in Lighthalzen. Follow this quest. When you go through the sewers to get to the dungeon, you will be brought to floor two. To find the warp duo, you’re going to have to go upstairs. Bring fly wings, or a teleport clip because if you’re not ready for it, even floor two can be tricky to navigate solo. In heRO, up to floor 4 is available.
Brasilis Dungeon
Start in Brasilis. Follow this quest. Once you’re through the manhole, welcome to the dungeon.
Byalan Island
Start in Izlude.
Walk to the Northeast corner of the island, where there is a boat on the map. Talk to “Sailor” NPC, and select the Bylan Island option. This will warp you to an island that looks like a skull. The warp into the dungeon is in the nose. You can either walk around the entire map and down the center of the nose, or you can teleport around. In heRO, Byalan Island have 6 floors with 2 MvPs in total.
Clock Tower
Start in Alberta.
Walk north. That giant building that has a clock on it? That’s the clock tower. Once you’re inside walk north again to the central room to find the warp duo.
Coal Mine
Start in Geffen, or Aldebaran
Use the Kafra warper to warp to the “Mjolnir Dead Pit”. The duo will be outside the cave.
Einbech Dungeon
Start in Einbech.
On the top of the map, near the center is the dungeon. Sitting outside the dungeon is the warp duo.
Ferre's Playground (Jitterbug's Nightmare)
The dungeon is in Payon field 10, but it requires a quest to access. The dungeon is along the south wall of the map, directly south. It's under the trees so you need to change your camera angle.
Geffen Dungeon
Start in Geffen.
Walk north. The giant tower in the center of the map houses the dungeon. Go inside and walk down towards the SE of your screen. After a few small rooms, it will open up into the dungeon. The warp duo will be waiting for you there. Note that the final floor is locked off to allegiance members with customized monsters.
Glast Heim
Start in Geffen.
Exit West. Go West. Go North. Go West. This should lead you to a map that looks like cathedral and church ruins. There are multiple entrances into the maze that is the Glast Heim dungeon on this map, however to unlock it, you’re going to only want one of them. On the southern part of the map is a warp just north of a fountain/statue thing, and up the stairs. Go inside the dungeon. Once inside the warp duo will be waiting for you.
Gonryun Shrine
Start in Gonryun.
Walk north. Head into the cave that has a statue and NPC outside of it. The warp duo will be waiting inside.
Hazy Maze Forest
Start in Splendide.
Exit to the NE. Head to the north of this map. Before you go through the exit, there is the warp duo waiting for you. Watch out. This map has some higher level monsters, so either clear out the area first, or be willing to click quickly.
Hidden Dungeon
The fastest way to get here is to start on the Prontera WoE map. To get there talk to the warp brother, and select the special option. Select “WoE Castles” and then select any of the castles. Once on the map, exit north. In the north(almost about the 11:00 position) there is a warp point as well as the warp duo waiting for you.
Juperos Ruins
Start in Yuno.
Exit South. Go East. Go South. On this map, there is a central ‘island’. Get to that island. The warp portal will be there that heads into the dungeon. The warp duo is waiting for you on the map outside.
Kaldheim Arena Instance
Accessed in city of Kaldheim within Lutia. It is within a building on the west side of the main street, south of the center area.
Kiel Robot Factory
You will most likely need help killing the Kiel as part of this quest. A bit through the quest you can access the first floor of the dungeon, where the warp duo is, and you can (and should) save then to help you out with the remainder of the quest. Once finished with the full quest, you get a good amount of base and job exp, plus items, but this is a long quest. Good luck.
Krakatau Volcano
Start in Dewata. Exit west. Start this quest. When trying to farm the cendrawasih feathers, the cendrawsih are on the map directly outside of where you start the quest. Once you’re done, access to Krakatau is on the dock of Dewata. Side bonus of doing the quest – you get a hat, and we all know how RO players feel about different headgears.
Louyang Royal Tomb
Start in Louyang.
Exit to the northwest. Once you go through the warp, the warp duo is right there.
Lutia Mine
Start in Lutie.
On the east side of the map, in the trees, there is a warp to exit east. Take it. Go east again. On this map, the other western exit (not the one that you came in on, but the one above and slightly to the right of where you warped in) has the warp duo standing outside of it.
Magma Dungeon // Nogg Road
Start in Yuno.
Exit South. Go east. The magma dungeon warp is the middle of the three west exits. The brother is outside the dungeon, and he’s left his sister to defend for herself inside the entrance of the dungeon. She kept asking for so much money, so she deserves it.
Malangdo Culvert Instance
Start in Malangdo.
The map looks like a paw. On the second ‘finger’/digit of the paw there is a dungeon cave. Walk in and the warp duo is waiting for you.
Malangdo Dungeon
Start in Malangdo.
The map looks like a paw. On the first ‘finger’/digit of the paw there is a dungeon cave. Walk in and the warp duo is waiting for you.
Moscovia Forest
Start in Moscovia.
Follow this quest.
Warning – this one is time based and will occasionally not work depending on what time of day the game is at. Make sure to double check the server time with using @time.
Muspelhiem is an event that happens weekly. However, you can get to the warp duo without the event. When the event happens, this is just a quicker way to dive into the event.
Start in Niflheim.
Get to the center ‘square’ (even though it’s a circle) of the town where the healer, Kafra, and bank NPC are hanging out. To the NE of the town square there is an NPC called, “Knight” across the street from him is a house with a warp portal. Go in the house. Once in the house, head north. The warp duo is hanging out near stairs that lead towards the event.
Nameless Island
OTo get to nameless island you need to do this quest. But to do that quest you need to have finished this quest. This one is long, and it puts you into some very dangerous maps and situations. You need to either bring friends, or be very quick with consumables because it’s not an easy walk through Thors to get to the NPC that you need to talk with.
Neko Island
Start in Malangdo.
Head to the SE corner of the paw island where there is a dock. At the north end of the dock there is an NPC named Furr. Talk to Furr. Select the option to go to Neko Island.
Nyddhoggur's Dungeon // Yggdrasil Root
There’s a LONG line of quests to get there, and generally you’re going to need to get help with this from a party or friends. Here’s the sites you can go to to find walkthroughs of all of those fabulously long quests. You start with Onward to the New World which will give you access to the New World (Midcamp). Then do Attitude To the New World, Report From the New World, then Ring Of The Wise King Quest, Two Tribes AND THEN you get You'll finally be in the dungeon then.
Odin Temple
Start in Hugel.
On the East coast of Hugel there is a dock. On that dock is an NPC named “Boatman”. Talk to Boatman, and accept the option to travel to Odin’s. When you arrive, the NPC will be waiting for you.
Orc Dungeon
Start in Geffen.
Talk to Kafra. Select teleport options. Select orc dungeon. Go in the warp into the house that’s north of where you get warped in. Walk through the house. You’ll be in the dungeon when you see the warp duo.
Payon Cave
Start in Archer Village.
Walk west. The warp in to the dungeon is at about the 10:00 position of the map.
Pingvi Haven
Start in Lutie.
Exit south (say hello to Garm or more likely the grave of Garm while you pass through his map) and then exit in the southwest corner of the map.
Walk a few cells to the west to see the NPC “Doll Maker”. Talk to him and offer to help him. He’ll tell you to go take pictures of Pingvi.
Head to crystal shore. Exit South. Exit South East. Exit North Exit West. From warp in, walk west towards the water. There’s a dock with an NPC named “Fisherman”. Talk to him about Pingvi Haven, and he will take you there. Once he warps you the warp duo will be waiting for you.
Poring Island
Start in Izlude.
Exit West. Walk South. Walk East. Welcome to Poring Island.
New Poring Island
Start in Poring City.
Walk South and talk to “Applering”. Select the option to go to poring island. Warp duo is right there when you warp in.
Prisma Cave
The cave is accessed as part of the Prisma Cave Smuggler and Prisma Cave Investigation quests.
Prontera Culvert
Start in Prontera.
Follow this guide.
Once you get warped there by the guard, talk to the guard on the field to enter the dungeon. The save sister is inside the dungeon.
Start in Morroc Ruins.
In the northwest corner of the map is the warp. Walk in and the save duo is waiting for you.
Rachel Sanctuary
Start in Rachel.
Do the quest.
Scaraba Hole
Start in Manuk.
Exit East. Warp duo is waiting for you right by where you enter into the map. Note that you can ask someone with Warp Portal to save in Manuk and warp you to unlock both Manuk town and Scaraba Hole this way.
Sealed Shrine
Start at St. Cap Abbey. Follow this Guide -
While you can unlock it with ease, you will need a party to defeat this instance.
Start in Morroc
Exit West. Walk West, over the bridge, and into Sphinx. The warp duo will be waiting for you inside the dungeon.
Sunken Ship
Start in Alberta.
Head off to the boat that’s on the map. On the edge of the plank is an NPC named Paul. Talk to Paul and select the option to sign up. On the island, walk to the NE corner towards the sunken ship. Go down the ladder and into the hull of the ship. The warp duo will be waiting for you on the inside. Make sure to go laugh at Drake at the bottom of the map for being easily the most worthless MVP card in the history of the game. He deserves it.
Thanatos Tower
Start in Yuno.
Exit South. Exit East. Exit North. Exit North. The warp duo is on this map, north of where you warped in. The NPC that they are near is the one that will give you entrance to the actual dungeon.
Thor Volcano
Start in Veins.
Exit North. Follow the path to exit the next map. Exit North. This map should be two tones. In the center north of the dark upper portion is the dungeon entrance. The warp duo is waiting for you outside of the dungeon.
Tina Grace Cave
Start in Dewata.
Exit West. Walk South West. In the bottom corner of that map is the warp duo standing outside the dungeon.
Toy Factory
Start in Lutie.
Exit North. Warning with this, there are two central north warps. One looks like it is going into a train, and then there’s one just a bit further north than that. You’re going to want to get the one that is further north. When you get into that map, follow the walkway north into the main central building. The warp duo is in the dungeon.
Turtle Dungeon
Start in Alberta.
Follow this quest
Once you get sent to the island the warp duo is waiting off the dock from where you land. The dungeon is in the turtle’s head.
Umbala Dungeon
Start in Umbala.
Exit to the north. Once through the warp, you’ll see the warp duo.
See the associated link for details on how to unlock the Warzone. As a warning with Warzone, it is a deadly map. I would recommend a permanent access pass if you plan on seriously doing this map more than just a casual visit.
Other Dungeons
These dungeons are either not accessible by the warper directly, or are only opened by events.
- Abyss Instance (Abyss 4)
- Blackout Clock Tower Instance
- Fairy Paradise
- Guild Dungeons (Aldebaran / Geffen / Payon / Prontera)
- Guild Dungeons: Second Edition (Rachel / Yuno)
- Guild Dungeons: Hall of The Abyss (Aldebaran, Geffen, Payon, and Prontera)
- Muspelheim
- Mystic Tower