Oct 9 2021 Changelog
[hide]Oct 9 2021
16th Anniversary Quest
Pandelina is back! She has several items to sell including Backpacks, past Birthday/Halloween gears and more. She's gathering zeny for a good cause, talk to her in central Prontera to find out more!
Low on zeny? She offers the option to quest (once per account) for this year's new gear: a Drops Muffler.
If Pandelina gathers enough zeny for her cause, all the heroes will benefit with special rewards.
16 Milestones for heRO's 16th Anniversary:
Rewards will apply until November 8th
- 100M Party exp rate increased by 10% (from 80% to 90%!)
- 200M Thanatos Tower Party Requirement bypass
- 300M Double spawns at Neko Island & Nekoring double exp and drops
- 400M 2x Battle Manual
- 500M Double spawns of Pingvis and Angvis on Pingvi Haven (lutia15)
- 650M Double exp and drops of Pingvis and Angvis
- 800M Direct Warp to Byalan 5 added from North Prontera
- 1B Costume Stylish Cap or their Light/Dark version (based on Allegiance)
- [The last 8 milestones to be revealed later]
Hero's Journey
By popular demand, Hero's Journey has returned and is now a permanent addition to the server. Compare to 2020,
Lutia Mine Expansion
Lutia Mine has been expanded to have 2 floors, and the spawn table for the mine has been changed.
New Monsters
Skreio has a spawn time of 30 min in Lutia Mines 2.
New Items
- Iolite Card
- Julriant Card
- Gem Eater Card
- Skreio Card
- Golden Bodok
- Crystal Ring
- Crystal Blade Necklace
- Miner's Vest (This item has the wrong applicable class for the in-game item description. Wiki here has the correct information)
- Midas's Touch
- Auger Driver
PVP Changes
By popular demand, the PVP Map and GVG Map has been restored to the old versions where the maps are rectangular with very little gimmicks and wide open areas for battle.
Balance Changes
Warzone Map has been updated
- Wild Emperium spawn point no longer have fences that may introduce blind spots for the monsters
- Map has been dramatically improved: there are less random dead cells and walk-able cells should accurately reflect obstacles that are visible on the map
- Clock Tower Manager vit decreased by 5
- Kalpea Henki no longer drops Lutian Crystal, but its Stardust drop rate has increased to compensate
- Chipmunk Card has its MATK portions increased. Default flat MATK increased from 10 to 20, while the str bonus MATK increased from 10 to 20
Automated Event Changes
Rewards for the Novice automated events have been lightly touched so that the events are more attractive by modern standards, and easier to achieve. There's more prizes for everyone!
- To win 2 Bloody Branch, the number of Fabre Eggs required has decreased from 19 to 17
- To win 1 Fabre Card (Hatter card), the number of Fabre Eggs required has decreased from 14 to 13
- Defeating Masterpoporing or Mastermarin at the end of the game will reward Damp Card Album instead of Poring Card
- To win 1 Damp Card Album, the number of pages required has decreased from 45 to 41
- To win 1 Token of Siegfried, the number of pages required has decreased from 35 to 31
- To win 1 Battle Manual 50%, the number of pages required has decreased from 25 to 43
- To win 1 Bloody Branch, the number of pages required has decreased from 20 to 18
- To win 1 Damp Card Album, the number of badges required has decreased from 45 to 41
- To win 2 Bloody Branches, the number of badges required has decreased from 30 to 27
- To win 1 Zombie Card (Hatter Card), the number of badges required has decreased from 20 to 17
Novices Vs Taini Complete revamp of the rewards table so that the event is more attractive
- Participation prize: 2 Taini Star
- If your level is 5 or higher: 2 Taming Gift Set
- If your level is 7 or higher: 1 Taini Star per level
- If your level is 8 or higher: 1 Battle Manual 50%
- If your level is 10 or higher: 1 Damp Card Album
- Cost of Taini Hat has decreased from 35 Taini Stars to 20 Taini Stars
- Cost of Taini Sailor Collar has decreased from 35 Taini Stars to 20 Taini Stars
- Cost of Taini Pet has decreased from 35 Taini Stars to 20 Taini Stars
Bug Fixes
- Menblatt Card now gives the proper effect according to its item description
- Elven Bow should properly count its Blitz Beat activation rate now
- Blue Lichtern now drops the proper items corresponding to its element (Water)
- Clarified all "magic reflect" to use a standardized phrase
- Tormenting Spirit properly states that it grants perfect dodge per refine.
- Aumdura's Grace properly states its equip level requirement
- Purifier properly states its equip level requirement
- Shield of Naga item description has been completely reworded (its effect did not change)
- Costume Red Bandana has proper flavor texts
- Costume Bone Head has proper flavor texts
- Ninja Stone Box art has been fixed