Pet Lover

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Pet Lover



Quest Prerequisites:



Base Experience:


Job Experience:



1 Cookie Bag

Quest Rewards:

20~30 Fairy Reputation Points

A Pet Lover wants his students at school to have a Poporing to take care of and play with. However, he's afraid that it'll run away, as the kids are a handful.

  1. Look for the Pet Lover in Marasmius. He is inside the building right next to the Bounty Hunter Guild building (marasmius 86 334).

  2. Talk to him and he will ask for a Poporing pet with Neutral intimacy.

  3. Bring back a Poporing with neutral intimacy and offer it to him. He will then ask to raise the intimacy to be 100 above its current intimacy. This requires the Poporing to be fed only once. At this point, the quest can be ended without raising the intimacy but rewards gained from this are less than what is offered when intimacy raised. The Pet Lover will reward 1 Cookie Bag, 80,000 Base and Job EXP along with 20 Fairy Reputation points, if the intimacy is not raised.

  4. If the Poporing is 100 intimacy above the intimacy when it was offered, return to the Pet Lover and he will reward 1 Cookie Bag, 120,000 Base and Job EXP along with 30 Fairy Reputation points instead.