Kokomo Octopus

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Kokomo Octopus HP 45,000 ATK 400~800 MATK 234~414 Level 60
Def 10 MDef 10 Race Fish STR 45
Exp 101,250 Job Exp 99,000 Element Water 1 AGI 25
MVP Exp None ASPD 0.63 atk/sec Size Large VIT 10
Speed 250 Stunlock Delay 575 Attack Range 1 INT 90
Flee Hit Spell Range 9 DEX 45
#2877 Flee (95%) 180 Hit (100%) 105 Sight Range 10 LUK 20

Can Move, Aggressive, Cast Sensor(Chase/Idle), Boss, Can Attack, Detector, Change Chase, Change Target (Attack/Chase)

  • Venom Dust Lv 1 on target in any state, Always, 0.5s cast time, 9s delay, 25% cast chance, Uninterruptable
  • Cold Bolt Lv 5 on target in any state, HP Below 25%, 1s cast time, 10s delay, 20% cast chance, Uninterruptable
  • Frost Diver Lv 5 on target when chasing, HP Below 25%, 0s cast time, 0s delay, 20% cast chance, Uninterruptable
  • Blind Attack (NPC) Lv 3 on target in any state, HP Below 90%, 0.5s cast time, 10s delay, 15% cast chance, Uninterruptable
  • Poison Attack (NPC) Lv 1 on target in any state, Always, 0s cast time, 10s delay, 20% cast chance, Uninterruptable
  • Water Attribute Attack (NPC) Lv 1 on target in any state, Always, 0s cast time, 8s delay, 20% cast chance, Uninterruptable
  • Blinding Mist Lv 1 on self in any state, HP Below 50%, 0s cast time, 15s delay, 100% cast chance, Uninterruptable
  • Bash Lv 4 on target in any state, HP Below 90%, 0.5s cast time, 10s delay, 10% cast chance, Uninterruptable
  • Frost Nova Lv 6 on target when attacking, Always, 0.5s cast time, 10s delay, 20% cast chance, Uninterruptable
  • Water Ball Lv 1 on target in any state, Always, 0.5s cast time, 15s delay, 15% cast chance, Uninterruptable

Kokomo Beach


This monster is encountered through fishing with the Kokomo Octopus Quest