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"Why not you?"  "Goddamn it you're the director. You should insist!"  "You're his closest friend. So should you. "  "I don't have any clout here. "  "Mine disappeared when Mo dismissed us. Come on let's have some coffee. This place. buy nexium He outdoes himself both as storyteller and in extrapolating fiction from the facts of world affairs. . . . You will find it hard to stop reading once you have begun. . . . His most ambitious and intricately constructed book to date. . . . Forsyth has no peer. ” /—John Barkham Reviews/   “An exciting tale of espionage filled with the sorts of twists spy-story aficionados love. ” /—Associated Press/   “Forsythhas meticulously constructed another intri­cate yet exciting spy novel. . . . It succeeds magnifi­cently . . . as a scrupulously detailed study of spy.
