Prontera's Orphanage

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Granny Kathy's Orphanage
Tired of the hassle of looking for parents just so you can become a Baby class character? Well, look no more as Granny Kathy's Orphanage, located in Prontera, is a custom feature of heRO, allowing the creation of baby characters without the need of the adoption system!

The orphanage was opened in 29th March 2007.

About the Orphanage

It is mentioned by Granny Kathy that the orphanage was started to help protect abandoned children with no where and no one else to go to. It is a shelter ran for the underprivileged children of Rune-Midgard who lack parental love.

If the player is a non-orphan player or orphan player level 70 and above, they may choose to contribute to the orphanage by donating any amount of Zeny.

Becoming An Orphaned Baby Class

Simply talk the male Orphan NPC located inside Granny Kathy's Orphanage and claim that you are an orphan. However, there's two rules to becoming an orphaned Baby class character. First, the player must be at base level 1 and job level 1. This means that they must avoid any sort of leveling immediately after they make their character. Second, the player must be a Novice. Therefore, it is advisable that the player skip going to the Training Grounds and get warped right away to Prontera to become an orphan if the player wishes to do so.


Once becoming an orphaned Baby class, the orphan gains the same benefits and limitations of becoming a Baby class character.

  • The orphan becomes a Small-sized player.
  • The orphan's HP and SP is 75% of their Max HP and SP.
  • The orphan's stats are limited to a maximum of base 80 for each stat.
  • The orphan's weight limit is reduced by 1200.
  • The orphan's brewing and forging skill rates are decreased by 50%.
  • The orphan cannot rebirth.

However, orphans do not gain any adoption skills.

Perks of Being An Orphan

There are few perks to becoming an orphan. Firstly, the orphaned player may enjoy free full healing service as long as they are not base level 70 or above. The orphan may also choose to save in the orphanage to make it their respawn point. There's also a female Orphan NPC that will only interact with orphaned characters. Orphaned players can choose to trade 20 Orc's Fangs for a Cookie Bag repetitively.

However, once the orphaned player reaches level 70, they are said to be strong and no longer need protection from the orphanage. The player loses the access to free healing and option to save in the orphanage. Granny Kathy will give a parting speech and a gift in the form of a Neko Mimi to the player company in their journey after leaving the orphanage.