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(Big Fish Hat)
(Removed the hairstyling quest.)
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==Big Fish Hat==
Below is an ongoing list of all the custom quests in the world of heRO! Can you be one of the few to complete every single quests that heRO server can offer? This current page is a total list of all custom quests within heRO ''without'' any spoiler information. Those who wants a challenge in the custom quests can use this as a hint of where all the quests start and what they are generally about. Those who seek to complete the quests may click on each individual link for detailed procedures to handle the quest.
[[Image:fish-hat.jpg|thumb|Big Fish Hat]]
If you are looking for all the Custom Quest Guides, you will want to check out the [[:Category:Custom Quest Guides|Custom Quest Guides category page]] or from the link provided in the [[Custom_quests#See_Also|See Also]] section below.
When you wear the Big Fish Hat, it will give you a higher chances of obtaining better items in fishing.
==Allegiance Quests==
To obtain this hat, you need to to have started fishing and possess a "fish bottle" that is located somewhere in the world of heRO.
Some of the custom quests of heRO are related with the [[Allegiance system]]. Click on the link to see the details about the Allegiance System, along with the [[Light/Dark Allegiance#The_Allegiance_Quests|Allegiance-related quests]].
Talk to the man who showed you how to start fishing and carry a fish bottle with you to initiate the quest.
==Regional Quests==
There are two major custom regions in heRO which consists of a number of new maps, towns, monsters, quests and even a dedicated reputation point system which controls how well-received the player is within the region population.
Mr. Hatter is a weird fellow from a far away land, he is also unique to heRO (scripted by yours truly). He's been in the hat business all his life, (perhaps it has affected his mental state) and he has perfected his art to make beautiful headwears. You can find him lurking in the garden in front of Freya's Temple (North of Rachel) enjoying the beautiful scenery.
===Lutia Quests===
More about [[Hatter]]
===Faeheim Quests===
[[Image:Hatter.jpg‎ |thumb|Mr.Hatter]]
==Other Quests==
<div class="mw-collapsible" style="width:100%; overflow:auto;">
|questname=Adventurer Hat Quest
|repeatability= Once per character
|party= No
|quereward= [https://hero-server-db.herokuapp.com/item-search/Adventurer_Hat Adventurer Hat]
A former adventurer wants to see the world yet is too afraid to do so. The old man asks you to take pictures and visit different parts of the world.}}
|questname=Avian Wing Quest
|difficulty= Hard
|reclevel= 80+
|repeatability= Once per character
|party= No
|quereward= [[Avian Wings]] equipment
An old pervert, Naru, resides in the Einbroch Hotel, but he has the unique ability to make a pair of wings that make you light as a feather, giving you bonus agility and movement speed. Partying not needed to complete the quest but may be necessary to collect the needed items.}}
|questname= Bamboo Hat Quest
|difficulty= Moderate
|reclevel= None
|repeatability= Once per character
|party= No
|quereward= [[Bamboo Hat]] equipment
|description= Find Carl in Amatsu. He seek for a person to help him, his brother might be in grave danger!}}
|questname= Bee Wings Quest
|difficulty= Moderate
|reclevel= None
|repeatability= Once per character
|party= No
|quereward= [[Bee Wings]] equipment
|description= Find the Queen Bee in Mt. Mjolnir (mjolnir field 3) and do her bidding to win her approval for a set of Bee Wings!}}
|questname= Bear Beanie Quest
|difficulty= Easy
|reclevel= None
|repeatability= Once per character
|party= No
|quereward= [[Bear Beanie]] equipment
|description= A girl in Lutie is willing to combine two different hats into a new, cute hat that is perfect for the winter season!}}
|questname= Black Scarf Quest
|difficulty= Hard
|reclevel= 95+
|repeatability= Once per character
|party= No
|quereward= [[Black Scarf]] equipment
|description= Join a secret society in Veins to obtain an elite gear just for Ninjas and Gunslingers!}}
|questname= Class Training Quests
|difficulty= Easy
|reclevel= None
|repeatability= Once per character
|party= No
|quereward= [[Initiates_Shield|Initiate's Shield]], and either [[Initiates_Armor|Initiate's Armor]] or [[Initiates_Suit|Initiate's Suit]]
|description= Show your mastery of first class skills and begin your path to be a true hero!}}
|questname= Dominoes Cap Quest
|difficulty= Easy
|reclevel= None
|repeatability= Once per character
|party= No
|quereward= [[Dominoes Cap]] equipment
|description= Dominoes Recruiters in Alberta, Payon and Yuno are desperate looking for a new employee!}}
|questname= Fabre Queen
|difficulty= Easy
|reclevel= None
|repeatability= Once per account
|party= No
|quereward= Pupa Card, Fabre Card, Creamy Card
|description= The Fabre Queen does not like the Hill Winds eating her people. She tasks you with killing Hill Winds and asks for their card as proof of their defeat}}
|questname= Fishing Mastery Quest
|difficulty= Easy
|reclevel= 60+
|repeatability= Once per character
|party= No
|quereward= [[Big Fish]] equipment
|description= Polish your skills in the art of fishing to obtain the [[Custom_gears#Not related to Allegiance|Big Fish Hat]] as a symbol of your achievement!}}
|questname= Flower Wings Quest
|difficulty= Moderate
|reclevel= 60+
|repeatability= Once per character
|party= No
|quereward= [[Flower Wings]] equipment
|description= The flower lady inside a wondrous herbal sanctuary wishes to share her creation using flowers and herbs across the world which she adored so much. If you can help her, she will share with you her [[Flower_Wings_Quest|Flower Wings]] which is a strong armor with great protection against magical energies.}}
|questname= Goat Horns Quest
|difficulty= Moderate
|reclevel= Any
|repeatability= Unlimited
|party= No
|quereward= [[Goat Horns]] equipment
|description= A young herder in Hugel in his spare time makes horns in the shape of a goat, one of his favorite animals. Bring him what he needs to get your own for free.}}
|questname= God Item Quest
|difficulty= Extreme
|reclevel= NA
|repeatability= Unlimited
|party= No
|quereward= An item worthy of the Gods.
|description= Prove your worth to the residents of Lumian to receive a reward worthy of the Gods in HeROs customized God Items Quest! }}
|questname= Gold Feather Hat Quest
|difficulty= Easy
|reclevel= Any
|repeatability= Unlimited
|party= No
|quereward= [[Gold Feather Hat]]
|description= A woman is fascinated with the Nobles. Complete her collection of items to make a Gold Feather Hat!}}
|questname=Guild Quest
|difficulty= Hard
|reclevel= Guild Level 5+
|repeatability= Once per guild
|party= Yes
|quereward= [[Rococo Mask]] equipment & Guild Hall
A retired guild leader wants to pass on a special headgear that can help make a guild "great." Complete his challenges by visiting several dungeons with 10+ fellow guild members to earn the coveted Rococo Mask and guild hall!}}
|questname= Guild Storage Quest
|difficulty= Easy
|reclevel= Any
|repeatability= Once per guild
|party= No
|quereward= Access to Guild Storage in Prontera, Aldebaran, Payon, and Geffen
|description= There is said to be a lady in the Kafra Headquarters in Al de Baran who can unlock guild storage. Approach her as the guild master of a guild and see what she needs done!}}
|questname= Hatter Jr.
|difficulty= Easy-Hard
|reclevel= None
|repeatability= Unlimited
|party= None
|quereward= Hatter Jr. series of unique hats (for a list of custom hats he has see [[Hatter Gears]])
|description= Hatter Jr. is an aspiring hat maker who has learned from the best of the best - Mr. Hatter. If you gather the items he asks for, he can make a variety of special hats for you. Hatter Jr. is located one map north of Rachel, in the middle of the Grand Temple's courtyard, standing near his teacher.}}
|questname=Helm of Hermes Quest
|repeatability= Unlimited
|quereward=[[Helm of Hermes]]
|description=Discover the origins of a blue cap used by a Fisherman in Brasilis.}}
|questname= Hemerald's Elemental Wings
|difficulty= Moderate
|reclevel= 70+
|repeatability= Once per character for each Elementalist
|party= No
|quereward= Up to 4 potential rewards which are all obtainable on the same character.
*Wind Elementalist: [[Aerial Wings]] equipment/"Leaf Green" palette
*Ice Elementalist: [[Arctic Wings]] equipment/"Forever Frost" palette
*Earth Elementalist: [[Gaia Wings]] equipment/"Deep Root" palette
*Fire Elementalist: [[Phoenix Wings]] equipment/"Soul of Fire" palette
Long, long ago, there was a small village located near Geffen called Eraldhur. This village was popular for its magic school leaded by Sir Hemeral Straberough, a powerful High Wizard well known for his research about magic. Hemeral, knew about some secrets on the ancient magic and was working on a new type of special wings that could grant the elemental property to anyone. Four pairs of these powerful Elemental Wings were made, designed after the element of fire, water, wind and earth. However, he died when Eraldhur was plunged into flames for reasons unknown. However, Hemeral scattered his students, the Elementalists, to various parts of the world before he died. Each of them enjoy to spend time in places where they could surpass their abilities and increase their knowledge about their respective elements. Perhaps the Elementalists are the only ones who can reassemble Sir Hemerald's Elemental Wings in this world...}}
|questname=Hero's Journey
|difficulty= Easy
|reclevel= None
|repeatability= Once per character, level 1/1 Novice only
|party= No
|quereward= Finish the quest with a base level 80 character, along with variety of items such as [[Drops Beret]], [[Sigrun's Wings]], [[Asgard's Blessing]], [[Advanced Hero Backpack]], [[Ring of Friendship]], Old Card Albums and more.
Embark on a Hero's Journey that guides your growth as a new Novice until you flourish into a true hero! Quest starts on Novice Island, where your character is after character creation, and it will guide you through series of quests to see hero's custom features and some nostalgic part of the game. }}
|questname= Homunculus Quest
|difficulty= Moderate
|reclevel= None
|repeatability= Unlimited
|party= No
|quereward= Drooping Amistr, Hopping Filir, Drooping Lif or Vanilmirth Hat
|description= Scientist Alex is really interested in Homunculi help him out and get rewarded!}}
|questname= Item of the Day
|difficulty= Easy
|reclevel= 50+
|repeatability= Three times daily per character
|party= No
|quereward= Base Experience and/or Job Experience
|description= The Item of the Day quest is a repeatable EXP quest specific to heRO. The Healer NPC, Nagato Yuki needs your help daily to keep her supplies up to heal heroes.}}
|questname= Lonely Artist
|difficulty= Easy
|reclevel= None
|repeatability= Once per character
|party= No
|quereward= Scribbling Pencil
|description= An artist in the destroyed town of Morroc is having a hard time making a masterpiece of art. Give him some much needed assistance, and he may share with you his secret techniques of drawing- the "Scribbling Pencil" which allows the user of the item to use the skill "Graffiti"!}}
|questname= Majestic Fox
|difficulty= Easy
|reclevel= None
|repeatability= Once per character
|party= No
|quereward= [[Majestic Fox Queen]] or [[Majestic Fox King]] equipment
|description= Find Granias in Payon. Can you show her your gratitude?!}}
|questname= Miracle Man
|difficulty= Easy
|reclevel= None
|repeatability= Unlimited
|party= No
|quereward= Grape Juice
|description= In Aldebaran there is a rumor of a man who can perform miracles, turning water into wine. Be amazed as he turns your Holy Water into a fabulous "Grape Juice"!}}
|questname= Monster Extermination
|difficulty= Medium-Hard
|reclevel= 80+
|repeatability= Once Per Month Per Account
|party= Varies
|quereward= 1 Lunatic Card, 2 Old Purple Boxes, 3 Gold, 4 Life Insurance, 5 Allegience Points
|description= Try to help Jack and his friends to exterminate monsters all around the world of heRO! Jack and his friends are busy people and can only visit you certain days of the week. Also they will never be found each time in the same exact spot on the map as they move about the map they are located.}}
|questname= Mr. Hatter
|difficulty= Medium
|reclevel= 80+
|repeatability= Unlimited
|party= None
|quereward= Hatter's series of unique hats (for a list of custom hats he has see [[Hatter Gears]])
|description= Mr. Hatter is a weird fellow from a far away land. He's been in the business of hat making all his life, and he has perfected his art to make beautiful headgears. You can find him near the garden in front of Freya's Temple enjoying the beautiful scenery. Talk to him and you may persuade Mr. Hatter to make a headgear for you! For more information about quest rewards, click on the link for detailed view of this quest. Party may be needed depending on the randomized list of tasks given.}}
|questname= Nobility
|difficulty= Hard
|reclevel= 80+
|repeatability= Once per character
|party= No
|quereward= "[[Nobility Gem]]" equipment and Nobility status
|description= Be a proud member of the Nobility in Rune Midgard, forever honored even by King Tristan III himself! The treasury of gold reserves for Rune Midgard has been running low due to recent wars and other necessary spendings. Therefore, the king will award the Nobility Status to anyone who can help in refilling the treasury. Answer to the king's royal decree regarding the treasury and Nobility is in reach! For more information about Nobility, click on the detailed view about this quest.}}
|questname= Observation Wing Quest
|difficulty= Moderate
|reclevel= Lv 99 for non-trans, Lv 89+ for trans
|repeatability= Unlimited
|party= Yes
|quereward= [[Observation Wings]]
|description= Collect the feathers off the angel "Observation" to remake a Wing in its image that can harness gold off of monsters! Party needed to enter the Thanatos Tower.}}
|questname= Oh So Blue
|difficulty= Easy
|reclevel= 65+
|repeatability= Once per character
|party= No
|quereward= [[Blue Beret]]
|description= A man inside a town carved out of an inactive volcano is fascinated with the blue color. Complete his collection of blue items to change your ordinary green colored Beret into a Blue Beret!}}
|questname= Poporing Island
|difficulty= Easy
|reclevel= ???
|repeatability= Once per character
|party= No
|quereward= Access to the custom map Poporing Island
|description= Help an Arc Angeling resident of Poring City and he'll repay you with access to Poporing Island!}}-->
|questname= Rabbit in the Hat Quest
|difficulty= Easy
|reclevel= 80
|repeatability= Once per character
|party= No
|quereward= [[Rabbit in the Hat]]
|description= Assemble this hat perfect for fellow Geffenians that resemble one of the oldest trick in the book! }}
|questname= Rideword Hat Quest
|difficulty= Moderate
|reclevel= Any
|repeatability= Unlimited
|party= No
|quereward= [[Rideword Hat Quest]] equipment
|description= A scholar in Yuno has discovered how to make a new kind of book you can wear on your head!}}
|questname=Silly Willy
|difficulty= Easy
|reclevel= None
|repeatability= Once per account
|party= No
|quereward= [[White Sailor Hat]] equipment
|description= Poor Willy has lost his hat and asks you to aid him in finding it.  Travel around the docks of the world and visit his friends to help him recover it.  Of course you first have to help his friends before they will help you to proceed along.  Finish the quest and come to own your own Sailor Hat.
|questname=Thanatos Tower Party Quest
|difficulty= Hard
|reclevel= Lv 99 for non-trans, Lv 89+ for trans
|repeatability= Once per character
|party= Yes
|quereward= Not Light/Dark related, but reward varies depending on your allegiance.
* 20 million exp
* [[Old Card Album]]
* [[Mr. Hatter#Hat Voucher|Hat Voucher]]
* Other various smaller items
* for Light Allegiance: Dame of Sentinel Pet Egg
* for Dark Allegiance: Baroness of Retribution Pet Egg
* for having no Allegiance: Lady Solace Pet Egg
Up in a tower under the excavation and maintenance of the Rebenker Company is a group of brave adventurers who try to challenge the great MvP of the tower, "Memory of Thanatos." However, due to various problems such as lack of equipment, injuries in battle, personal quarrels between party members, and curiosity leading the party members astray, the party is completely separated and broken up. The party leader who waits for his party members up in Thanatos Tower F12 hopes that someone can lend a hand for their party so they will gather up again and defeat "Memory of Thanatos" together as a team.}}
|questname=Thanksgiving Costume Exchange
|difficulty= Easy
|reclevel= None
|repeatability= Unlimited (November only)
|party= No
|quereward= Costume Peco Peco Cap, Costume Hill Wind Mask, Costume Turkey Hat
|description= You can exchange Hugel Prize Medals (Obtained from official Hugel minigames or [[Kaldheim Arena]] for costumes in Hugel during the month of November.
|questname= True Poring Island
|difficulty= Easy
|reclevel= ???
|repeatability= Once per character
|party= No
|quereward= Access to the custom maps Poring City and True Poring Island
|description= Bloop will show you the way to his home and a custom dungeon if you bring the items he desires!}}
|questname= Wandering Spirit Quest
|difficulty= Medium
|reclevel= 70+
|repeatability= Once per character
|party= Varies
|quereward= Chance at [[Witch's Hat]], [[Purple Bat Doll]], [[Spiderweb Wings]]
Pumpkin Mojos
Unlock access to battle custom MvP, Hollow Poring. Unlocking more city warps for free (or receive small reward if map is unlocked already.)
|description= A rumor spreads in the world that there is a mysterious, wandering spirit causing trouble for many different people. The obsessive scholar Muerto in the city of Yuno is determined to solve the mystery.}}
|questname= Warper's Letters: Sisterly Affection
|difficulty= Easy
|reclevel= None
|repeatability= Once per character
|party= No
|quereward= Unlocking basic city warps for free
|description= The girl who provides the Warper's save point service has not seen her fellow sisters in a very long time and wonders if you can help deliver a few letters for her to her sisters in the other major cities of Geffen, Aldebaran, Alberta, Payon, Morroc, and Izlude. For helping her, she may reduce the cost needed to unlock these cities with some small gifts, along with giving you a basic introduction to some of heRO server's attractions and customs!}}
|questname= Warper's Letters: Sisterly Affection II
|difficulty= Easy
|reclevel= None
|repeatability= Once per character
|party= No
|quereward= [[Buddy Beanie]] and unlocking more warps for free.
|description= A continuation to the previous Sisterly Affection quest, the Warper Save Girl in Prontera asks for your help in gathering items to make gifts for her sisters in other towns and dungeons, then your help in delivering her gifts to her sisters. You get some great goodies, free unlocks, the Buddy Beanie, and helpful custom heRO info along the way.}}
|questname= White Mask Quest
|difficulty= Easy
|reclevel= 65+
|repeatability= Once per character
|party= No
|quereward= [[White Mask]] equipment
|description= Create your very own White Mask equipment just like the other priests and monks within the Rachel Sanctuary Holy Grounds!}}
|questname= Zodiac Gate Quest
|difficulty= Moderate
|reclevel= 70+
|repeatability= Unlimited/Once<br>per character
|party= No
|quereward= [[Zodiac Wings]], Zodiac palette, chance of equipment items and goods
|description= In the city of Yuno resides the Time Master and the 12 brothers that were entrusted with the sacred task to guard the seals. Each brother is responsible for the seal of a month and will need proof of your worthiness to open the seal. They can each open a seal, but only the time master can open the Gate of Time that leads to the Timeless Room, and only if all 12 monthly seals were opened first.
The timeless room is the domain of the Zodiac master and his 3 sisters. All 4 of them hold gifts for the travelers that reach the timeless room. In addition, the Zodiac master is also the maker of a magical Zodiac Stone that spawns beautiful colored wings in your back. He can also dress you up with his Zodiac color palette. For detailed information about the reward or chance of equipments and goods, please see the detailed information about this quest.
<br>Note: The first part of unlocking the seal is unlimited, which rewards the player with chance of various equipments and goods. Earning the Zodiac Wings is restricted to once per character.}}
==Modified Official Quests==
The following quests are from official servers, but their rewards or required items are modified. Quests with retroactive reward means that you can go back to talk with the specified NPC to pick up the reward even if you completed the quest before heRO server modified the rewards.
* [https://irowiki.org/classic/Kiel_Hyre_Quest Kiel Hyre Quest]: Quest completion also grants an Old Card Album, 20 [[Enriched Ore]], and [[Kiel's Robotic Schematic]]. This reward is retroactive by talking to Kiel Hyre.
* [https://irowiki.org/classic/Nameless_Island_Entrance_Quest Nameless Island Entrance Quest]: Once you completed step 17, you can return to Hibram's office to check his desk for 3 [[Enriched Elunium]], 3 [[Enriched Oridecon]], and a [[Schematics Of the Fallen]]. This quest is retroactive by checking out the desk.
* [[https://irowiki.org/classic/Sealed_Shrine_Quest Sealed Shrine]]: creating the Gigantic Majestic Goat will also give you a [[Demon King's Schematic]]
* [https://irowiki.org/classic/Sign_Quest Sign Quest]: Quest completion also grants a [[Bloody Angel Wing Ear]], 5 [[Enriched Elunium]], 5 [[Enriched Oridecon]], and 30 Allegiance Points. This reward is retroactive by talking with Lady Hel.
* [https://irowiki.org/classic/Two_Tribes Two Tribes]: Quest completion also grants you 3 [[Enriched Elunium]], 3 [[Enriched Oridecon]], [[Alfheim Schematics]] and 15 Allegiance Points. This reward is retroactive by talking with Snorren
For other modified quests, please see [[:Category:Modified Official Quests|Modified Official Quests]]
==See Also==
*[[:Category:Custom Quest Guides|Custom Quest Guides]]
*[[:Category:Modified Official Quests|Modified Official Quests]]
*[[:Category:Custom Items|Custom Items]]
[[Category:Custom Content|Custom quests]]

Latest revision as of 00:07, 28 December 2024

Below is an ongoing list of all the custom quests in the world of heRO! Can you be one of the few to complete every single quests that heRO server can offer? This current page is a total list of all custom quests within heRO without any spoiler information. Those who wants a challenge in the custom quests can use this as a hint of where all the quests start and what they are generally about. Those who seek to complete the quests may click on each individual link for detailed procedures to handle the quest.

If you are looking for all the Custom Quest Guides, you will want to check out the Custom Quest Guides category page or from the link provided in the See Also section below.

Allegiance Quests

Some of the custom quests of heRO are related with the Allegiance system. Click on the link to see the details about the Allegiance System, along with the Allegiance-related quests.

Regional Quests

There are two major custom regions in heRO which consists of a number of new maps, towns, monsters, quests and even a dedicated reputation point system which controls how well-received the player is within the region population.

Lutia Quests

The following table lists all available quests and features available in the Lutia Region.

Quest Level
Base EXP reward
(at 5x rates)
Job EXP reward
(at 5x rates)
Difficulty Repeatable
Pingvi Feeding 5 Easy Yes - Instant
Pingvi Escort - - - - 45 Medium Yes - 23 hours
Predator Hunt 60 300 300,000 45 Medium Yes - 23 hours
Silbertiger Hunt 30 Costume Silbertiger Doll Hard No
Love Bear Hat Quest - - 30 Love Bear Hat Medium No
Valentine Heart Quest - - 300,000 20 Valentine Heart

Yellow Valentine Heart

Medium No
Safe Mining 80 750,000 750,000 40 Medium Yes - 23 hours
Wizard Escort 50 - - - 25 5 Medium Life Potions Easy No
Husky Hat Quest Husky Hat Medium No
Pingvi Doll 50 50 Pingvi Egg Medium No
Herb Gathering 50 20 Easy Yes - 1 hour
Meat Hunt 50 25 Medium Yes - 2 hour
Fish and Delivery 50 25 Easy Yes - 2 hour
Warm Snowman Hat Quest - - 500,000 30 Warm Snowman Hat Medium No
Cat Headgear 25 Cat Ear Beret

Cat Hood

Medium Yes - Instant
Strawberry Rice Balls 40 Strawberry Hat

10 Strawberry Flavored Rice Balls

Medium No
Amistr Search 50 - 75,000 35 Easy Yes - 6 hours
Wanted Fugitives 1,500,000 150 Polar Bear Cap Medium/Hard No
Coal Delivery 50 25 Easy Yes - 2 hours
Crops Delivery 50 20 Easy Yes - 2 hours
Finding Yuki Onna 50 50 Snow Cap Medium No
Filir Taming 50 300 50 Medium Yes - 23 hours
Celine Kimi Hunt - - 50 Santa Marin Balloon Hard No
Hatter Jr's Trip - - Medium Yes
Lutia Minor Reputation Quests - - Varies Varies Varies Varies
Ice Queen's Fury - 300 300 Umbrella Hat Hard No
Adelaide's Investigation - 400 3,000,000 3,000,000 400 Medium No
Train Repair - 300 125 Blue Christmas Jester Medium No
Lutia Costume Crafter Exchange Hat for Costumes Varies Yes
Kaldheim Arena 70+ Varies Medium-Hard Yes- 1 hour cooldown

Faeheim Quests

The following table lists all available quests and features available in the Faeheim Region.

Quest Starting
Base EXP reward
(at 5x rates)
Job EXP reward
(at 5x rates)
Difficulty Repeatable
Introduction To Faeheim Fortuna 0 75,000~100,000 75,000~100,000 5 First Aid Kits Easy No
Charting The Land Fortuna 0 200,000 200,000 40 Faeheim Map
Cookie Bag
Medium No
Sunny Bug Extermination Fortuna 0 200,000 200,000 20 Mosquito Coil Easy No
Pollination Situation Faeheim Field 5 0 3,000,000~4,000,000 3,000,000~4,000,000 40~60 Royal Jellies Medium No
Prisma Cave Smuggler Tessera 100 2,500,000 2,500,000 50 Bundles of Food
Prisma Cave access
Medium No
Prisma Cave Investigation Tessera 100 10,000,000 10,000,000 125 Old Green Boxes Hard No
Ferre's Playground Tessera 25 0 0 20 Costume Diabolic Headphones
Ferre's Playground Instance access
Medium No
Rekenber's Shadow Faeheim Field 4 100 10,000,000 10,000,000 100 Stat Foods
Gift Boxes
15 Allegiance Points
Hard No
Rekenber Purge Tessera 500 8,000,000 8,000,000 150 Varies Easy No
Purple Velvet Hat Tessera 0 0 0 0 Purple Velvet Hat Medium Yes
Necktie Quest Tessera 0 0 0 0 Necktie Medium Yes
Blue Ribbon Quest Tessera 0 0 0 0 Blue Ribbon Medium Yes
Mermaid Headphones Carandel 0 0 0 0 Costume Mermaid Headphones Medium No
Fairy Flower Fortuna 0 0 0 0 Fairy Flower Medium Yes
Hairbrush Marasmius 0 0 0 0 Hairbrush Easy Yes
Elven Gears Carandel 0 0 0 0 Elven Blinker
Elven Sunglasses
Ancient Elven Ears
Mischievous Fairy
Medium Yes
Rainbow Scarf Quest Carandel 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 20 Rainbow Scarf Medium No
Homeless Fairy Fortuna 0 100,000 100,000 25 None Easy No
Lost Bracelet Marasmius 0 0 0 10 None Easy No
Rainbow Carrot Carandel 0 0 0 15 Love Rainbow Carrot Easy No
Sunflower Hairpin Faeheim Field 11 0 0 0 15 None Easy No
Crystal Artefacts Carandel 0 60,000~120,000 60,000~120,000 5~10 None Easy Yes (20 hours)
Faeheim Bounty Hunts Marasmius 0 100,000~500,000 100,000~500,000 5~15 Fruit Basket
Regeneration Potion
SP Consumption Potion
Easy Yes (20 hours)
Taffy Research Marasmius 0 2,000,000 2,000,000 20 Acti Potions Easy No
Berry Gathering Carandel 0 0 Varies 5~10 Acti Potion Easy Yes (1 hour)
Botany Guild Carandel 0 50,000~500,000 50,000~500,000 5~15 None Varies Yes (20 hours)
Alchemy Services Carandel 0 0 0 0 Varies Varies Yes
Scuba Mask Quest Faeheim Field 4 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 20 Scuba Mask Medium No
Donut Baker Tessera 0 0 0 0 Donut
Choco Donut
Nut Donut in Mouth
Medium Yes
Mischievous Kids Tessera 0 2,000,000 2,000,000 20 Chocolate Pies Medium Yes (24 hours)
Loner Box Tessera 0 2,500,000 2,500,000 50 Loner Box 1

Loner Box 2

Hard No
Red And Blue Fairy Wings Carandel 100 2,500,000 2,500,000 25 Red Fairy Wings
Blue Fairy Wings
Medium Yes
Drunk Buddy Fortuna 0 0 0 20 Zeny (Varies) Easy No
White And Black Silk Wings Tessera 1,000 0 0 0 Black Silk Wings
White Silk Wings
Medium No
Fairy Fundraiser Tessera 0 0 0 20 Peach Cakes
Chile Shrimp Gratins
Easy No
Mourning The Fallen Tessera 0 0 0 15 None Easy No
Drooping Pixie Quest Carandel 300 0 0 0 Drooping Pixie Medium Yes
Faeheim Reputation Rewards Various 1,300 0 0 0 Faeheim Region Pet (Varies) Hard No
Various 1,500 0 0 0 Pixie's Letter Hard No
Various 2,000 0 0 0 Costume Rainbow Silk Shawl Hard No
Pixie's Letter Tessera 0 0 0 100 Varies Hard Yes
Pet Lover Marasmius 0 80,000~120,000 80,000~120,000 20~30 Cookie Bag Easy No
Travelling Orcs Faeheim Field 2 0 10,000~100,000 10,000~100,000 10~20 None Easy No
An Offering For A Friend Carandel 0 200,000 200,000 25 None Easy No
Faeheim Minor Reputation Quests Various 0 0 0 35-45 None Easy No
Marasmius Gossiper Various 0 0 0 50~100 None Hard No
Faeheim Enchanter Fortuna 0 0 0 0 None Easy No
Faeheim Costume Crafter Marasmius 0 0 0 0 None Easy No

Other Quests

Adventurer Hat Quest

Recommended Level: Difficulty: Party: No Repeatability: Once per character
Quest Reward: Adventurer Hat
Description: A former adventurer wants to see the world yet is too afraid to do so. The old man asks you to take pictures and visit different parts of the world.

Avian Wing Quest

Recommended Level: 80+ Difficulty: Hard Party: No Repeatability: Once per character
Quest Reward: Avian Wings equipment
Description: An old pervert, Naru, resides in the Einbroch Hotel, but he has the unique ability to make a pair of wings that make you light as a feather, giving you bonus agility and movement speed. Partying not needed to complete the quest but may be necessary to collect the needed items.

Bamboo Hat Quest

Recommended Level: None Difficulty: Moderate Party: No Repeatability: Once per character
Quest Reward: Bamboo Hat equipment
Description: Find Carl in Amatsu. He seek for a person to help him, his brother might be in grave danger!

Bee Wings Quest

Recommended Level: None Difficulty: Moderate Party: No Repeatability: Once per character
Quest Reward: Bee Wings equipment
Description: Find the Queen Bee in Mt. Mjolnir (mjolnir field 3) and do her bidding to win her approval for a set of Bee Wings!

Bear Beanie Quest

Recommended Level: None Difficulty: Easy Party: No Repeatability: Once per character
Quest Reward: Bear Beanie equipment
Description: A girl in Lutie is willing to combine two different hats into a new, cute hat that is perfect for the winter season!

Black Scarf Quest

Recommended Level: 95+ Difficulty: Hard Party: No Repeatability: Once per character
Quest Reward: Black Scarf equipment
Description: Join a secret society in Veins to obtain an elite gear just for Ninjas and Gunslingers!

Class Training Quests

Recommended Level: None Difficulty: Easy Party: No Repeatability: Once per character
Quest Reward: Initiate's Shield, and either Initiate's Armor or Initiate's Suit
Description: Show your mastery of first class skills and begin your path to be a true hero!

Dominoes Cap Quest

Recommended Level: None Difficulty: Easy Party: No Repeatability: Once per character
Quest Reward: Dominoes Cap equipment
Description: Dominoes Recruiters in Alberta, Payon and Yuno are desperate looking for a new employee!

Fabre Queen

Recommended Level: None Difficulty: Easy Party: No Repeatability: Once per account
Quest Reward: Pupa Card, Fabre Card, Creamy Card
Description: The Fabre Queen does not like the Hill Winds eating her people. She tasks you with killing Hill Winds and asks for their card as proof of their defeat

Fishing Mastery Quest

Recommended Level: 60+ Difficulty: Easy Party: No Repeatability: Once per character
Quest Reward: Big Fish equipment
Description: Polish your skills in the art of fishing to obtain the Big Fish Hat as a symbol of your achievement!

Flower Wings Quest

Recommended Level: 60+ Difficulty: Moderate Party: No Repeatability: Once per character
Quest Reward: Flower Wings equipment
Description: The flower lady inside a wondrous herbal sanctuary wishes to share her creation using flowers and herbs across the world which she adored so much. If you can help her, she will share with you her Flower Wings which is a strong armor with great protection against magical energies.

Goat Horns Quest

Recommended Level: Any Difficulty: Moderate Party: No Repeatability: Unlimited
Quest Reward: Goat Horns equipment
Description: A young herder in Hugel in his spare time makes horns in the shape of a goat, one of his favorite animals. Bring him what he needs to get your own for free.

God Item Quest

Recommended Level: NA Difficulty: Extreme Party: No Repeatability: Unlimited
Quest Reward: An item worthy of the Gods.
Description: Prove your worth to the residents of Lumian to receive a reward worthy of the Gods in HeROs customized God Items Quest!

Gold Feather Hat Quest

Recommended Level: Any Difficulty: Easy Party: No Repeatability: Unlimited
Quest Reward: Gold Feather Hat
Description: A woman is fascinated with the Nobles. Complete her collection of items to make a Gold Feather Hat!

Guild Quest

Recommended Level: Guild Level 5+ Difficulty: Hard Party: Yes Repeatability: Once per guild
Quest Reward: Rococo Mask equipment & Guild Hall
Description: A retired guild leader wants to pass on a special headgear that can help make a guild "great." Complete his challenges by visiting several dungeons with 10+ fellow guild members to earn the coveted Rococo Mask and guild hall!

Guild Storage Quest

Recommended Level: Any Difficulty: Easy Party: No Repeatability: Once per guild
Quest Reward: Access to Guild Storage in Prontera, Aldebaran, Payon, and Geffen
Description: There is said to be a lady in the Kafra Headquarters in Al de Baran who can unlock guild storage. Approach her as the guild master of a guild and see what she needs done!

Hatter Jr.

Recommended Level: None Difficulty: Easy-Hard Party: None Repeatability: Unlimited
Quest Reward: Hatter Jr. series of unique hats (for a list of custom hats he has see Hatter Gears)
Description: Hatter Jr. is an aspiring hat maker who has learned from the best of the best - Mr. Hatter. If you gather the items he asks for, he can make a variety of special hats for you. Hatter Jr. is located one map north of Rachel, in the middle of the Grand Temple's courtyard, standing near his teacher.

Helm of Hermes Quest

Recommended Level: 50 Difficulty: Easy Party: No Repeatability: Unlimited
Quest Reward: Helm of Hermes
Description: Discover the origins of a blue cap used by a Fisherman in Brasilis.

Hemerald's Elemental Wings

Recommended Level: 70+ Difficulty: Moderate Party: No Repeatability: Once per character for each Elementalist
Quest Reward: Up to 4 potential rewards which are all obtainable on the same character.
  • Wind Elementalist: Aerial Wings equipment/"Leaf Green" palette
  • Ice Elementalist: Arctic Wings equipment/"Forever Frost" palette
  • Earth Elementalist: Gaia Wings equipment/"Deep Root" palette
  • Fire Elementalist: Phoenix Wings equipment/"Soul of Fire" palette
Description: Long, long ago, there was a small village located near Geffen called Eraldhur. This village was popular for its magic school leaded by Sir Hemeral Straberough, a powerful High Wizard well known for his research about magic. Hemeral, knew about some secrets on the ancient magic and was working on a new type of special wings that could grant the elemental property to anyone. Four pairs of these powerful Elemental Wings were made, designed after the element of fire, water, wind and earth. However, he died when Eraldhur was plunged into flames for reasons unknown. However, Hemeral scattered his students, the Elementalists, to various parts of the world before he died. Each of them enjoy to spend time in places where they could surpass their abilities and increase their knowledge about their respective elements. Perhaps the Elementalists are the only ones who can reassemble Sir Hemerald's Elemental Wings in this world...

Hero's Journey

Recommended Level: None Difficulty: Easy Party: No Repeatability: Once per character, level 1/1 Novice only
Quest Reward: Finish the quest with a base level 80 character, along with variety of items such as Drops Beret, Sigrun's Wings, Asgard's Blessing, Advanced Hero Backpack, Ring of Friendship, Old Card Albums and more.
Description: Embark on a Hero's Journey that guides your growth as a new Novice until you flourish into a true hero! Quest starts on Novice Island, where your character is after character creation, and it will guide you through series of quests to see hero's custom features and some nostalgic part of the game.

Homunculus Quest

Recommended Level: None Difficulty: Moderate Party: No Repeatability: Unlimited
Quest Reward: Drooping Amistr, Hopping Filir, Drooping Lif or Vanilmirth Hat
Description: Scientist Alex is really interested in Homunculi help him out and get rewarded!

Item of the Day

Recommended Level: 50+ Difficulty: Easy Party: No Repeatability: Three times daily per character
Quest Reward: Base Experience and/or Job Experience
Description: The Item of the Day quest is a repeatable EXP quest specific to heRO. The Healer NPC, Nagato Yuki needs your help daily to keep her supplies up to heal heroes.

Lonely Artist

Recommended Level: None Difficulty: Easy Party: No Repeatability: Once per character
Quest Reward: Scribbling Pencil
Description: An artist in the destroyed town of Morroc is having a hard time making a masterpiece of art. Give him some much needed assistance, and he may share with you his secret techniques of drawing- the "Scribbling Pencil" which allows the user of the item to use the skill "Graffiti"!

Majestic Fox

Recommended Level: None Difficulty: Easy Party: No Repeatability: Once per character
Quest Reward: Majestic Fox Queen or Majestic Fox King equipment
Description: Find Granias in Payon. Can you show her your gratitude?!

Miracle Man

Recommended Level: None Difficulty: Easy Party: No Repeatability: Unlimited
Quest Reward: Grape Juice
Description: In Aldebaran there is a rumor of a man who can perform miracles, turning water into wine. Be amazed as he turns your Holy Water into a fabulous "Grape Juice"!

Monster Extermination

Recommended Level: 80+ Difficulty: Medium-Hard Party: Varies Repeatability: Once Per Month Per Account
Quest Reward: 1 Lunatic Card, 2 Old Purple Boxes, 3 Gold, 4 Life Insurance, 5 Allegience Points
Description: Try to help Jack and his friends to exterminate monsters all around the world of heRO! Jack and his friends are busy people and can only visit you certain days of the week. Also they will never be found each time in the same exact spot on the map as they move about the map they are located.

Mr. Hatter

Recommended Level: 80+ Difficulty: Medium Party: None Repeatability: Unlimited
Quest Reward: Hatter's series of unique hats (for a list of custom hats he has see Hatter Gears)
Description: Mr. Hatter is a weird fellow from a far away land. He's been in the business of hat making all his life, and he has perfected his art to make beautiful headgears. You can find him near the garden in front of Freya's Temple enjoying the beautiful scenery. Talk to him and you may persuade Mr. Hatter to make a headgear for you! For more information about quest rewards, click on the link for detailed view of this quest. Party may be needed depending on the randomized list of tasks given.


Recommended Level: 80+ Difficulty: Hard Party: No Repeatability: Once per character
Quest Reward: "Nobility Gem" equipment and Nobility status
Description: Be a proud member of the Nobility in Rune Midgard, forever honored even by King Tristan III himself! The treasury of gold reserves for Rune Midgard has been running low due to recent wars and other necessary spendings. Therefore, the king will award the Nobility Status to anyone who can help in refilling the treasury. Answer to the king's royal decree regarding the treasury and Nobility is in reach! For more information about Nobility, click on the detailed view about this quest.

Observation Wing Quest

Recommended Level: Lv 99 for non-trans, Lv 89+ for trans Difficulty: Moderate Party: Yes Repeatability: Unlimited
Quest Reward: Observation Wings
Description: Collect the feathers off the angel "Observation" to remake a Wing in its image that can harness gold off of monsters! Party needed to enter the Thanatos Tower.

Oh So Blue

Recommended Level: 65+ Difficulty: Easy Party: No Repeatability: Once per character
Quest Reward: Blue Beret
Description: A man inside a town carved out of an inactive volcano is fascinated with the blue color. Complete his collection of blue items to change your ordinary green colored Beret into a Blue Beret!

Rabbit in the Hat Quest

Recommended Level: 80 Difficulty: Easy Party: No Repeatability: Once per character
Quest Reward: Rabbit in the Hat
Description: Assemble this hat perfect for fellow Geffenians that resemble one of the oldest trick in the book!

Rideword Hat Quest

Recommended Level: Any Difficulty: Moderate Party: No Repeatability: Unlimited
Quest Reward: Rideword Hat Quest equipment
Description: A scholar in Yuno has discovered how to make a new kind of book you can wear on your head!

Silly Willy

Recommended Level: None Difficulty: Easy Party: No Repeatability: Once per account
Quest Reward: White Sailor Hat equipment
Description: Poor Willy has lost his hat and asks you to aid him in finding it. Travel around the docks of the world and visit his friends to help him recover it. Of course you first have to help his friends before they will help you to proceed along. Finish the quest and come to own your own Sailor Hat.

Thanatos Tower Party Quest

Recommended Level: Lv 99 for non-trans, Lv 89+ for trans Difficulty: Hard Party: Yes Repeatability: Once per character
Quest Reward: Not Light/Dark related, but reward varies depending on your allegiance.
  • 20 million exp
  • Old Card Album
  • Hat Voucher
  • Other various smaller items
  • for Light Allegiance: Dame of Sentinel Pet Egg
  • for Dark Allegiance: Baroness of Retribution Pet Egg
  • for having no Allegiance: Lady Solace Pet Egg
Description: Up in a tower under the excavation and maintenance of the Rebenker Company is a group of brave adventurers who try to challenge the great MvP of the tower, "Memory of Thanatos." However, due to various problems such as lack of equipment, injuries in battle, personal quarrels between party members, and curiosity leading the party members astray, the party is completely separated and broken up. The party leader who waits for his party members up in Thanatos Tower F12 hopes that someone can lend a hand for their party so they will gather up again and defeat "Memory of Thanatos" together as a team.

Thanksgiving Costume Exchange

Recommended Level: None Difficulty: Easy Party: No Repeatability: Unlimited (November only)
Quest Reward: Costume Peco Peco Cap, Costume Hill Wind Mask, Costume Turkey Hat
Description: You can exchange Hugel Prize Medals (Obtained from official Hugel minigames or Kaldheim Arena for costumes in Hugel during the month of November.

True Poring Island

Recommended Level:  ??? Difficulty: Easy Party: No Repeatability: Once per character
Quest Reward: Access to the custom maps Poring City and True Poring Island
Description: Bloop will show you the way to his home and a custom dungeon if you bring the items he desires!

Wandering Spirit Quest

Recommended Level: 70+ Difficulty: Medium Party: Varies Repeatability: Once per character
Quest Reward: Chance at Witch's Hat, Purple Bat Doll, Spiderweb Wings

Pumpkin Mojos Unlock access to battle custom MvP, Hollow Poring. Unlocking more city warps for free (or receive small reward if map is unlocked already.)

Description: A rumor spreads in the world that there is a mysterious, wandering spirit causing trouble for many different people. The obsessive scholar Muerto in the city of Yuno is determined to solve the mystery.

Warper's Letters: Sisterly Affection

Recommended Level: None Difficulty: Easy Party: No Repeatability: Once per character
Quest Reward: Unlocking basic city warps for free
Description: The girl who provides the Warper's save point service has not seen her fellow sisters in a very long time and wonders if you can help deliver a few letters for her to her sisters in the other major cities of Geffen, Aldebaran, Alberta, Payon, Morroc, and Izlude. For helping her, she may reduce the cost needed to unlock these cities with some small gifts, along with giving you a basic introduction to some of heRO server's attractions and customs!

Warper's Letters: Sisterly Affection II

Recommended Level: None Difficulty: Easy Party: No Repeatability: Once per character
Quest Reward: Buddy Beanie and unlocking more warps for free.
Description: A continuation to the previous Sisterly Affection quest, the Warper Save Girl in Prontera asks for your help in gathering items to make gifts for her sisters in other towns and dungeons, then your help in delivering her gifts to her sisters. You get some great goodies, free unlocks, the Buddy Beanie, and helpful custom heRO info along the way.

White Mask Quest

Recommended Level: 65+ Difficulty: Easy Party: No Repeatability: Once per character
Quest Reward: White Mask equipment
Description: Create your very own White Mask equipment just like the other priests and monks within the Rachel Sanctuary Holy Grounds!

Zodiac Gate Quest

Recommended Level: 70+ Difficulty: Moderate Party: No Repeatability: Unlimited/Once
per character
Quest Reward: Zodiac Wings, Zodiac palette, chance of equipment items and goods
Description: In the city of Yuno resides the Time Master and the 12 brothers that were entrusted with the sacred task to guard the seals. Each brother is responsible for the seal of a month and will need proof of your worthiness to open the seal. They can each open a seal, but only the time master can open the Gate of Time that leads to the Timeless Room, and only if all 12 monthly seals were opened first.

The timeless room is the domain of the Zodiac master and his 3 sisters. All 4 of them hold gifts for the travelers that reach the timeless room. In addition, the Zodiac master is also the maker of a magical Zodiac Stone that spawns beautiful colored wings in your back. He can also dress you up with his Zodiac color palette. For detailed information about the reward or chance of equipments and goods, please see the detailed information about this quest.

Note: The first part of unlocking the seal is unlimited, which rewards the player with chance of various equipments and goods. Earning the Zodiac Wings is restricted to once per character.

Modified Official Quests

The following quests are from official servers, but their rewards or required items are modified. Quests with retroactive reward means that you can go back to talk with the specified NPC to pick up the reward even if you completed the quest before heRO server modified the rewards.

For other modified quests, please see Modified Official Quests

See Also